What im not mature because i put SHUDUP. He is having a go at me for takin a masiive 60 points. I was only trying to see if i could actually get the burglar tool to work
We all know they can work. We've had threads in which about 2000 points was stolen. But if having fun with the burglar tool is fun and all 'YAY-full' your retarded[:D].
Is my sig to big? It took me like 2 hours, I had to make the sky for Big Bad Wolf, since it was a different size than the other three, but the sky still looks a bit unnatural.
Dude, rollercoasters is a part of my life. A very big part in fact. I dont know why your bringing personal things into this.
You dont like rollercoasters, so why feel the need to mock me in my presense eh?
Not trying to say anything but backstabbing in topics is totally un-called for.
What im not mature because i put SHUDUP. He is having a go at me for takin a masiive 60 points. I was only trying to see if i could actually get the burglar tool to work
So! I robbed 500 points from ya ass. Please STFU now and argu things over PM or an IM.[:(!]
Coastercount: 1410(I've seen the world and it's horrid contraptions... @.@) - Wood: 142 - Steel: 1268
I have no idea I did add something admin wise but none of the coding would affect the way the smilies show up, still waiting on a dev to response on some questions of the code I added.