So, here?????????s the start of my trip report!
Sunday was the beginning of the three-day trip with my parents and my brother.
We left home at about 4am already for a 2,5 hours drive, then we went on with the TGV. I was feeling way sick, so the journey was not too pleasant, but I got better as the day progressed.
We were right on time to get into the
Walt Disney Studios opening at 10am. The first thing we saw when coming in was the fassade of tower of terror. It looks really frightening and construction seems to be coming along nicely????????? I wonder why it won't open until 2008.
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Me and my brother directly headed to
rock?????????n?????????rollercoaster to launch into a great time. We queued 10 minutes only and then found out that they now let you choose where to sit, which wasn't the case before ????????? I was very glad about that, not because of r?????????n?????????r, but I hoped it would be like this on Big thunder Mountain as well.
We took a front seat ride on aerosmith?????????s vekoma LSM. It was a good ride as always, very harmonic and flowing, but there was a big flaw this time: The music was barely audible in the trains. I thought it might have been a speaker malfunction in the front car of that train first, but as my brother didn't want to ride again right away, we went on to the
Cyberspace Mountain.
Have you heard of that? I think it's quite unique, and could be what we NL gamers dream of: A coaster simulator where you can program your own tracks! This is how it works in short:
You insert your park ticket in a special machine where you can build your ride. It will be very surrealistic and in one of three space worlds. You can choose around 30, 50 or 70 mph as average speed, and then construct your ride out of 12 ?????????normal????????? elements selectable by buttons, and some special elements that are shown on screen depending on where your track is at the moment. There are weird loop combos, scenery interactions, even different jumps where the train leaves the track, performs a sick element, and lands on track again.
After 10?????????000 feet, you?????????re done. The track is saved on your ticket and rated on intensity: one to five. My brother didn't want to come with me this time, so needless to say, I programmed an intensity five track. You then give it to a ride OP and get into a round, 2-seat simulator. This washing machine-like thing can twist 360 degrees in all directions.
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My ride had three jumps, one on which the train spins backwards vertically, one that is a zero-g roll without rails, and one where the train spins horizontally, which felt the most weird, but cool. About 10 inversions were featured which are really intense because the simulator actually inverts you multiple times for some single ones of them to produce the right g-forces. But the most insane element was the ?????????Outer spiral?????????, a tight helix which is outwardly banked, I think around 60 degrees.[xx(] That?????????s straaange sustained negative g?????????s. What the machine can't seem to simulate is airtime, which I knew already????????? also, everything does feel really unreal-istic, mainly because the g?????????s don't flow like on real rollercoasters, but just sustain in the same force for some time. Still it's a fun experience, and I've never been as close to feeling nausea on a rollercoaster as after this ride.
Cyberspace Mountain: 8/10
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After a short lunch break, we watched the GREAT stunt show and Armageddon, which is way too loud, but other than that, not very spectacular. What I love everytime I watch it is Cinemagique; this wonder-ful humoristic and well-made short film gets better the more movies you know. The studio tram tour is great as well, but I won't describe these non-coaster attractions too much as they?????????re mostly about surprise effects, but still very re-rideable.
Finally, I went on
Rock?????????n?????????Rollercoaster again two times. This time I sat in the middle, then in the back. I was really disappointed that, even with my head constantly leaned back, the music was still not nearly as loud as it had been on my last visit ????????? maybe the coaster?????????s got a bit louder, but they have certainly tuned the music volume down because of some reasons. This is a shame, as Armageddon is still twice as loud. Still I like that layout a lot, not very intense, but the rollover is my favorite inversion combo so far, and I love the fact that the ride has some really nice lateral g?????????s for a steelie near the end. The ending may look lame (when watching a POV of superman-the ride), but the laterals there are quite fun [;)] Also, I got one of the best songs on my last ride, a medley of Lovin????????? in elevator and Walk this way. Yay![:D]
Rock?????????n?????????Rollercoaster: 8/10 (10/10 if the music was louder?????????)
We left the park at about 5pm. You can't really pass a whole day there when there's not much queuing, as there are just too few attractions, but it's still a nice park.
Sorry my time is limited tonight, I'll report parc asterix and Disneyland tomorrow.
I may upload some pics if I get the time to edit them and find out how to upload here, I honestly don't know by now?????????
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it a bit.