1. Your transitions from the 0g roll to the cobra roll and from the cobra roll to the MCBR look exactly the same. Too much repetition can be bad in most cases.
2. The 0g roll looks really parobolic, which hasn't been seen on many Beemer inverts. I would reccomend making it more "flat."
finished the trackwork, and now i'm looking for 5 testers to give advice on improving the track and getting rid of the pumps, so i won't give away testersports to n00bs, but since EElover2 got banned the n00b% has gone down with 99%, aways, five spots to test
In this pic: http://www.nolimitsdevcenter.net/i14342 the heartlining on the leadin to the helix is just way too much. The heartline is at most half that distance, probably less.