Originally posted by italianpnoy112
Sigh...much better..anyway I'm know chickens don't have fur I was talking about their meat along with cows...BTW If you still can't find a better insulator then a jacket stuffed with cotton and wool then I feel hopeless for you because I have nothing else for you. Either your very poor skin is sensitive, or you just don't have enough fat on yourself, but hey..you could always use a snow jacket on a 65 degree day and make yourself stand-out in a bad way, but that's up to you.
Sigh...much better..anyway I'm know chickens don't have fur I was talking about their meat along with cows...BTW If you still can't find a better insulator then a jacket stuffed with cotton and wool then I feel hopeless for you because I have nothing else for you. Either your very poor skin is sensitive, or you just don't have enough fat on yourself, but hey..you could always use a snow jacket on a 65 degree day and make yourself stand-out in a bad way, but that's up to you.
Looks like someone is avoiding the question to make it look like I don't have a valid point when I really do. Please answer my original question, you know exactly what it is asking.