I'm just going to tell the story from start to finish, so here it goes.
It started off when I logged on WeeWeeSlap at some time last evening. I immediatly took notice when there was newly added pages to the NL 1.6 screenshots thread. I clicked on it, and viewed the new screenshots of the water. While on www.nolimitscoaster.de I clicked on the credits page for no reason at all. While on the page, I realized Buster's first name was Kay. Being curious as I am, and no offense to anyone, I asked Dcs if Buster was a girl or a guy. It was stupid off me, but Dcs responded by saying something along the lines of, "I know one Kay, and she was a girl." I then said, "I knew a Kay Altman. She was a girl." (My P.E. coach) Dcs suddenly asked, "Did you go to Tabb?" It may sound crazy, but Dcs and I went to the same middle school. What a small world it is. We both had Kay Altman for P.E. We went on and on about the school, and it was obvious that we both went there. We both knew alot about it, including the teachers, the teams, the special classes offered, and alot about the place. There were even some very fine girls at Tabb. I just think its pretty cool and very weird that we went to the same middle school, out of millions across the country. I have lived in 6 states during my short life, so it's even more crazy in my eyes. Anyways, I just thought I would tell you guys about it, as Dcs and I thought it was pretty cool.