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New Orleans Saga ... Finally Some Explanation?

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Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

I found a TERRIFIC article that might help educate some a little bit on how the city got into the condition it is in, and I do not mean from a hurricane. And by the way, this is written by a minister, who is black, so you can right off recognize that this is not written as some sort of racial slam, but as facts that "some in America" do not want to admit.

A warning: Before you respond at one line because it sparked your interest, read it all so you do not sound like an uneducated, trifling n00b. Failure to have a response backed up with facts will lead to you being flamed harder than a blowtorch in your lap. You have been warned.


Moral poverty cost blacks in New Orleans

By Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson
c 2005

Say a hurricane is about to destroy the city you live in. Two questions:

What would you do?

What would you do if you were black?

Sadly, the two questions don't have the same answer.

To the first: Most of us would take our families out of that city quickly to protect them from danger. Then, able-bodied men would return to help others in need, as wives and others cared for children, elderly, infirm and the like.

For better or worse, Hurricane Katrina has told us the answer to the second question. If you're black and a hurricane is about to destroy your city, you'll probably wait for the government to save you.

This was not always the case. Prior to 40 years ago, such a pathetic performance by the black community in a time of crisis would have been inconceivable. The first response would have come from black men. They would take care of their families, bring them to safety, and then help the rest of the community. Then local government would come in. No longer. When 75 percent of New Orleans residents had left the city, it was primarily immoral, welfare-pampered blacks that stayed behind and waited for the government to bail them out. This, as we know, did not turn out
good results.

Enter Jesse Jackson and Louis Farrakhan. Jackson and Farrakhan laid blame on "racist" President Bush. Farrakhan actually proposed the idea that the government blew up a levee so as to kill blacks and save whites. The two demanded massive governmental spending to rebuild New Orleans, above and beyond the federal government's proposed $60 billion. Not only that, these two were positioning themselves as the gatekeepers to supervise the dispersion of funds. Perfect: Two of the most dishonest elite blacks in America, "overseeing" billions of dollars. I wonder where that money will end up.

Of course, if these two were really serious about laying blame on government, they should blame the local one. Responsibility to perform legally and practically fell first on the mayor of New Orleans We are now all familiar with Mayor Ray Nagin the black Democrat who likes to yell at President Bush for failing to do Nagin's job. The facts, unfortunately, do not support Nagin's wailing. As the Washington Times puts it, "recent reports show [Nagin] failed to follow through on his own city's emergency-response plan, which acknowledged that thousands of the city's poorest residents would have no way to evacuate the city."

One wonders how there was "no way" for these people to evacuate the city. We have photographic evidence telling us otherwise. You've probably seen it by now the photo showing 2,000 parked school buses, unused and underwater. How much planning does it require to put people on a bus and leave town, Mayor Nagin?

Instead of doing the obvious, Mayor Nagin (with no positive contribution from Democratic Gov. Kathleen Blanco, the other major leader vested with responsibility to address the hurricane disaster) loaded remaining New Orleans residents into the Superdome and the city's convention center. We know how that plan turned out.

About five years ago, in a debate before the National Association of Black Journalists, I stated that if whites were to just leave the United States and let blacks run the country, they would turn America into a ghetto within 10 years. The audience, shall we say, disagreed with me strongly. Now I have to disagree with me. I gave blacks too much credit. It took a mere three days for blacks to turn the Superdome and the convention center into ghettos, rampant with theft, rape and murder.

President Bush is not to blame for the rampant immorality of blacks. Had New Orleans' black community taken action, most would have been out of harm's way. But most were too lazy, immoral and trifling to do anything productive for themselves.

All Americans must tell blacks this truth. It was blacks' moral poverty not their material poverty that cost them dearly in New Orleans. Farrakhan, Jackson, and other race hustlers are to be repudiated they will only perpetuate this problem by stirring up hatred and applauding moral corruption. New Orleans, to the extent it is to be rebuilt, should be remade into a dependency-free, morally strong city where corruption is opposed and success is applauded. Blacks are obligated to help themselves and not depend on the government to care for them. We are all obligated to tell them so.

The Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson is founder and president of BOND, the
Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny, and author of "Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America." ... E_ID=46440
Last edited by TConwell on April 10th, 2006, 11:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all.

Post April 10th, 2006, 12:32 pm

Posts: 379
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Location: Santa Clarita, CA, USA

Being black, and coming from a black family (obviously I never ever, for one second thought that it was bush's fault for hurrican katrina. I still don't agree with the stuff he says, but he was the last person to blame in my book. I have relatives in New Orleans that are dead now, that I had talked to before the hurricane hit. My relatives were not poor, had a nice house and car etc. and could have left safely, but they were in total denial and refused to leave. Now, I have been to New orleans and some people did not have a car, or have a certain means of transportation out of the city, but like the article said you could have found some. There were unused school buses just sitting there.

There is a downside to this article though, even though it was written by a black man and I agree with the entire thing, I just wish he hadn't put the last piece of information in there. Where he says that if the whites of the U.S left,and the let the blacks run it, it would turn into ghettos in 10 years. Sadly that is mainly the truth, because most blacks nowadays are either sellng dope on the corner, or in jail, or living in the projects somewhere, but sometimes that isn't there fault. It could have been their choice, or they could have been raised that we. We don't know? But all I know is that, there are more blacks today living in poverty than ever before, but some of that can be fixed! I am 17 years old, I graduated highschool when I was 16,I am now almost a sophmore in college! I mean education is important, it cant go down the drain like that. It's not hard to find a job! I just think that blacks are too dependant on the government, and really don't give a damn cuz there recievng their welfare and unemployment checks just to make it by and its fine with them.

Like I said before I am black, and alot of blacks would think this article is downsizing to blacks and racist but you know what, look who is was written buy. It was written by a black man! Just wake up and smell the coffee, because it is reality!

I most likely wont come back to this topic, because I feel that someone might say something racist or prejiduce against this whole issue, that I don't even want to argue about, cuz it isn't worth my time.[;)]

Post April 10th, 2006, 5:55 pm

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i know this is totally irrelevant...but me and my friends crack on this fat mcdonalds obsessed black man, and after new orleans happened, we cracked on him for a month, saying stuff like: "biggs, weve told you a million times not to clap your titties in the water, you end up destroying cities" and crap like

end random post.

Post April 10th, 2006, 8:03 pm

Posts: 5626
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Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

ragan .... since I like you, this will be mild --- you are an idiot.

end random flame [lol]

Post April 10th, 2006, 8:59 pm
jayman Premium Member
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now this will sound wierd, but what happened to those people was a result of many different kinds of racism... bear with.i'm putting these thoughts together as i speak. first, the reason new orleans thrived as a city was because of the missipi river, but who loaded those boats?, slaves did, what was on some of those boats? slaves.. (keep reading i'm not finished i i stopped here i'd deserve anything you throw at me..)after the civil war and the abolition of slavery, and the short reconstruction period which ended abruptly when union troops were recalled from the south in a political move, another feirce representation of racism arose, a set of laws, commonly reffered to as "jim crow laws" these laws not only made stupid things against the law for blacks, they made it almost impossible for them to defend themselves when accused. this really made it easy to arrest any black man for just about anything. these men were put on chain gangs, and THEY are the ones who worked the original levys... (not done yet t.j..... breathe) after the civil rights movement these laws were thrown out.
thats when another,gentler, kinder racism appeared... but still racist as hell.
the "oooooh, you pooooor black people , don't worry, in fact don't do anything,there's no way you can do it on your own...ohh nonono... i'll help get laws passed so that you can eat, and have a place to stay." brand of racism, which in my opinion is just as degrading. this is when parts of the govenrment decided they could better themselves by making themselves look like heros (and no i don't mean robert kennedy or john, no not even carter) ... dr. king pointed out that telling blacks back in the 50's "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps ' was a sick joke to someone who didn't have any boots, and thats very true. but boots are something you go out and get yourself, and the civil rights act was supposed to make that possible. but many in our government have used it as an opportunity to say "oooh, no, stay poor, here's a welfare check, i neeed poor people to convince that i'm gonna make it alllllll better".. now though i do acknowledge this , but i'm gonna point out now that this is NOT as common as fox news and limbaugh etc. try to make it out to be, to keep their zombies entertained. but i think it does exist, and its sick.
the addiction to welfare that reverend peterson refers to is in my opinion
enabled by this kind of racism. it's no worse than blatantly disregarding someones humanity... so I THINK THAT WHAT HAPPENED AFTER THE HURRICANE IN NEW ORLEANS WAS A RESULT OF GOVERMENT SUBSIDISED RACISM. and to be fair, even if i can't stand him, not as much blame as people try to say is on this president alone. could he have done more? sure, did he know the levys might fail and say he didn't afterwards?, sure, but i don't think that his racism, if he is a racist at all (which i tend to doubt, a "classist" maybe ...)had anything to do with what happened....i'm done i hope i didn't screw up...

