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Immigration Issues in this Nation

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Post April 11th, 2006, 11:31 am

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I should not be banned for expressing my views, and I didn't do it aggressively. The first amendment protects me in this case.

Post April 11th, 2006, 2:10 pm
Oscar User avatar
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First amendment does not apply to you here on this forum. It is not a government institution, you are required to register to post your views thus making it a private institution where I am king and freedom of speech is regulated by the staff and I. Though, look at yourself man, you have been screwing up all over the place, yet you wonder why you have been banned everywhere else? You wonder why use such strong language towards you? You seem to use that same stuff on the others who "gang" up on you... so I win.
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post April 11th, 2006, 7:21 pm

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back to the topic:

If they aren't a legel citizen or don't pay taxes
get the #$%^ out of the country

it isn't fair that Americans have to pay taxes and don't have free health care and we're citizens
here's a math equation:
Citizens > illegal immigrant

Post April 11th, 2006, 7:36 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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That's my point RenOwens2, if you wish to live here then do so, but do it legally without not paying taxes and attending our schools and stealing our jobs. I don't think that immigrants shouldn't be allowed in, but if you are to "accept the challenge" you must follow through without taking any shortcuts or cheating while undermining the economy.

WWS, I have respect for you and your family, as I'm sure you love your family dearly, however it's not the countries problem that your father had drinking problems and that your parents were illegal immigrants. I've heard many stories like yours, but I can't shed much sympathy, because if they wanted to be hardworking legal immigrants they could do so. It's not like you can come to the States and expect to work as much as you did in [insert appropriate country/domain] and collect the benefits. I think that as Americans we should help those who aren't as finacially secure as some of us, but that these people should work just as hard for it.

Post April 11th, 2006, 10:48 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Ok anyways... I'm all for people coming over here to work hard, no matter what race you are, and I can see how WWS would be on one side seeing as how his parents at one time were illegal immigrants to the united states.
And being illegal is just that... illegal.
I think it would be fine if occassionally one or 2 people would cross over illegally, but once they start coming in by the hundreds, then it starts to get a little rediculouse. When you have over 10,000,000 illegal immigrants in your country, then you've got a problem. Grant it, most of them came here to work hard, and they do, the idea that they brake our laws and then encourae their families to do it is a little disrespectful in a way.
But now that they have lives here, It may or may not be fair to take them away and put them back into the country that they are officially citizens of, so I think that instead of getting rid of all the immigrants that are currently in here, I say just build a fence or a wall 10 - 20 feet deep and 10 feet high with razor wire at the top (of course people will still find ways in) but it would greatly reduce those who come in illegally to a size that is not as rediculous as that 10,000,000 number. Then with the current illegal citizens living here, I would encourage them to get thier citizenship, and if their intentions of coming here to work hard prove indeed to be true, then they should not have to hard of a time getting legal citizenship, and for those who just come here to cause havoc, or are here for the wrong reason, then obviously they would be weeded out and thrown back into thier original country.
This way I think the American People would win, and the undocumented people living in America would still have a chance of becoming an American without fearing of being deported.

That is just what I would do, and no disrespect to your family, WWS.[:)]

Post April 12th, 2006, 3:04 am
Oscar User avatar
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The problem with this country is welfare. Plain and simple. Illegal lazy immigrants are enticed to come to rip off the benefits. If they discriminated properly we'd have way less immigrants here. By properly I am referring that they allow people to receive welfare for a period no more than 6 months ( and imo that is too long) and that the parents babies have to be u.s. citizens and over the age of 25. That would discourage all of the malintentious {sp?} illegals from coming here. They should learn from other countries and diss the welfare altogether. We'd get slums and people dying and what not but hopefully the growing youth will see that and try to get an education rather than staying up day and night watching tv and playing games over studying. Though you see me here a lot I am a working man, hard studying student, and supporter of your entertainment on the web [lol] Though coolbeans326 thinks I am one sided, I agree that any and all illegal criminals should be deported to their countries and that their countries hold them in jail for the amount of time the judge here has determined their punishment is. And if they are documented, strip them and send them back... they already do, ma bad.
if you wish to live here then do so, but do it legally without not paying taxes and attending our schools and stealing our jobs.

Are you aware of how long it takes to immigrate someone? Jobs, please, go pick strawberries, go put a roof on a house, etc. If people didn't whine when doing the work, they'd be more likely to get hired. btw I am about to fire someone at work for being a whiner, Sunday so if anyone wants a job stocking and cahier work and are near Lynwood, CA pm me.
Citizens > illegal immigrant

Though you are correct, the minority can hurt you financially and indirectly.
Anyway I gotta go, gotta be in class early on tomorrow.
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post April 12th, 2006, 5:46 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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The problem with this country is welfare. Plain and simple. Illegal lazy immigrants are enticed to come to rip off the benefits. If they discriminated properly we'd have way less immigrants here. By properly I am referring that they allow people to receive welfare for a period no more than 6 months ( and imo that is too long) and that the parents babies have to be u.s. citizens and over the age of 25. That would discourage all of the malintentious {sp?} illegals from coming here. They should learn from other countries and diss the welfare altogether. We'd get slums and people dying and what not but hopefully the growing youth will see that and try to get an education rather than staying up day and night watching tv and playing games over studying. Though you see me here a lot I am a working man, hard studying student, and supporter of your entertainment on the web Though coolbeans326 thinks I am one sided, I agree that any and all illegal criminals should be deported to their countries and that their countries hold them in jail for the amount of time the judge here has determined their punishment is. And if they are documented, strip them and send them back... they already do, ma bad.

I'd actually agree with that, we can still welcome immigrants and be a free country while not paying for the lazy people's bills. Maybe it'd give some of these lazy and non-hard working kids some motivation to do better in school. Has anyone noticed that we have a very low high school education proficiency rate when compared to countries that are financially "the same" or below or status? Does anyone think this could be a parallel? The only reason that the country [appears] to be doing so well today is because what of our parents and grandparents worked for in the 1950's, perhaps the true golden age of the United States of America.

Are you aware of how long it takes to immigrate someone? Jobs, please, go pick strawberries, go put a roof on a house, etc. If people didn't whine when doing the work, they'd be more likely to get hired. btw I am about to fire someone at work for being a whiner, Sunday so if anyone wants a job stocking and cahier work and are near Lynwood, CA pm me.

A job is a job, the employment rate surely isn't going up with the outsourcing, new technology, and poorly performing economy. I do agree that you cannot find a solid employee anymore, they're always either lazy, calling in sick or just don't want to work. I'd blame it on society and their parents.

Though you are correct, the minority can hurt you financially and indirectly.
Anyway I gotta go, gotta be in class early on tomorrow.

I agree, if you meant the minority as in those that are now considered a small group of poor and unhappy people. Look at the French Revolution ...

But I hope you get to class on time and you weren't late because of this, I'm sure your classes are far more important lol.


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