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England trip: 1st may -> 5th may. AT, TP, CWoA

Visited a theme park and have a wild time?!? Post your trip report here and tell us all about it!

Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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Posts: 13387
Points on hand: 2,175.50 Points
Bank: 45,000.00 Points
Location: Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Day 1 - Drive to thrope Park:
Too late we arrived at the park. So no entry anymore that day to thorpe. Bought the annual passes and we went searching for a B&B.

The entrance gate

Thorpe's skyline

Day2 - Thrope Park:
Nice on time we arrived at the park, quick entrance because of our annual passes. And the first thing what I did was running towards stealth. Arrived as very first at stealth, but it wasn't open YET. They still had to test run. After a few tests it went open.

The queue after a few launches.

Everyone is cheering!

Only 62meters (205ft) high... [pshades]

Full overview from stealth. Imagine being launched in 2,3 sec to 128km/u! (80mph)

Dropping down, back to earth.

Flying over the hill. [pshades]

#95 - Stealth:

Really great coaster for my 95th spot. I was actually together with my mum on the first public train and then front seat! Totally awesome! The launch is really powerfull. Then the top hat, way better then I ever expected it. Then the drop down was really nice but the hill really shot me with -1g into the restraints! Totally awesome. Much better then I expected. Backseat is also totally insane. I've had a few times that i really had the combo: -1g going up, 0g top, -1g back down! Other times I had that it went slow over the top. So I enjoyed the view over the park. Also just when you are at the entrance gate. Which is located at the end of the launch. It really sounds like a jetfighter flies right above your head!

after stealth over to nemesis inferno, the pre-lift area. Going into a misty tunnel.

A classic "this photo does noboby have" photo [:D]

Really nice zero G-roll [:)]

#96 - Nemesis inferno:

Really nice ride to say. When approching the ride it looked good for a nice and compact ride. The prelift part was good, and the rest too. Even though the inversion sequence is from a standard B&m (loop, zero g roll, cork cork). But they have converted the simple sequence in a really nice layout. The Twist and turn work was really nice. So it was a fun ride.

Nice corkscrews

They are kinda shaped like the onces I build

The quatro barrelroll is just pure fun.

#97 - Colossus:

It had a few breakdowns, which resulted in longer queues then the rest of the park, but that didn't care. Fun ride. 10 looper, wow. The starting was nice, loop and the hill felt slightly smooth. But that cobra roll really felt rusted. I just bounced over the rest of the track. But next to the trackwork, those quatro barrelroll really was insane. I knew there were four. But as soon you are riding it you really are thinking: What?!? another roll?!? and another?! and another?!? Too fun to do it. Also if you take a good look, everyone you see smiling at the last barrelroll. Since it are soo many after eachother it's pretty fun in some way. Defenatly good ride.

Only one image, more pics from it isn't this ride worth...

#98 - X - No way out:

I heard already things about this ride. Like going backwards and stuff like that. But when entering i really thought it was still going forwards. Still we dispached. It was a weird ride. Not really a specific theme I guess. It felt like doom 3 in the queuelines. but nothing seen back on it when riding it. Also the ride was a hell of a weird coaster. Just when it started to get fun. They throw the brakes on it. You wait, and wait. And then you go again. It felt really like the next block still was occupied and that we had to wait till it was free again. And on other moments it felt like the brakes weren't strong enough so that we rolled a bit forward. But that probably was some kind of effect that i didn't understood at all... Also there was only one discolamp inside... What about adding some projectors. Screens and voilla: Show some video material that complete the story...

Slammer is a pretty fun ride. Even though the seats weren't really that comfertable IMO.

The being thrown to the ground was pretty fun. And the other way around too. [lol]

Detonator, really nice freefall ride. Better then I expected. [:)]

There was an DDR extreme and an DS euromix at thorpe, so I couldn't let both machines unplayed. [:)]

day 3 - Half day Alton Towers:

Oblivion's Drop, the very first Vertical Drop coaster in the world!

#99 - Oblivion:

It was on the middle of the day when we arrived at alton towers, got a b&b that was on walking distance from alton. (50m?[lol]) Anyway, we wanted to start off with oblivion. Just wondering why that javix loved it sooo much. [lol]
anyway, the queueline was longer then the actual ride. But the people in the queueline where there barely so 5 min wait for us. Looking at the ride was already fun, even taking pictures from the reactions on the drop. When we entered the train the seats were nice and comfertable. Restraints closing and off we went. The 45 degree climbing was fun. And at the top we enjoyed the view. The drop looked ok. And was nice. But nothing really thrilling to me. Still it's nice to have the very first dive machine on 99. But a nice trick is: If you can keep the restraint with one click losser, open. you'll have some nice air at the top. But too bad the restraints lock as soon you are in the tunnel. (g-forces, ya know. [;)]) Nice ride, fun to do. But if there was a 1-2 hour queue, i'd defenatly won't be waiting for it.

It starts all off in the station, get in and close your restraint!

Then your released, you'll dispatch and see a Lift going up an hill...

On the top your free, roll down! Fly over bloody waterfalls! Could be your last ride! [devilish]

Insane corkscrew follows...

