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SFA Trip Report (Pic Heavy)

Visited a theme park and have a wild time?!? Post your trip report here and tell us all about it!

Post April 14th, 2006, 8:58 pm

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I got the chance to go to SFA for the first time this year today, I'll tell you guys more about it later. It includes pics[approve]
Last edited by SMer on April 16th, 2006, 3:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post April 14th, 2006, 9:01 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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OOOoooo SFA, your so lucky. [lol]
I'm not dissing you... just the park!
Anyways... yea, I do't think the park looks like a great park by any means, just a majorly upscale version of Elitch Gardens (A bunch of clones you can find elsewhere in the world with 1 or 2 original rides) I just thought it was funny how you made it sound like such a cool ass thing. But you know.... w/e floats your boat I guess.[lol]
Anyways have a good one!

Post April 14th, 2006, 9:26 pm

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Post April 14th, 2006, 9:45 pm

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It's basiclly the most ghetto park ever. The workers are rude but sometimes you can find a nice one. And theres always gangs there and they always say "Wutcha doin' in ma park?"

Post April 14th, 2006, 10:05 pm

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Most of what Coasterkrazy said is not true. I go there all the time... no gangs saying that. Employees aren't all rude...they aren't the best ever, but especially with short lines, it's not like you have to deal with them that much anyways.

I'm halfway between SFA and SFGAdv, and I actually go to SFA more. The biggest thing is like I said, the lines are a lot shorter than GAdv; even Superman usually has a pretty short line. That means more enjoying the coasters instead of waiting in line (though with SFGAdv's 2 most recent additions I definately do NOT mind waiting in line there as much lol). I mean I don't mind waiting in general but it takes away from my coastering time. SROS has some nice airtime and great speed; Roar is a lot of fun; Wild One has surprisingly nice and varied airtime, and is very smooth; Batwing usually has like a 45 min line but is very disorienting, and pretty forceful in spots...I usually mostly ride those, but ofcourse there are those few other coasters that are alright too. SFA is *not* that bad.

Post April 14th, 2006, 10:56 pm

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Originally posted by CoAsTeRkRazY

It's basiclly the most ghetto park ever. The workers are rude but sometimes you can find a nice one. And theres always gangs there and they always say "Wutcha doin' in ma park?"

omg I should kick you in the face right now

the park is anything but ghetto. thats actually really offensive because if you say something about that park, that has to mean you're saying the same thing about the area in which its located (IE where I live). thanks a lot ya cocky asshole.

also, don't mock another race ever agian. if you have somethin to say about a certain race or mock them with a stereotypical phrase, you damn well better to be able to say that where that race is predominant. otherwise you have absolutely no right to say it anywhere.

thats just my little rant. even though its not that big of a deal, its little things that piss me and a lotta other people off when someone like you says something like what just you said. choose your words more carefully next time.

Post April 14th, 2006, 10:58 pm

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and coolbeans, I mean really are you gonna be that bias about a park you can only ASSUME things of?

unless you've been there over a few seasons and in different periods (early, peak, and end of season), don't even try to assume what its like.

Post April 14th, 2006, 11:05 pm

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Post April 15th, 2006, 3:44 am
coolbeans326 User avatar
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^^ Whats with the whole racist thing? There was not a single time race was brought up he just said "Gangstas" that could be black, white trash or mexican. So you know....*rolls eyes*
Anyways I also I can say that it doesn't look like that great of a park weather or not I've been there. There are only really a couple of rides there that look any good, but most of thier rides are located at other parks that I would rather go to to get the "credit" for the ride.[;)] Even if I don't get both credits, I"m more for the experience and generally clones do not differ to much as far as feel though, although you can't specifically say you've been on one, you've been on all, but you get a pretty good idea about how it is. Also noticed how I said way upscale version of Elitch Gardens. I said that because it doesn't look like a bad park by anymeans, but at the same time I don't think it looks like a great park.

Also you can assume a great deal about a park by reading trip reports and by looking at the content of the rides. And really, from what I read its just average Six Flags park so as far as that goes it can't be much better than SFMW for experience, and quite frankly I was rather disappointed with SFMW as far as service goes.... but then again they did have half of thier rides closed during peak season, so that could have added to the dissappointment[shocked].

