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PGA School Trip

Visited a theme park and have a wild time?!? Post your trip report here and tell us all about it!

Post May 14th, 2006, 6:21 pm

Posts: 333
Points on hand: 3,231.00 Points
Location: Stockton, CA, USA

This was a fairly fun day. I will pretty mcuh describe the bginning, rate coasters, etc.

Ok the bus loaded at school at 7:30 AM and I only lived one block away from school so I left at 7:20. Walked and got there right on time. The busses were 17 minutes late so I had to wait. The busses finally arrived. Since we were put in different buses in alphebetical order I only knew 1 or 2 people in the bus and I got to get my own seat since the bus was pretty empty. Anyway we got there at 9:45 which was early since the park opened at 10:00. We waited in line to check our tickets and I noticed alot of other schools were there. When it turned 10:00 AM the Star Spangled Banner came on. Then after it finished Dora, Spongebob, and Gay Diego came out dancing with a few other people on stilts. They started to let people in now. We got to the ticket checking in 2 minutes since the lines were long. And me and my friend met up with 2 other girls who were going to go thru the park with us. Anyway here are the ride ratings and W/e.

1st Coaster/Ride-Vortex/Rate:6.8
It was an ok ride. It pulled a couple of small G's. What lowered this coaster to a 6.8 was the horrible bumpyness. Believe it or not but it made my friend's ear literally blead! They seriously need to do some rennovating to this ride because its hurting riders.

2nd Coaster/Ride-Drop Zone/Rate:8.5/Wait time:10 minutes
This is an extremely fun ride! It is a must if you want to get a view over the park and great if your looking for thrills. It brings you up to a large height were you sit still after it gets all the way up. It seems like an eternity but then it drops you so fast your can't keep your feet from staying still. I recommend this ride to anyone who goes there.

3rd Coaster/Ride-Survivor the Ride/Rate:6.5/Wait time:2 minutes?
I found this ride not to be what I thought of it to be. It really
Only gave you a pop of artime and if you spins. That was pretty much it. What I enjoyed the most was the interaction with the coaster. You have to clap your hand and stom your feet and chant while your on it and its like a game. Its a good family ride but not for those who are thrillseekers.

4th Coaster/Ride-Invertigo/Rate:9.5/Wait time:45 mintues
I love the non circuit coasters from vekoma! They are fun, fast, and full of Neg/Pos G's! This one was fun. We rode all the way in the front and it was so fun. Your a first brought up a lift until you reach the very top. You then stay still for a second until boom! The chain lets go! You go thru a cobra roll and a loop and it really pulls some G's. What freaked me out the most is that I almost blacked out on the loop! LOL! I recommend it for thrill seekers.

5th Coaster/Ride-Xtreme Skyflyer!/Rate:10/Wait time:45 minutes
There were only a handful of people but the ride wait time was so long because of the slow loading/unloading. Anyway you guys should know this is the Skycoastre at PGA with the St. Louis Arch look alike. Anyway you guys may wonder what makes this ride 10/10. Well you begin by going all the way UP! 173 Feet to be exact. You then have to pull on a latch and you get let go! Once you get let go you literally feel like your falling off a building of some sort and nothing can stop you until it reaches near the ground. All the other swings are somewhat fun but the first one is the best. I recommend it to any Daredevil out there!

6th Coaster/Ride-Delirium/Rate:8.0/Wait time:30 minutes
This was a very fun ride! I loved how it spun and it made you feel like you were literally upside down! It is a seriously fun ride and I recommend it to anyone who goes there.

7th Coaster/Ride-Top Gun/Rate:7.0/Wait time:50 minutes
It was fun for a small Invert. It pulled a few G's and the small Helix made you get pushed in your seat. The loop was fun also along with the drop. The heartline pulled some laterals also because of how twisted it is.

It got late after so we had to return to our buses. We didn't get tor ide Grizzly and Demon since the lines were freakishly long but I knew I didn't miss much since those rides are very boring.

Overall day rate:7.5

Post May 14th, 2006, 6:58 pm

Posts: 845
Points on hand: 2,063.00 Points
Location: Borgusheems, Malaysia

Nice report. Yea man Vortex killed me when i went there a couple months ago. Actually, so did Grizzly and Demon also. They really need to take better care of their rides or renovate them or something because those things hurt. Sounds like you had a good day though.

Post May 14th, 2006, 8:18 pm

Posts: 332
Points on hand: 5,058.00 Points
Vortex = bleeding ears?! That's not quite how I remember it, but it definitely is rough and the corkscrew snaps your neck. Grizzly I'm not even bothering with anymore. Top Gun, Invertigo, and Drop Zone are the only good things left there now it would seem.

Post May 15th, 2006, 10:18 pm

Posts: 333
Points on hand: 3,231.00 Points
Location: Stockton, CA, USA

Boomerang Bay Over Stealth was a waste of money. They should've kept it because it was the only and first pronged position coaster in the west. Now its called Borg Assimulator or whatever the hell they named and just gave it a cheap paint job. Now its not original no more. Anyway whats so funny was how exhausted I felt after riding Vortex. The standing up position made me soo tired I highly doubt I didn't loose any weight riding that ride.

Post May 15th, 2006, 11:16 pm

Posts: 5286
Points on hand: 3,059.00 Points
Location: USA
I bet you didnt lose any weight - you just didnt prepare yourself for the ride.

If that ride made you feel like that, Mantis might kill you.

Post May 16th, 2006, 2:28 am

Posts: 333
Points on hand: 3,231.00 Points
Location: Stockton, CA, USA

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