It goes faster then you will expect...

After the corkscrew, High speed helix... DOWNWARDS! [devilish]

Speeding into an insane Zero G-Roll!

After Zero G-roll, a turn and then ALL the way DOWN for a loop!

Turnaround and close call over the ground. Totally insane!

#100 - Nemesis:

I took the classical inverted coaster what is about number one from alot of english folks. And damn right the spot is worth it. I expected not much from it, but now when i rode it it's really number one of the inverted coasters. I love it! The drop is fun but as soon as the cork shows up it's starting to become insane. The helix after the cork is just wow. Going with that speed though that small radius. And the speed was still accelrating. After that, quick zero g roll, and then a nice turn, just to give you 1 sec to breath. Since after that turn, you'll dive all the way down. To take a loop after it (on that spot you get the highest G-force, 4g) After the loop, you'll get an 50 degree banked turn just to give you 2 sec to breath again before you'll dive again down to take a corkscrew that really is intergraded with the terrain. After that you'll get up with some nice speed though the last turn. To fly into the brakes. It's a damn fun coaster. Let's just say: Congrats Dirk with reaching riding 100 different coasters all around europe.

Possesed... Possesed... Possesed.......... And Now Fly........

Turning onto your back, sooo fun!

The last few secs that you will lay on your back before you are going to fly again...



#101 - Air:

My very first flying coaster. The experience looked really fun, whatever the speed is. And yes. The ride was defenatly fun. As soon we were at the top of the lift it started to get really fun. The experience was great. And as soon the roll to lay down came it started to get really fun. The feeling is just hardly unexplainable. You just have to ride it to get know the feeling. Since it was pretty weird, but insanely fun. But after riding this I really would think tatsu would be insane. Great flying coaster. Good fun factor.

Day 4 - More Alton Towers:
Started off today with ERT (Early Ride Time), so I had the change to ride air and nemesis 1 hour before it was open to public. Rode it a few times front and back [:)] But I really did it for the frontseat :) no queue for front, pretty unique [;)]

Nice air on the buckel.

Not bad ride [:)]

#102 - Rita - Queen of Speed:

After ERT'ing on nemmy and air I went to rita. It became my 2nd rocket coaster. The ride layout looked nice and the airtime was promised to be good over the hills. We tried to take the backseat of the ride but then we got taken to the front. Allmost frontseat was ok for me too. The launch was great, but if the restaints were blades my head would be decapitaded. Damn. I thought intamin learned to heartline! It felt more like the car was heartlined... Anyway, the airtime as nice on the hills but I hoped it was more. But the speed was nice in the turns. After that we rode it a few times, but it really was the track that didn't felt good. The ending brakes was also really rough. Quick airtime slammed straith and then thrown into restrait. The idea is good, but could have worked out better imo. Stealth stays the no. 1 rocket coaster for me so far.

Nice First drop, with some luck you really could get a great spin.

Me going up the lift. I've done it repeatly since the queue was about empty.

The highlight of the ride. The immelman turn [:)]

#103 - Spinball Whizzler:

I heard some negative comment about this ride but i think it's a really nice ride. With some nice luck you can get some really nice spins over the track. But too bad felt the ending a bit too soon for me. Also some thing that I liked was the games inside the queueline. The only problem was. They all weren't working. Only the sound worked... Nothing really much to say about spinball, it's an ok ride. Nice fun factor. Great when posing for action pictures. Now let's see if dragons fury @ chessington is better.

scrap this piece of sh*t, it s*cks badly!

#104 - Corkscrew:

This might be better know as: OUCH! I remember a few of these arrow rides that were build by vekoma but damn. This is probably the worst that I had ridden so far. Even goudurix is more fun! I'd also don't understand the reason of running 2 trains when they are only loading and unloading one... I think the transfer track probably was rusted, so they couldn't get it of the track [lol] Too bad the capicity got down because of the one train. Too long waiting for this crap ride. Just scrap this ride, fill it up with something else...

Station from Oblivion

Don't look down into the hole... [:D]

I told ya not to look down!

That's what you get if you look down... you're going to scream into a hole into the ground. Dissapear from the world. [devilish]

into the deep blackness [:)]

The last seconds that you will be dry on this top spin!

A whole wave of water in your face!

Dancing Stage Euromix 2! [:D]

Day 5 - Chessington Wold of Adventures:
Been only here for 2 hours, would have been better if i saw more, but dragons fury was too fun! No good pictures from vampire, the pictures were too dark.

#105 - Vampire:

It was an ok coaster, expected more from it. It had a few nice turns and a couple of nice swings. Not bad ride. Good for some kiddies. But not for thrill seekers.

Speeding up the lift...

roaring down the First drop! [pshades]

Flying though the immelman turn. [pshades]

And dissapear behind the trees...

That's a ride called: Dragons Fury [pshades]

Queuelines... What is that? I'd only see useless wooden fences...

Roaring down! Ha! Too fast for ya!? [:D]

Wheee!! [:P]

What?! now already 5pm? Oh well... Me wanna go back!!!!