Post April 15th, 2006, 3:22 pm

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the only thing that is bad about the park is it hasn't got a new coaster since 2001 (Batwing) and the food cost too much. trust me I know because live 40 minutes away from it...

AND THERE ARE NO GANGS! (I go there every year)

Post April 15th, 2006, 3:36 pm

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So what if there was gangs.
They're not exactly going to shoot you through the eye-balls now are they???

And if anyone is a racist person, it is you SMer. CoAsTeRkRaZy was simply stating some slight humor in his text, and you immediately reffered to him being racist. And you thought immediately the "Wutcha doin" comment was coming at somebody from a different race.
This is a silly arguement, and i know i have no right to interfere. But humor shouldn't spark off arguements especially little bitch-fighting ones like little girls do.
Just think, people get ridiculously mocked constantly on this site.
For example the funny guy that is hyyyper, takes everything as a joke, nothing personall and most things are aimed at fun + humorous implications within most off-topic disscusions.

Post April 16th, 2006, 1:17 am

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oh come on, you know when you think of a gang you think of either a black or hispanic person. thats somethin just about everyone (at least in america) thinks of now. if you disagree, you're kinda stupid because its almost inevitable after just about everyone has seen a show like chappelle's show.

and if you even knew me you'd know how non-racist I am.

I kinda agree with you on the park about the ride situation in the park. I mean you can't just ride a clone and say its the same because there's always the off chance that there's somethin better or worse about clones or just the park experience. trip reports are a good way to get some info, but it also depends on the person giving the report. if its a really critical person you'll probably read about all the little things that happened that don't really matter. I dunno


Here's the actual report. (finally)

Post April 16th, 2006, 2:20 am

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So we got to the park around 11:15 and went over to the back of the park to try and beat the crowds to the more popular rides. To my surprise, Joker's Jinx was actually open early season. We got on that first and it was just like last season. After that we went to SROS. The first thing I noticed was that they were missin a whole freakin train! It wasn't even on the storage track. The lines for it weren't too long at all, but did go slower since they only had one train. Riding it was normal, a lot slow and more uncomfortable than previous seasons due to the "safer" restraints. Oh why did the guy with cerebal palsy have to fall off SROS@SFNE. After that we walked down to Batwing and found it temporarily closed due to technical difficulties (what a surprise).

Since it's the 45th Anniversery, there were a lotta superhero's and other characters walkin around the whole day. It was pretty funny to see how unenthusiastic they were about their job. So after Batwing we went over to Two Face which had surprisingly no lines. Riding in the very back was the first time I've ever blacked out or came close to it. Man it was a lot more intense than I remembered. After that we got on Tower of Doom, nothin special there.

Wild One is surprisingly still pretty fast and can give a good ride, it stays my favorite. After that, went over to the Wild West part of the park where Mind Eraser is. OH JOY! Just because its there and we always ride it, we got on and it was the same, the new colors from last year are still pretty vibrant though.

Roar was the only ride I was truely disappointed in. It has been who knows how long since the last time it had some trackwork or for that matter, train work. The restraints are rattly and feel kind of unsafe not to mention the ride. Its gotten awfully slow over the 2nd hill (which once gave off some decent air at least in the back). I cannot tell you how rough and jerky it's gotten on the final 2 or 3 turns. It seemed worse than I've ever seen it. With that done, it was time for some lunch. Panda Express and a Powerade is probly the best meal after a disappointing ride on Roar [:p].

The day ended in waiting about a half hour/45 minutes to ride Batwing. We had gotten into the final little snake Q once everyone started cheering how they had gotten the restraints working again. Appearantly, they cheered too soon. No sooner than they had gotten it fixed did it have yet another problem. It was at that point where I pulled out my phone, set my background to a picture of Wild One, and made my greeting "Batwing sux".

Overall it wasn't a terrible day. As much as I was disappointed in a couple rides, I was actually impressed to find little improvements all over the park. I also can't be downed by the fact that they actually had EVERYTHING running! That includes Typhoon Seacoaster which you'd be hard pressed to find it ever open even in the peak of the season. Ahh how I love to reep the benefit of Maryland law that states that requires places like SFA to give free courtesy cups of water.

