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what does bush think he's doing?

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Post March 10th, 2006, 2:37 am

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^Edit button please!!!

I do agree. Bush, while he has ideas, he never is organized and nor does he present them with any confidence or poise. I do like the fact that he is down to earth for the most part and doesnt seem to be some "entity" no one can relate too but he also just isnt professional enough.

Unfortunatly what America wants is someone to blindly lead them because they lead themselves. If that wasnt the case there wouldnt be all this fuss about getting him out.

He does have poor leadership skills though.

Post March 10th, 2006, 3:38 am
Oscar User avatar
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I went to public schools all my life and current events were never mentioned till 8th grade, then they died out and started now in college once more with my economics professor. Curent events sure are not taught enough in school these days. Would you believe that the current event of 9/11 was not even mentioned the day it occured at school? Not a bleep, education needs an overhaul imo [lol]
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post March 10th, 2006, 4:21 am

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WWS I find that hard to believe. On that day all normal classes stopped. Hell we were taking ISTEP tests and the after noon session was cancelled entirly. The history class spent about a week talking about it and possible scenarios to be played out, but after a week we went back to what we were doing. One teacher in the entire high school did give an extra credit point to anyone who told her about a current event of the day. Suffice to say alot of the current evens she got were, "x sports team beat y sports team"

McCain for President.

Post March 10th, 2006, 11:19 am

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I have to agree with WWS. Very little current events (depending upon teacher) were brought up during high school. It picks up alot with college as they realize its nice to at least have an eye on the world around you.

But with most High Schools its just per teacher.

Post March 10th, 2006, 11:49 am
gouldy User avatar
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"what does bush think he's doing?"

Bush? Think? The very notion...


Post March 10th, 2006, 12:00 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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Originally posted by Hepta

^ im moving back to holland as soon as I can.

why did you leave in the first place

Post March 10th, 2006, 12:30 pm

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^ My parents moved to Glousester(where the VIMS(Virginia Institute of Marine Scince)is. It's part of the College Of William and Mary, which was the second college in the United States(Chartered 1693). So we moved to Glousester so my dad could get his doctorate.). So that was when I was two. THen when i was 5 my parents split up, and i moved with my mom here to Williamsburg, about 45 minutes away. And we still live in the same house.

Post March 10th, 2006, 6:55 pm

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Originally posted by gouldy

"what does bush think he's doing?"
Bush? Think? The very notion...
So nice to see our neighbors across the pond are paying attention ... [lol]

And oh yeah ... then there are idiots who PM me and think it is ACTUALLY going to be read. Shame this ought to go to waste ... maybe someone else here can use this information to develop an uninformed opinion as well. Apprently, he does not know that I am not only not rich, and am active duty Air Force and am serving my country as well. What a clueless rant this is.

Thank you Iman, for proving that morons continue to exist even in the quiet of their own minds.

PM begins ...

Title: You are an incompasionate rat.

Originally posted by TConwell
Else, you might want to start saving now to pay for your mommy's social security, because if the Dems have their way, it will not be there for her and she will be living with you and your half-breed sister.

I might be young, but I do my research. I also do believe you're having a hard time seperating fact from fiction. The people of our prodominantlly republican government have been blowing smoke up your ass. First off:
What he is doing is tightening up National Security, something else that the Democratic Party says we don't need. Like, when Clinton was briefed that Osama Bin Laden was a threat to the US and he chose to ignore it. And well, we all know what he did in 2001.
Selling our ports (and he still wants to) foriegn companies, and of all countrys Dubai, does not beef up our security. Dubai, much like our country's leaders, is a beyond corrupt, and littraly doing anything for money, make deals and work with terrorists! AND!!!! funding has almost been completely cut for port security! Yea, that's real safe for our love homeland when a nuke on a cargo ship destroys half of Floirda!
And fox news is beyond bias, that's not news, that's advertizing for money with a bit of halfass poop thrown in.

America, Bush sais, needs to end its addiction to oil. Yea, WE ALL DRIVE CARS! Just two years ago he wouldn't even listen to the notion of funding alternative fuel research. Naturally this gives us reason to to stick our troops (of which 78% do not support the war) in the middle of another countrys iminant civil war. And just to claify, there is a difference between supporting our troops and supporting the war. I support the troops, I want them to live, by , if I was old enough to vote, trying to end the war. Or is that to hard a concept for your thick skull grasp? Let me ask you this: Have you lost your brother to this war? To tell you the truth I don't give a love as to what you think, but I have. People, my family, are dying for no reason. You make me sick.