#106 - Dragons Fury:

This was defenatly an awesome spinning coaster. The spinning effects and track were just great. If you were lucky you got an huge spin that continued the whole ride. Damn, that was freaking insane. Rode it about 10-15 times i guess. Too fun ride. It's too bad we arrived late in the park, or else i would have done a few more rides in the park.

11 new coasters on my coasterlist, great trip to england. I'm hoping to return soon again [:)]


095- Stealth
096- Nemesis inferno
097- Colossus
098- X - no way out
099- Oblivion
100- Nemesis
101- Air
102- Rita - Queen of Speed
103- Spinball whizzler
104- Corkscrew
105- Vampire
106- Dragons Fury
Last edited by Dirk_Ermen on May 12th, 2006, 6:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Coastercount: 1410 (I've seen the world and it's horrid contraptions... @.@)
- Wood: 142
- Steel: 1268

Post May 12th, 2006, 7:22 pm

Posts: 5852
Points on hand: 5,806.00 Points
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Great reviews and pictures! Looks like you have a nice trip, especially with all those short queue lines.

Post May 12th, 2006, 7:52 pm

Posts: 180
Points on hand: 77.00 Points
Location: Alphen aan den Rijn, Z-H, Netherlands

Post May 13th, 2006, 8:15 am

Posts: 904
Points on hand: 5,473.00 Points
Location: Norway
Nice trip report. I realy agree with you about Dragon's Fury. Great coaster. One of my rides was with three small chilldren. It was spinning madly[:)] And Nemesis is amazing!
Coaster count: 153
Moving to Singapore in july!

Post May 13th, 2006, 2:00 pm

Posts: 5626
Points on hand: 5,993.00 Points
Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

Excellent trip report! Many thanks for posting it!
Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all.

Post May 13th, 2006, 3:29 pm

Posts: 3185
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Location: USA
I agree, great report and congrats on 100+ coasters.

Post May 13th, 2006, 5:15 pm

Posts: 4357
Points on hand: 5,766.00 Points
Location: Cannock, West Midlands, United Kingdom

nice trip there. you should of told some of us in this country and maby we could of met up, oh well that dont matter, it would be nice to meet more people off of this site. comeback in october for the wws meet up t alton towers mate. thats promicing to be a pretty popular meet up but then alton is most defenatly the best park in the countr followed closely by thorpe park.
Making screams come true

Post May 14th, 2006, 5:28 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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Location: Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
gazag, i think you have missed this topic then: ... C_ID=12110
Coastercount: 1410 (I've seen the world and it's horrid contraptions... @.@)
- Wood: 142
- Steel: 1268

Post May 14th, 2006, 6:20 am

Posts: 350
Points on hand: 3,860.00 Points
Location: Birmingham, United Kingdom
Wow, you lucked out big time with queues, hehe. Mind you, last time i was at alton so did i. Got on nemesis and air 3 times each in the space of a couple of hours (with some ripsaw interludes).

I'd just like to take a moment to appreciate the awesomeness of Ripsaw hehe. I loved that when they have the wetar jets on.

Post May 14th, 2006, 7:51 am

Posts: 3000
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Location: Lincoln, United Kingdom

^ I agree with you Carlosio. When ripsaw has all the water jets working properly, its amazing! One of th best rides in the park IMO cos its just so fun, and you get soaked. I could actually stay in forbidden valley all day and just keep riding nemmy and ripsaw. [:P] I know that all sounds stupid as its just a topspin, but it really is fun, especially when you are with a group of mates.

Glad you liked nemmy dirk! It really is a beautiful ride (ahhh wish i was there now :( ). I agree with you about corky! lol.

BTW why is it just me that thinks colossus is better than inferno? lol.

Post May 14th, 2006, 9:01 am

Posts: 4357
Points on hand: 5,766.00 Points
Location: Cannock, West Midlands, United Kingdom

Originally posted by Dirk_Ermen

gazag, i think you have missed this topic then: ... C_ID=12110

sorry guess i did miss it, ive been away for a while and soon togo away again. sorry that i missed out
Making screams come true

Post May 14th, 2006, 10:06 am

Posts: 3018
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Location: USA
Sounds like you had lots of fun and YAY for DDR even though it looks as if you were on light mode pahahaha.

Edit: 2000th Post WHOOOOOOOOT!!![:)][:)][:)][:)][:)]

Post May 14th, 2006, 10:35 am

Posts: 1612
Points on hand: 2,593.00 Points
Location: Devon, UK
Fantastic report Dirk, glad to see you had a nice time [:)].
100 points for me also, for guessing your 100th coaster in the other topic[:)] Well done me!

Post May 14th, 2006, 8:22 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
True Addicts
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Location: Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Originally posted by CoAsTeRkRazY

Sounds like you had lots of fun and YAY for DDR even though it looks as if you were on light mode pahahaha.

Well, I wanna bet with ya that green is the difficulty from heavy so... [lol] But what for everyone looks heavy. Is light for me [lol]
Coastercount: 1410 (I've seen the world and it's horrid contraptions... @.@)
- Wood: 142
- Steel: 1268

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