Sorry to say that I didn't get a pic of it, but I did see their new coaster parts waiting to be built next year. It is a Togo heartline coaster relocated from wherever and its got fresh blue and green paint. WOOPEE! JUST WHAT THE PARK NEEDS! Another waste of an investment. They already got jipped when they bought Batwing with its faulty computer trains and absolutely no use for a dual-load station. Why go and spend money on something another park doesn't even want!? Meh, I'm gonna just be optmistic about it. Who knows? It might be good.

Post April 16th, 2006, 3:10 am

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Here's some pics. Keep in mind that these were taken with my phone, so limited quality with limited space. Not the most thorough selection and I didn't remember I had a camera on my phone until almost half way through the day. With that said, I think they're pretty dam good for a buncha phone pics. Thanks to photoshop the color/lightling was touched up.

Wild One

All hail Wild One!




Too bad my phone doesn't have zoom.

Probably the best part of the ride in its current state.

Joker's Jinx

Took the pic a little late, didn't get the train in the spot I wanted, but you get the idea.

If you've ever been to the park, or been around another outdoor Premiere spaghetti bowl before, you'll know how loud it is. Almost anywhere once you get past the entrance to the ride, you can hear its roar.




Dam slow camera, coulda gotten the train going over the hill instead of leaving it!


Ah Bawting, I still love ya.

One of the many spots we stood watching the track with no working train on it.

Computer systems on trains fail a lot? WHO WOULD THOUGHT!

Mind Eraser

Hey there...SLC...

At least the ride is photogenic.

Other Rides/General Atmosphere

The main strip of the park cleaned up and sparsely decorated for the 45th anniversery.

The best ride ever after a ride on Roar followed by a typical SLC.

The wild west strip of the park which is foregoing a couple changes you can't see in the pic.

My favorite section of the park. Wild One, Tower of Doom, and Two Face.

One of three water rides that are usually closed.

Oh hello there.

And last but not least, my favorite pic...
The rarely open Typhoon Seacoaster. Thanks to some much needed work, everything was lookin nice and fresh. A good day to open it up.

Post April 16th, 2006, 7:41 am

Posts: 2052
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well excuse me! lol whatever the memo was it hasn't happened on Joker's Jinx yet.

Post April 16th, 2006, 7:58 am

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sounds like you have fun. But the only time I ever go to SFA is with my friend at halloween cause he dad gets free tickets. My mom thinks its a "scabby" park oh and ECG before it was SFA it was called something else (i forget) but someone go stabbed there and last year there was a shooting in the parking lot so you could get shot in the eyeball [:o)]

Post April 16th, 2006, 2:30 pm

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that was some nice picture that you toke there , and it looks like you had fun

Post April 16th, 2006, 6:09 pm

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Location: Maryland, USA

it was called water world (since it was just a water park) then change to adventure world when it was sold and made into an amustment park, and lastly Six Flags Inc. bought adventure world and it be came Six Flags America.

Post April 16th, 2006, 6:16 pm

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Nice one. It was called WILD World with only Wild One there.

Post April 16th, 2006, 11:58 pm

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Anyways, nice photos man, seemed like you had a nice trip. And you call that photo heavy? Wait until I upload my SFFT photos tomorrow. Heh.

Too bad JJ sucks compared to Polty, cause it has some potential.

Post April 17th, 2006, 12:03 am

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^ lol duh it has potential...they are the same rides!! :P

Cept one (like the FoF's) uses trims and the other doesnt. I believe.

Post April 17th, 2006, 12:51 am

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yup, thats the only major track difference between FoF@PKD and JJ. FoF stops you mid course, JJ just lets u run.

Post April 17th, 2006, 12:52 am

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and I call it pic heavy because putfile's servers aren't always the fastest when it comes to retreiving files.

Post April 17th, 2006, 12:54 am

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But like I said, from being on both JJ and Polty, Polty owns JJ. Its faster, and actually has airtime. Anyways, I'm not trying to take away from SFA and JJ. It's still a fun ride.

Post April 17th, 2006, 1:54 am

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honestly I don't see how that's possible. The FoF coasters, JJ, and Poltergeist are all the exact same model. To go and change one aspect of it, no matter how big/small would change just about the whole ride. I think its a mind set. or you just don't like JJ [:p]


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