tweakers are what i consider to be the lowest form of humanity. everything about them sucks, for me it's not just the drug but the demographics and backgrounds of it's main users. i could've turned out like that, but i was lucky enough to be disgusted early by the types of people who generally use it, so for the most part it never really entered my circle of freinds. of course most of them are bohemian artist types and that means smack, but still, junkies (except for useless street junkies who aren't productive) don't bother me as much, but the are annoying enough for me to want to completely avoid them when they're f*cking up. i never did junk either, but not for the same reasons... the first line is the funniest i agree.actually it ties with the part about it not causing serious damage. the guy couldn't have much TO damage..... ..
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