I'm soo happy. after about 3 weeks of fighting with Motorola about a phone that doesn't work, I got a new one. its sooooooo nice and I'm sooooo happy about it.
Last edited by SMer on April 7th, 2006, 4:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Actually, I just got a new phone yesterday. It has a camera, but not a video camera, but i'm heading off to Busch soon so ill get some Pics, but now POV's yet, sorry.
might be worth just paying the termination fee cuz I heard blackberries are in some kinda legal trouble as to who was the original designer and some plan got stolen or somethin, I dunno.
but yea, what kinda phone does everyone else have? no offense if you don't have/can't afford one. these days its beyond reasonable to assume someone has a cell phone.
Awesome, me too dude. I have the '7100' model, it a little old but quite frankly, i dont really need a phone, i just use it for the features it has, movies,music and photo's etc.
I would try and compare my new phone to an LG, but if LG does make any phones for sprint, I haven't seen em. Samsung and Sanyo are the major sprint manufacturers.
Had a Nokia for 2 years, lost the phone. Got a SonyEriccson to replace it, ran over it with a car. Got a Motorola to replace it, hate it. I'm on my 5th Motorola. As soon as the contract is up I'm back to Nokia. They're phones are VERY durable.