Originally posted by Iman
Lat summer a lady in the car (and row) in front of me lost her sunglasses right on the third hill, which is as close to floater air that you can get on the Magnum. The glasses where just spinning as I went down the hill, but they stayed in front of me for like 4 or 5 seconds, which actually pretty long. COMPLETELY MATRIX[pshades]
Had that happen to me twice. Once with a hat on Magnum and another time with a nickel on Nitro. The nickel on Nitro I was able to spot, check it out and then snatch it from the air on my first try. Was rather funny for the people sitting in my row that noticed it.
Getting stuck on coasters is scary? Psssht. I welcome that. Just like Bockzilla, my girlfriend made some statement about getting stuck on MF and sure enough, at the usual E-stop point (like 275 up) we stopped. Nice view and we still got our ride plus we got Exit passes for later on.