Dude, that's a load of rubbish, all of the panel that give out michelin stars to restaurants agree that English food is quite definitely the best in Europe, because of how varied it is. Nothing beats a good Shepards pie for example, beautiful. Where as the French just eat whatever is on the floor in front of them. "ooh a frog seems to have misplaced it's leg *chomp* ... ooo and a dog seems to have shat on a leaf *chomp*"
![test [lol]](https://www.coastercrazy.com/forums/images/smilies/icon_e_ugeek.gif)
We don't know how to use spices? The national dish these days is Curry for christs sake, what the hell are you on about?
Seriously man, you say you spent a few months nyah, what did you do, just eat sandwiches or something? As ECG was saying above, American food is terrible. Except for home cooked things obviously, but I'm talking about what you would consider national cuisine, which is undoubtedly fast food, which is all incredibly appalling at the best of times.
Seriously, you have no idea what you're talking about