I like the fact that they start to make logical layouts (I mean, still twisted, yet building parallel sections. Look at this turn around the first drop section:
http://www.rcdb.com/ig2967.htm?picture=24 What kind of annoys me about that is that I did a very similar turn under the first drop on my GCI-styled NL track I started more than a year ago... however it's also somewhat nice that they make it for real. I would've preferred if it was covered by lateral bracing, though... flying under support beams just rocks![:)]
Yes it would be better if it was covered with lateral bracing. Both this and thunderbird look like good rides! GCI are doing pretty well at the moment i reckon, and flamingoland might be getting one for 2007! WAHOO!
I reckon this thing will have good airtime on it, as after the first drop, it goes straight into a low airtime hill doesnt it? And then the rest of the ride is quite low to the ground after the first drop. So it should be FAST. [:)]
Well Josh is down in florida taking POV's and is currently waiting in Sheikra's 3 hour Q line. Im talking to him all day while hes at the park cause he has a black berry. He already promised a Voyage POV cause its only 70 miles from Louisville where he moved. He got away with Montu and Gwazi already!
Well Josh is down in florida taking POV's and is currently waiting in Sheikra's 3 hour Q line. Im talking to him all day while hes at the park cause he has a black berry. He already promised a Voyage POV cause its only 70 miles from Louisville where he moved. He got away with Montu and Gwazi already!
Well Josh, Unless you have inside help you will half to get it from the park or if they allow coaster event people to video like use to do at some of there events. The later will be had by me as I'm know the owner's really well.
Thanks for posting this KY Rumbler Chris, aka Fornication Nation. I didn't know about this coaster until now. It looks to be a very wicked ride. By that I mean some good lateral G's and sharp curves. It appears to be about 80 feet high. One picture show a curve with the lateral bracing on the inside of the curve instead of the outside of the track or the rail on the outside of the curve. I would think that's where most of the side pressure would be, on the outside rail and where most of the bracing should be. Maybe they will add some there since the ride is still under construction. Photos were great!
Kentucky Rumbler is ready to open to the public at Beech Bend park! During the construction tour on March 19th, guests were able to ride Kentucky Rumbler. Initial reviews put it right up there with Thunderhead, even though the staff are saying it was running nearly 4 seconds slower than it should at full speed!
For full size versions of the above images and more, click here and here.
Anyway the ride itself for me was a cross between the Ozark Wildcat and Thunderhead. The ride is similar to the Wildcat but it rides like the Thunderhead. It has the same kind of out of control ride like Thunderhead.
woohoo its finished its kinda ironic because i just moved to kentucky
That's not ironic! That's just lucky, unless you moved from sandusky, Ohio, in which case, you're an idiot [:)]
If you only knew how lame majority of CP's rides were...Kentucky Rumbler + Raven + Legend + Voyage = better than all of CP. Times 2.
I get to ride all of those this summer. Yup, CP's rides, then the following wooden coasters.[^]
And I will report on each and everyone of them.[approve]
Some highlights;
Track crossing over track, which is crossing over track. KR has 30 crossovers.
Can you spot the station?
It was also said on the tour that every footer under the coaster goes down into the ground about 4 feet and connects to a concrete slab that follows along the track.
Beech Bend is also discussing putting lights on the front of the train.
Damn..GCI really is turning into the top notch woodie maker IMO.
Pay close attention to the speed over the station level flyby, and keep in mind that the train is running 4 seconds slower than it is expected to.... [:O][shocked]
Yup, everybody's all like ahh... it's just another GCI with a layout that looks like it was scribbled out by a 2 year old. Well, apparantly its more then just a layout scribbled out by a 2 year old. And for that I say..... YAY!!![lol]
That thing goes so fast it looks like it was edited... not just the music but it was speeded up or something... It can't possibly go That fast, it looks like it's going to fly off the track!