You say democrats are taking away social security, what the hell!! Oh, yea, that's right, you're a richass snob who acctually got tax cuts. Well the other 90% of America got tax cuts fractional in realation to what you got. Oh yea, that's right, tax cuts and services and social security do go hand in hand. Republicans use tax cuts to get elected!! And they can do it because stupid people like you can't think beond their pockets!! Services, social security and the likes dissapear when there is no tax income for them!! It's fine for you because you can stick your ass in a private school, there are people who can't stick their ass in their own home. The quality of life is slipping away EVERY SINGLE DAY. Ever herd that the rich get richer and the poor, the really hard working poor, get poorer? Huh? I know what it is like living when the only meal you have all day is the one schools slop out for you. I know what it is like living in Detroit in a house that is half the size of your bathroom. You know what? I defied the odds and every other person who told me that I would be nothing. When every other kid around me failed school and was killed by a gang, I kept in school. Now hear this, when I was in sventh grade I wittnesd tow of my 13 year old friends get beaten and killed. Do you know what traumatizing is?(Fox doesn't show you news, gang violence doesn't exist: Bullshit). I still have 14 inch long scars on my arms from the cuts that I made. In depression, in hope of scuicide, I decided to rise above fate. You know what? I did it. I am 15 years old and I'm paid $42,000 a year for the homes and the art within their function that I create. I'm not a saint, I'm the epitimy of what you might call will power
That is not having tax cuts, and 1 million other people in Detroit will not have their social security, their only light!!

You make me sick, sick just to think that such ignorance can give insult like this.

I'm not a saint, I'm the epitimy of what you might call will power.

Sincerely yours,[pdie]

PM Ends ...

Heh, and yet it continues:

You do many people a dishonor with just a few paragraphs. Yet you can't recognize it. I guess my 'litle novel' was just a bit to complicated for you. [stupid]

Geesh, someone clue this kid in, will ya?

And yes, I responded once and for all - and I don't think he is going to like at all.

OK, ignore time ... I'm done with the kid. [r]

Post March 10th, 2006, 7:49 pm

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Post March 10th, 2006, 7:51 pm

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Why is it that you attract so many admirers there Tcon? Seems he has taken quite a liking to you. [lol]

On behalf of the portion of America that is actually educated enough to see both sides, that rant was pretty much rubbish. Too many inaccurate factoids to mention, so I will simply say that Iman is way off base and all of you dangerous corupt foreigners should take this into account. We all have our extremes and apparently Iman is one of ours. Although he has the right to express his opinion, it is not representative of the country at large.

"78% of the military don't support the war?" Rubbish

"Dubai, much like our country's leaders, is a beyond corrupt" Our only ally in the Middle East, who has infused almost 20 billion dollars into the US economy in the last 10 years?

"Oh yea, that's right, you're a richass snob who acctually got tax cuts" Wow Tcon, I didn't realize government employee were so rich? Must be all the money you make on the side as a preacher.[lol]

"I know what it is like living in Detroit in a house that is half the size of your bathroom" That is one small house? Let me guess, it's up 50 flights of stairs and has not running water or power?

"I still have 14 inch long scars on my arms from the cuts that I made. In depression, in hope of scuicide" Not at all funny. How would your death make a difference in the world? If you want social and economic change, start with your own head first. It is hard to have a voice when you cut your own off.

Hopefully Iman at least feels better after that intellectual diatribe because it was for his benefit alone.[sillyme]

Post March 10th, 2006, 7:58 pm

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Originally posted by pdonahue

Why is it that you attract so many admirers there Tcon? Seems he has taken quite a liking to you. [lol]
Seems they always flock to me, eh?

Originally posted by pdonahue

"Oh yea, that's right, you're a richass snob who acctually got tax cuts" Wow Tcon, I didn't realize government employee were so rich? Must be all the money you make on the side as a preacher.[lol]
Must be going somewhere cause I never see it.

Originally posted by pdonahue

"I know what it is like living in Detroit in a house that is half the size of your bathroom" That is one small house? Let me guess, it's up 50 flights of stairs and has not running water or power?
Ya, and he has to walk to school in the snow, 50 miles, with no shoes, uphill ... both ways.

Post March 10th, 2006, 8:10 pm

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Post March 10th, 2006, 8:19 pm

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Originally posted by TConwell

Form the mouth of a 14 year old ... yeah, big opinion there that truly matters to all involved here. The Patriot Act is what helped catch Moussaoui ( ... index.html) you freaking n00b. Pay attention bozo. However, you might want to look up the terms of the Presidency and you will see he will be leaving soon enough, and then you can begin to assume the position in prayer that a Democrat does not get into the house. Else, you might want to start saving now to pay for your mommy's social security, because if the Dems have their way, it will not be there for her and she will be living with you and your half-breed sister.

Ragan, he has done nothing to be impeached - unlike our last Democratic President who decided to get a knob job in the oval office from an intern. Come to think of it ... at one time you were almost regarded as having some knowledge, now, you are joining the ranks of the mentally ignorant. You too should also learn about the terms of the presidency, and a quick review of Constitutional Law might benefit you as well ... at least, it will keep you from looking like a complete arse.

