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Visited a theme park and have a wild time?!? Post your trip report here and tell us all about it!

Post March 27th, 2006, 1:56 pm

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I am going to disneyland from tommorrow to tuesday night. Wed i will have the trip report. I am going to California Adventure and the regular one right across it. Stay tuned!

Post March 27th, 2006, 1:59 pm

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Thank God, I thought you were going to make a RCT project out of it and ask for people to help you then start somthing else but, I guess I am wrong. Have a great time. [:D]

Post March 27th, 2006, 2:32 pm
Oscar User avatar
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I'd go and meet you but since I just unbanned you, you might want to throw me on the tracks or something [lol]
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post March 27th, 2006, 2:39 pm

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Post March 30th, 2006, 4:16 pm
Oscar User avatar
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no time soon [lol]
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post March 30th, 2006, 11:47 pm

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Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA
Disneyland Trip

Disneyland and Disney's California Adventure

Grading system

0-10% Horrible, cannot get better
10-20% Still very bad
20-30% Still bad
30-50% Average
50-70% Pretty good
70-80% Really Good
80-90% Superb
90-95% Superb+
95-100% Perfect



Space Mountain- Great ride, with all of the added stuff to it. The one thing I did find odd is that there is speakers IN THE CARS!! That is plain weird. Every time I went on it was 30+ minutes long, except when I used my park ticket (3-day park hopper [8D]) for a fastpass (man, those things come in handy). This ride also picks up so much speed and it is so long. Just incredible, and with the added effects it makes it much cooler. It is hard to see which way you would turn. My Grade- 96%

Matterhorn- Although it is old and rickety, this ride still packs a punch. Very rough transitions though. I actually saw workmen climbing it to the top! It was really weird. Nice effects, but they are out of date. This ride really needs a lot of refurbishment. My Grade- 73%

Big Thunder Mountain Railroad-Very good, although old, this is alot better than Matterhorn. Very long, which adds to the percentage. Good airtime from all of the places, but there are some bad transitions. Still a pretty good ride. On the third lift hill, my family got stuck and we had to walk down. They gave us fastpasses to use any day. That was just awesome. My Grade- 84%

Splash Mountain- This was a great ride, but I lost my "No Fear" hat on the big drop, which was really sad. Some of the drops were unexpected, considering I was in the very back of the car (which explains how I lost my hat.) The ride wait was 75 min, but I got to go single rider on this. Great ride. My Grade- 90%

Disney's California Adventure

California Screamin'-(Man, I have been waiting to ride and rate this for a long time.)This was a punch-packing ride, but what is the point of it to build a launching coaster for it to not go over 80mph? It seemed like a kiddy ride considering that I rode TTD and KK. Great transitions, but kind of high gs on the loop, which might be uncomforable to most riders. No airtime (except for the front two cars on the first hill). This really needs a lot of work, but still a great ride. My Grade- 76%(yes, it is this bad)

The Twiglight Zone Tower of Terror- Different than the Florida version, so it was much more unexpected. The bad thing was that it was the same ride every time, but there were six elevators running at once, which made it go alot faster. My Grade- 93%

Maliboomer- This is a drop ride like the one on the Stratosphere. It was pretty good, considering it was my first time on a ride like this. Great airtime at the top. My Grade- 89%


182+76=258+90=348+84=432+73=505+96=611/700= about 87%

This was a really fun trip!

Post March 30th, 2006, 11:55 pm

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God, you didnt have to make a special rating system and all these down to the one hundredth rates....Find other ways to make yourself feel cool and special.

How the Hell did you rate screamin so low...No airtime my ASS

Post March 31st, 2006, 12:00 am

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^Just because you dont do it that way it doesnt meen that nobody can.

Post March 31st, 2006, 12:15 am

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Pretty pointless rating system as SFMM said. Also, as he said, rating Screamin so low with your complaints being no airtime and high g's is pretty rediculous. Screaming has 3 hills with ejector air in all seats and many other points of air for certain seats, and the loop is not nearly as intense as a Schwarzkopf, so I'm not what you are tallking about as far as that is concerned. Aside from that, a nice little review, thanks for sharing it.

Post March 31st, 2006, 10:42 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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^ no ejector, all floater now, except on the first air hill after the launch. Also its not a kiddy coaster, its a family coaster, and a pretty damn good family coaster. Also the loop is uncomfortable to no one. NO ONEEE!!!!!!1111R()xZorZ the s0x!!!!1111

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