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E3 '06 [Go to Gamespot before reading]

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Post May 8th, 2006, 10:38 pm

Posts: 2052
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so a lot of you probably heard by now about the Ps3 details that Sony released today at their press conference.

$499 for the 20gb, $599 for the 60gb, and it'll be released on November 17th.


anyone but me think those prices are pretty ridiculous???
Last edited by SMer on May 9th, 2006, 10:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post May 8th, 2006, 11:12 pm

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I knew that it would be expensive. That is why I'm sticking with the Wii. They said it is supposed to be around $200 when it is released.

Post May 8th, 2006, 11:27 pm

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I think that the console is way overpriced. But I'm sure Sony thinks they can sell it. After all, they do have a lot of brand loyalty.

Post May 8th, 2006, 11:48 pm

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Sony stole Nintendo's idea of motion sensing controllers. Shows how innovative they are. But on the other hand, Sony stole a lot from Nintendo. I hate you Sony.

Wii all the way!

Post May 8th, 2006, 11:57 pm

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And they WILL sell that thing...There are so many little brat kids who will get that for christmas from thier richass parents... I would MUCH rather buy a 30gig Ipod video, and a 360 for the same price.

Post May 9th, 2006, 1:16 am

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but yur garrett and for the record you don't even watch tv [inside joke]

spam you can't say that Sony stole anything from anyone for that matter because there's no way to prove who came up with the idea first. for all we know it was a coincidence.

I'm watching the press conference right now, and I gotta say even GT4(Grand Turismo 4) in the form of GT HD prototype looks incredible. They said they had obviously upped the graphics a bit and converted to ps3 format, but for the most part its just running the original GT4 without any rendering limitations, and it still runs smoothly (I think 60fps they said). It's also running 12x the amount of information onto the screen as in the original.

In terms of price, I'm convinced that the product is well worth it. Beyond just the incredible power it gets from the next-gen-in-terms-of-anything cell processor, it's got good storage capacity, an internal hdd, good online play (also free online play), tons of connnectivity/secondary storage options such as ethernet and wi-fi/usb and sd memory. I dunno I'm gonna be workin this summer (somewhere hopefully), and I think I could make enough to buy it even at $6-7/hour.

woodie man, remember when ps2 came out? remember how it was mostly adults who bought it? well I'm sure there are gonna be just as many adults buyin this one too besides the rich kid's parents.

Post May 9th, 2006, 1:24 am

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and btw, I'm not a big fan of card games, rpg's, or eye toy, but the thing they're doin with it looks incredible. having the thing be able to see cards put down onto a surface and generate the character from that card is amazing IMO

Post May 9th, 2006, 11:02 am

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Location: Texas, USA


Now I can spend all that money I've been saving up. Let's see, $599, with maybe around $610? $620? Then what about my brother? Another$670? And a memory card? I heard those go for a lot, too. And even the current gen systems cost a LOT. So, what? $700? Then I need a game or two, of course, and with production of the games gone up, and X-Box 360 games already $59.99, then maybe Sony with games like MGS4 and KillZone 2 will sell them for $65-70 and then I'd need $820 for that maybe and then all that crap that Best Buy or GameStop or EB Games wants to sell me for around $20-30 and I don't know better so then $850?! WOW.

Screw that. I'm sticking with PC and maybe I'll find it easier to get my hands on a cheap E-Bay priced graphics card for $400 and then I'll be able to play Condemned or whatever X-Box/PS3 ports for cheaper.

OH WAIT! Don't forget about whatever online system PS3 supports, so, $900, maybe?

Post May 9th, 2006, 5:04 pm

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*bites his thumb at Zooz3r*

do you think I haven't thought about other stuff I'd have to pay for? I've already thought over every aspect of what it'll take to get the thing and use it that you said.

And a memory card? I heard those go for a lot, too.
OH WAIT! Don't forget about whatever online system PS3 supports, so, $900, maybe?

if you had read what I said about an internal hdd [and] good online play (also free online play), you woulda known that they're two prices already covered. no memory card or online thing needed.

I like PC's too, but do you really have people over and all huddle around the COMPUTER for some crazy multiplayer thing? didn't think so. the reason to get consoles is for solid game play, unification (media, hardware, etc), and because they're multiplayer. if your idea of a good time with some friends is having them watch you play or try to play somethin on a computer with you, I'd have to say yur the biggest loser on this site.

Post May 9th, 2006, 5:09 pm

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Is sony still utilizing memory cards? Then why are there 2 different ammounts of memory?

