this new park with the motorbike coaster The Half-Pipe and The Intamin Looper have all opened to the public this park opened for the first time on april 8 check out the photos and see what you like about it
the half pipe
the motor bike
and The Intamin Looper
lol, i love those pictures of the motorbike coaster. All asian people are just riding it with tons of pleasure. Something that you won't see in toverland. Everybody holds on tight on those here
Coastercount: 1410(I've seen the world and it's horrid contraptions... @.@) - Wood: 142 - Steel: 1268
lol, i love those pictures of the motorbike coaster. All asian people are just riding it with tons of pleasure. Something that you won't see in toverland. Everybody holds on tight on those here
that's because all that's riding the boosterbike are scary infants . . . and us coasterfreaks . . . afcourse