Post April 10th, 2006, 9:01 pm

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Location: IA, USA

Originally posted by TConwell

ragan .... since I like you, this will be mild --- you are an idiot.

end random flame [lol]

i know im an idiot. lol. thats not news to me man.

Post April 10th, 2006, 9:29 pm

Posts: 5626
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Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

jayman, nicely spoken words for a white man who has never experienced racism. It was well spoken though, too bad it does not add any relevance to this discussion except to attempt to recap 100 years of American history ... rather poorly I might add.
Originally posted by jayman

and to be fair, even if i can't stand him, not as much blame as people try to say is on this president alone. could he have done more? sure, did he know the levys might fail and say he didn't afterwards?, sure, but i don't think that his racism, if he is a racist at all

However, let me educate you here. Why is it the responsibility of the President of the United States to secure a levy in New Orleans? If it were, why have a mayor and a governor in each city/state? Aren't they responsible for the area? Isn't that what they are elected for? Come on man, you gotta try harder than that ... your argument is crap on the surface, and at every level beneath the surface it falls apart. And yes, you did hose that one.
Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all.

Post April 10th, 2006, 9:31 pm
jayman Premium Member
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it's not his responsibility, that's my point.. you must've missed the part where i was blaming the people you call LIBERALS... i'll try better next time. what iwas trying to point out was that the condescending racism of the left had more to do with what happened than how it was handled by the president. it was the best i could do in 5 minutes..

Post April 10th, 2006, 9:46 pm
jayman Premium Member
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eh.. on second thought, i guess that was a bunch of rambling.. ah well. in this case i'm guilty as charged for T.W.I.

Post April 10th, 2006, 10:15 pm

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Post April 10th, 2006, 10:18 pm

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As Americans I think we tend to place the blame on one thing and one thing alone. The failures of Katrina stretch from the poorest of poor in New Orleans to the President of the United States of America, George Bush. You can't rest it on just one person.

In my opinion there needs to be another Civil Rights movement becuase we havn't quite gotten to that part in the constitution that says, "All men* are created equal" Katrina showed that things need to change and they need to change now.

*fixed a typo in which I stated that I am in the mistake, im in the ammendments [:D]

Post April 10th, 2006, 10:19 pm
jayman Premium Member
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Post April 10th, 2006, 11:56 pm
jayman Premium Member
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Originally posted by TConwell

jayman, nicely spoken words for a white man who has never experienced racism. It was well spoken though, too bad it does not add any relevance to this discussion except to attempt to recap 100 years of American history ... rather poorly I might add.
Originally posted by jayman

and to be fair, even if i can't stand him, not as much blame as people try to say is on this president alone. could he have done more? sure, did he know the levys might fail and say he didn't afterwards?, sure, but i don't think that his racism, if he is a racist at all

However, let me educate you here. Why is it the responsibility of the President of the United States to secure a levy in New Orleans? If it were, why have a mayor and a governor in each city/state? Aren't they responsible for the area? Isn't that what they are elected for? Come on man, you gotta try harder than that ... your argument is crap on the surface, and at every level beneath the surface it falls apart. And yes, you did hose that one.
p.s. i was home schooled, what'd you expect?

Post April 11th, 2006, 7:44 am

Posts: 5626
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Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

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