Post May 9th, 2006, 5:12 pm

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If they use the same online system they have been its not good. Ive got a host of people I work with who hate the PS ONline and think its the worst peice of junk ever. Not to mention its incredibly easy to hack the games and to use standby on your modem to cheat. Hows that good online play?

Theres no way you can justify that price. Its not "leaps and bounds" better than the 360. Ive seen real footage and its margainly better. Really, when you are playing and in an action scene, how much will you be paying that close attention to the detail? Detail is great for screenshots but live action can only handle so much.

Honestly, 900 bucks? Nearly a grand? That is way, way overpriced.

But hey, Sony knows they need to make up for lost ground. Im sure that price is like that because they have wasted so much money on development that they need to price it that high to cut even or to think of making a profit.

Microsoft did the smart thing and took a loss if it meant they built a base. Sony I dont think is willing to do that and to be honest, for 1000 bucks Ill buy a new HD TV or put a down payment on one. Then pick up a used 360 with all the trimmings for half that of a new PS3 and Im instantly one up on the majority.

Post May 9th, 2006, 7:05 pm

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yea in terms of the PS3's online play...I guess you should know that they've totally revamped it and done even more than what Xbox Live offers for free. You have to remember that PS2 went into the market before online play was common, and Xbox, having gone into it 2 years later had the advantage of more people with broadband.

and honestly, its all about what you want. if you wanna do things in terms of whats better in any aspect, thats cool, but I'm just gettin what I get cause I know it'll be fun. Right now, thats either the PS3 or the Wii(Nintendo Revolution).

And I've been watchin the Nintendo press conference for a while now, and i gotta say that I'm already startin to think that its the better choice. I mean, just look at all the stuff it has to offer.

Post May 9th, 2006, 9:04 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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There is no logical reason IMO why the Xbox was owned by the PS2 in sales, Sony just has loyalty. I expect it to go the same way in this scenario.

The Xbox360 and PS3 have the same games, only a few exceptions, and pretty much the same everything else as far as I'm concerned. Xbox360's online play will own PS3's, and I doubt PS3's will remain for free. If it does, it's just gauranteeing everyone that it'll suck even more.

No thanks, I'd rather buy a Wii.

Plus my computer is better than either an Xbox360 or PS3 when it comes to gaming, and the online communities are better IMO, and there are many more possibilities for tyes of games.

I can't imagine people will continue to buy into these video game systems, you might as well buy a decent game rig and pay $500 more. At least that way you can also use it for internet, computer specific games, AIM, e-mail, word processing, pretty much anything for school. And you can also UPGRADE IT.

I will never buy another video game system, infact if a Wii ends up in my house it'll be because of my brother.

Post May 9th, 2006, 10:16 pm

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yea I'm pretty much the same way...BUT I still need GTA4 and I do love console gaming. SO I'm gonna go PS3 and Wii. Dunno how I'll pay for it, probly gonna ask for one for my bday or christmas or somethin, but I'm gonna get em.

but yea in terms of comps, its more than safe to say that they'll always be ahead of consoles in terms of hardware. However, if you're like me and got lucky and got a pretty good gaming rig that'll last me for years to come, its not so certain that you'll be able to keep upgrading it except for necessary upgrades.

But overall, the computer gaming world is always fail-safe, whereas the consoles can be, but its just too different to compare IMO.

Post May 9th, 2006, 10:39 pm

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Real quick, just wanna tell everyone who's interested in this topic to go to Gamespot and keep up on what's goin on so you don't say somethin stupid like a certain R that was I arguing with earlier. ANYWAY.

I'd like to talk about the Wii.

I dunno about you guys, but my first impression was that it was awesome. The only problems I could see happening are that people aren't as open to Nintendo's style anymore with the evolution of console gaming from the PS2 and Xbox and that the controllers won't be very easy to get used to.

By console gaming's evolution, I mean that games have matured more, there have been some pretty mature titles out there, and the overall mind set for a standard game and game system have changed too much for the Wii to have an impact on the gaming world today. This was not to case back at E3 when Nintendo introduced the N64. Everything about the N64 was pretty revolutionary, and they mentioned that they were trying to change the feel of how you played it, "not so much as to just the content on the screen". I think they can do that again today... if people are more open minded to not needing crazy crazy graphics and having more of an interactive way to play. Today everything is ahead of Nintendo in terms of whats thought of as revolutionary for games and game hardware that their more, for lack of a better word, "back-to-the-roots along with new and different, more revolutionary stuff" kind of approach appeals to me. However, I honestly can't see enough people wanting to try it that it'll be a big enough success to give the PS3 and 360 somethin to fight.

