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My SECOND New Band!

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Post May 5th, 2006, 8:00 pm

Posts: 1180
Points on hand: 1,435.00 Points
Location: Texas, USA

Philth Tub & Electric Head

What is it? My new band, of course!

Well, I haven't been in a real band for quite some time, HERZ was my last one. So during the meantime I decided to try going solo for a while creating solo mixes. I really was aiming for an Aphex Twin style techno/ambience, but my friend, Collin [a.k.a. Philth Tub] introduced me to Wolf Eyes and from their my interest in Noise music increased and that was the style that not only was easy to get a hang of, but it also intrigued me and I wanted to create something dark and ambient.

So, finally, me and my friend Collin joined forces under the aliases(?) Philth Tub & Electric Head!

Here's the link to our MySpace:


Last edited by Z00Z3R on May 25th, 2006, 10:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post May 5th, 2006, 8:19 pm
jayman Premium Member
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Location: spring valley

yesss. please.. awesome.finally a music post on this site that has some intellectual back up to it.. i'm incredibly pleased that a whole new group of young people are starting to experiment. most here on this site that are fans have no clue who john cage, edgar varese and many other true artists are.instead they strive to sound like "so and so" and they base the quality of their work on how much it sounds like something pre recorded by someone else. they MIGHT have heard of sonic youth, but i doubt it. they probabaly know who yoko ono is too, but only as "the woman who broke up the beatles'. i'm probabaly the only one here who gets it, but BRAVO.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i added you to the phaedrider revelation freinds list, not as noisy but i bend stuff, i've got a well modded speak and math and speak and spell, an sk1 with a 16 point patch bay and a bent sk5. i havent posted all of my most experimental stuff.

Post May 5th, 2006, 8:47 pm

Posts: 1180
Points on hand: 1,435.00 Points
Location: Texas, USA

^ Agreed. I have a feeling people just don't want to look deeper into music. That, and media is a complete brainwash over us. However, at least Sonic Youth got a hight spot on the 100 Greatest Rock Bands of all time [according to VH1]. But, then again, Ministry beat the Rolling Stones...[:p]

I haven't listend to John Cage in a while, but I have to not-so-gladly-yet-gladly own the 4:13 record.

Post May 5th, 2006, 9:04 pm
jayman Premium Member
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Posts: 4811
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Location: spring valley

good luck, unless it's been rereleased. his records are very hard to find... this kind of brainwashing isn't new.. i was lucky enough to find another one at the swap meet about a month ago, which is strange because that's not something you'd be likely to see in a record store let alone a flea market.

Post May 6th, 2006, 5:50 am

Posts: 1612
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Location: Devon, UK
You're hair is so damn crazy ZOOZ3R. I'm sure you will be successful.
Good luck[:)]

Post May 6th, 2006, 6:38 am

Posts: 1983
Points on hand: 3,285.00 Points

Yeah, if you're following Aphex Twin, make sure you make a evil video like "Come to Daddy" :)

Post May 6th, 2006, 10:08 am

Posts: 1180
Points on hand: 1,435.00 Points
Location: Texas, USA

Originally posted by Matt

Yeah, if you're following Aphex Twin, make sure you make a evil video like "Come to Daddy" :)

Lmao, I love that music video. Or we could do a music video like Rubber Johnny.

Post May 25th, 2006, 10:53 am

Posts: 1180
Points on hand: 1,435.00 Points
Location: Texas, USA

Yeah, you heard me. Another band.

I think I've mentioned it before...under the name HERZ. Well, the name has gone through a longer, and for the better, change to HURZTSE! Pronounced Her-zet-say, for those who care.

It's not a noise band like my last one [which I'm still in, don't worry], but it's a Rock/Experimental band. WITH ME AS VOCALS! w00t! I think this one is up for a wider audience. Anyway, here's the URL below:

Tell me what you think![:p]

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