Hepta, you should glance at things like Federal Law for threatening or wishing harm on the President of the United States ...

However, for those saying President Bush is not doing anything ... as WWS said you might want to pull your heads out of your arses and pay attention to the news. ... index.html

What he is doing is tightening up National Security, something else that the Democratic Party says we don't need. Like, when Clinton was briefed that Osama Bin Laden was a threat to the US and he chose to ignore it. And well, we all know what he did in 2001. I guess maybe the sounds of the hummer he was getting was blocking out the common sense waves.

Dang, what a bunch of retarded n00bs you sound like.

Oh yeah, all three of you just got owned ... so shut up and move onto another thread.

TConwell, you're entitled to your opinion and I respect that, but what you said above was very rude.

Post March 10th, 2006, 8:35 pm

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Originally posted by Princess_G

TConwell, you're entitled to your opinion and I respect that, but what you said above was very rude.

Since sugar coating seems to be the only thing that works for this generation - I will not patronize anymore. Quite frankly as a parent of two teenagers, I am sick of seeing the condition of our nation because of uninformed persons who seem to always find a microphone and thus sway the views of others. Think of it this way if it helps you sleep at night Princess, this type of opinion could represent the next generation of leaders ... would you want someone to be honest now? Or when they are old like us and pretty much set in their ways.

However, your opinion is yours -- thanks for sharing by insulting me.

Post March 10th, 2006, 10:04 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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And he has the lowest approval rating.

Hmm there's a parallel.

EDIT: Clinton was still a fine president, his sex life = his sex life, not ours. It didn't ruin or country or laws or anything. If he thinks it's immoral, it is, if not, it's not. As long as you don't hurt yourself or anyone else anything, it's fine.

Post March 10th, 2006, 10:19 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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^ approval ratings mean nothing. It could mean that majority of the people have been brainwashed into thinking that he's a bad president. For example, if you ask some one why they don't like Bush, they'll give you a number of different reasons, but not of them really mean anything. They just say what they've been told, most people generally don't think for themselves about whats going on, or think for themselves about what they think on issues. They just say what they've been told to say. If you think for yourself and you clearly no what your talking about, even if its against my views, I'll respect it. But if you say you have a view just because everyone else you know has that view, then I probably won't.

Post March 10th, 2006, 11:11 pm

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Speaking of approval ratings, Nixon won by a landslide .... ;-)

Post March 11th, 2006, 1:26 am

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Originally posted by TConwell

Originally posted by Princess_G

TConwell, you're entitled to your opinion and I respect that, but what you said above was very rude.

Since sugar coating seems to be the only thing that works for this generation - I will not patronize anymore. Quite frankly as a parent of two teenagers, I am sick of seeing the condition of our nation because of uninformed persons who seem to always find a microphone and thus sway the views of others. Think of it this way if it helps you sleep at night Princess, this type of opinion could represent the next generation of leaders ... would you want someone to be honest now? Or when they are old like us and pretty much set in their ways.

However, your opinion is yours -- thanks for sharing by insulting me.

First off I did not insult you. Believe me you would know if I did. I simply stated what you said was rude. If that is the way you feel you need to respond to a teenager then so be it. You don't have to "sugarcoat" anything, but talking down to a person just does not seem right to me. You're a parent of two teenagers, kudos. It takes a strong person to raise kids these days. But with that being said you should lead by example. Name-calling seems a bit childish, don't you think? That's all I'm saying. But do what you want, I'm not here to argue with you or anyone else for that matter.

PS - I'm not old dammit![lol][lol]

Post March 11th, 2006, 1:47 am
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Anyways... What does the GP think they're doing!?!?!?111///???
They ruin our parks with they're stupid assumptions!
Living Proof

[lol] I saw it on a thread in TPR but couldn't help but share it.

Post March 11th, 2006, 2:20 am

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Originally posted by Princess_G

First off I did not insult you. Believe me you would know if I did.
Oooooooooooo ... burn.
Seriously, come on down now Princess. You might get a nose bleed from that high horse you are perched on. [:D][;)]
Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all.

Post March 11th, 2006, 2:36 am

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what the hell is everyone getting so pissed off at each other for? i only meant to be expressing my opinion, not to turn WWS into a no-holds-bar debate room.

take some chill pills!

and maybe we should have this topic locked so we dont make everyone dislike everyone else

Post March 11th, 2006, 2:41 am
coolbeans326 User avatar
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^ if it continues, maybe, but not until everybody lmao's the comic strip.[lol]

Post March 11th, 2006, 10:16 am

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Just for CB ... [lol]
Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all.


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