I think that the biggest thing Nintendo needs to do in order for the Wii to really shoot up is to, A) get people informed about it, B) interest them enough to try new things, C) really target the "new gamers" as they put it (the normal people who wouldn't normally play video games is who they're tryin to get it out too). If they can do that, I think they'll have a very successful console rivaling the PS3 and 360 in terms of popularity and just good clean fun.

Thats another thing I was normally turned off by when I thought of Nintendo until now, is that they've always just kinda been there and were fun... back when you were 5 or 6, like yea there's somethin better, more cool sounding on PS2, why should I care about Nintendo's childish games?. However, now that I see what they've been trying to do all along is really drawing me back to em.

Post May 9th, 2006, 11:49 pm

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You are a huge GTA player huh SMer? Interesting...I wouldnt have guessed.

Post May 10th, 2006, 4:28 am

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Location: Moreno Valley, CA, USA
Funny now that GTA is exclusive to x-Box 360...the only reason that I have to get a $ony P$3 is for MGS 4 and Ace combat but I happen to be sane an would rather get more games for my 360 and pick up a wii instead.

Post May 10th, 2006, 7:09 am
rcmaniac25 User avatar
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On the PS3

I heard they are not putting HDMI in the $499 version of the PS3.

So much for "it has HDMI and can go up to a 1080p HDTV".

PS - HDMI is currently the only interface that can run 1080p, or so I was told.

Post May 10th, 2006, 7:26 am

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Location: Moreno Valley, CA, USA
The "cheap" version of the P$3 will not be able to play blue ray movies and does not come with HD cables.

Post May 12th, 2006, 4:25 pm

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The 20gb ("cheap") version is said to likely have trouble playing protected blu-ray movies, not to say that it definately cannot. And it will come with a component cable, which is sitll HD. The cable it will NOT come with is an HDMI cable.

And along the lines of it being able to output to 1080p, I'm guessing that it will be able to output to that resolution, but that they will update it later with a more stable mean of output later on. However, 1080p tv's aren't very common, so the need for 1080p isn't very strong yet anyway. Most people who have HDtv's have ones that only go up to either 720p or 1080i which the console can fully support.

Post May 12th, 2006, 5:04 pm

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So you need to buy a 599 dollar PS3 to use all the things they promise. I'm already running to the XBOX 360 store. Its not to expensive, and they have the best games ever:
-Elder scrolls 4 Oblivion
-HALO 3!!!!!!!!!
-GTA 4!!!!!

Post May 12th, 2006, 5:13 pm

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Originally posted by SMer

I like PC's too, but do you really have people over and all huddle around the COMPUTER for some crazy multiplayer thing? didn't think so. the reason to get consoles is for solid game play, unification (media, hardware, etc), and because they're multiplayer. if your idea of a good time with some friends is having them watch you play or try to play somethin on a computer with you, I'd have to say yur the biggest loser on this site.

I never have LAN parties. I COULD PLAY OVER THE INTERNET THAT PEOPLE DO HAVE. That, and I hardly play PC games online that much since a majority of the time it's just a bunch of assholes. Nor do I play console games for that matter, just the Silent Hill series and Resident Evil 4 were basically the only games I played. Plus, I didn't know online play was free till a few days ago. Nor did I know that didn't have a memory card.

And, I'd get the cheaper version anyway cause I actually watch movies on a DVD player and I could care less if it looks AMAZING in HD let alone my disc spins faster. I, for one, still care about QUALITY over graphics and nonsense.

Post May 12th, 2006, 5:19 pm

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Originally posted by RCT-3-Crazy

So you need to buy a 599 dollar PS3 to use all the things they promise. I'm already running to the XBOX 360 store. Its not to expensive, and they have the best games ever:
-Elder scrolls 4 Oblivion
-HALO 3!!!!!!!!!
-GTA 4!!!!!

*Cough buy Call of Duty 2 Cough*

Post May 12th, 2006, 5:19 pm

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Post May 12th, 2006, 5:58 pm

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^You see realists who know what to do with their money, thats what ;)

"GTA IV is slated for release in October 16 2007."

??!@# Whats with these games having release dates nearly 2 years down the road? GET WITH IT AND GET IT DONE! Its a console - which makes getting bugs out REALLY EASY.

I will never own a GTA installment past 2 so it doesnt matter.


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