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SFMM Employee Who Was in Lynwood Last Night...

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Post March 20th, 2006, 9:41 am

Posts: 5626
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Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

Children drinking alcohol ... now THERE is a good idea. <eye roll>

Post March 20th, 2006, 11:00 am

Posts: 1830
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Location: London, United Kingdom

Originally posted by SMer

Originally posted by zan_2003

talking about underage drinking, don't u think its really stupid that u can go to the army in america, go to war, get ur leg blown off by IED come back to the US and not be able to have a drink in the pub?? thats just crazy!

way to steal from Chris Rock ya cheap bastard

Ok then, Chris Rock stole that from someone else, i forget whome, cuz i heard that years ago.. might have been a michael moore film..

Post March 20th, 2006, 3:11 pm
jayman Premium Member
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Originally posted by zan_2003

Originally posted by SMer

Originally posted by zan_2003

talking about underage drinking, don't u think its really stupid that u can go to the army in america, go to war, get ur leg blown off by IED come back to the US and not be able to have a drink in the pub?? thats just crazy!
the same arguement applied during the conflict in vietnam, kids could get drafted and killed in a war (or worse) but could not vote... which is rediculous... these kids were being slaughterd so the government could keep the evil commie boogieman alive and at the same time pad the pockets of the big buisinesses that profited greatly from this war (whose sons did not have to go, or even be placed in the lottery) , and since they weren't 21 yet they could do nothing to vote the assholes who perpetuated this mess far as drinking goes i'd say that a military i.d should be sufficient at any age for one to enter a bar and drink themselves silly, if they want... these guys are willing , wether it be because of ignorant , blind patriotism, or because they need money for college (not as likely anymore) to risk their lives in our name, wether we want them to or not... this should entitle them to ALL the rights granted adult civilians , with the exceptions of the ones they waived when they took their oath... these people have shown that they are willing to do things that many are not, including waiving many of their rights, to do what they think is right, and in theory it is noble, and deserves some sort of reward.

way to steal from Chris Rock ya cheap bastard

Ok then, Chris Rock stole that from someone else, i forget whome, cuz i heard that years ago.. might have been a michael moore film..

Post March 20th, 2006, 4:10 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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^Thats not really uncommon. Here in Canada you can join the military at 16, but can't drink until you are 19.

Haha they get you hooked on booze so you drop out of school and have to join the military to pay for your addiction.

Just joking, but that would suck for a draft.


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