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Anything funny happen in school?

Here, anything goes. Talk about anything that you would like to talk about!

Post May 17th, 2006, 11:14 pm

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I've got one! *raises hand*

lol so today in 8th period, I walk into class and notice my friend gettin up onto the window sill (which, mind you, is big enough to fit someone even when the blinds are down, and the blinds are solid), so I decided to get up there too. I ended up sittin there the whole class period with no one but a couple people noticing me. and then half way through the class I start makin noises and I can hear people sayin like, "wtf is that!?"

I'm just glad I didn't get caught because I was sittin by the window of the driveway, and its not uncommon for people to walk there. so I just sat there waiting for the vice principal to walk buy and see me. not to mention my ass hurt like I dunno what after 30 mins of sitting on hardwood.

Post May 17th, 2006, 11:39 pm

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So you were just hiding the whole hour?

At my school, nothing special really happens. I think I went the other day, maybe. But other then that it is really just a boring blur of sitting and writing.

Post May 17th, 2006, 11:52 pm

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A bunch of us caught our high school physics teacher smoking up behind the school once.

That same physics teacher let my friend and I build a rocket car for an acceleration test in grade 11. When we launched it the wire that the car was attached to broke and the car went rocketing towards the school. It eventually landed where the principals car was (luckily the principal was away that week) and blew up into a crap load of pieces. [lol]

Last semester in college during one of my electricity labs, the professor was lecturing us about safety one day after he saw a student not wearing his safety glasses. Needless to say, not 20 seconds after giving the lecture he electrocuted himself! [lol][lol]

Post May 17th, 2006, 11:53 pm

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Oh, at my school we had the BEST senior prank ever two weeks ago. It made CNN, Fox News, The Today Show, and The Colbert Report. Some seniors payed a homeless man to walk through the school totally naked. They snuck him in and it was just hilarious. The kids that were involved were arrested and suspended for exams and have to do 100 hours of community service with a homless shelter.

The homeless man was not arrested though, because the cops felt so bad for him. Even though he was quoted of saying that he didn't even care if he went to jail because it would give him a place to sleep. I feel bad for the guy.

On The Colbert Report, he said, "Arrested for paying a homeless man? I call that creating jobs." Then he made fun of our superintendant.

What a great 200th post

Post May 18th, 2006, 12:25 am

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i want my senior prank to be a cow on the second floor of a non-elevator building

hahaha they can walk up stairs but not down

our world geography teacher also seems like he overdosed on acid in the 70s/80s and woke up a couple days ago

boring catholic school

Post May 18th, 2006, 12:27 am

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Haha, I actually did see that on the Colbert Report, good one, even if it is kind of mean. My school's not really that exciting, though there are some pretty cool fights in lunch or after school every once and a while.

Post May 18th, 2006, 12:32 am

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They almost did a senior prank this one prank this year where they would have gotten 3 goats and painted 1,2, and 4 on them. They would've let them loose in the halls and the teachers would all be looking for #3. That would have been histerical.

Post May 18th, 2006, 12:33 am

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LOL, Some guy this year at my school dressed up in a full on Polar Bear suit and ran around the school at lunch, Then he got tackled by 3 proctors. It was soooooo priceless.

Post May 18th, 2006, 12:54 am

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Originally posted by spaminacan11

They almost did a senior prank this one prank this year where they would have gotten 3 goats and painted 1,2, and 4 on them. They would've let them loose in the halls and the teachers would all be looking for #3. That would have been histerical.

[lol]I was going to say that in my post but didn't. A bunch of my friends are talking about doing that with pigs our senior year. That would definatly be a fun one to do.[lol]

Post May 18th, 2006, 12:56 am

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Location: Los Angleles, CA, USA
they had that idea of the 1,2,4 goats at our school too

i had a good one but i cant remember it

Post May 18th, 2006, 1:22 am
coolbeans326 User avatar
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The dumbest thing I've seen at my school was when a bunch of beaners who I sit with at lunch decided to drink a bottle of hard liquor, and anyways, one of them was basically drunk and/or just acting stupid and another one you could smell the alcohol on his breathe. And anyways, the principle came walking by and he had a quick conversation with them about who knows what, and then he left. But they thought it was funny, and I just rolled my eyes....

Post May 18th, 2006, 6:50 am

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theres some girl in my art class whos allitle i dunno, messed in the head. so theother day we had a fire drill during art and she tells me "i was thinking about burning the school down today. i had matches and everything" and i was like ->[stoning]<-her

Post May 18th, 2006, 7:35 am

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I have loads of these but not enough time to write it all (im revising at the mo - Sine and cosine rules - eek).

The latest one was in one of the new buildings at school. Now, our school is a "really good school" according to the headmaster, and hes spent loads of time making the school easy for disabled people to walk around in. So we have lifts, stairlifts etc etc etc. Anyway, this year 7 kid (aged about 11 for you americans who dont know our year things) went in one of the new lifts, not knowing it was for disabled people. Anyway, bad idea to go in a glass lift with 3 year 11 (my year) maths lessons going on next door. We were all waiting outside and saw him in the lift, and started pressing all the buttons on the outside. The lift was CRAP. It got confused, and as soon as it got to the bottom it went up again, without letting the kid out. Then it came down again, up again, and then finally got stuck in between floors. Now because it was total glass everyone was laughing at this kid stuck half way between floors, and he started crying, and was left sat in it for like 20mins! Kinda mean, yes - but funny as hell. It doesnt sound it, but theres something about seeing annoying arrogant year 7 kids cry in a lift stranded above 60 15 - 16 year olds, that is just funny. heh.

Erm, also, my friend fell down a hill backwards after being chased by a fly, and she banged into a bench at the bottom. That was funny too.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh and seeing Beth get dog crap smeered up her leg :) That was funny too. But i wont go into that. heh.

ANYWAY, before i go, i will tell you about Kayleigh, she is in my form and has something quite similar to tourettes, but not quite as bad. Well, she got really upset once in class, because she had detention or something, and couldnt eat her dinner. And the teacher kept having a go at her. And then Kayleigh started screaming really high pitched, as loud as possible. Then she started talking to herself telling herself to shut up, and slapped herself straight across the face. I felt a mixture of shock, amusement, and fear at that point! lol. [:P]

Post May 18th, 2006, 7:59 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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This happened freshmen year. ... g_incident

Aside from that my neighborhood sucks ass and nothing ever happens here.
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Post May 18th, 2006, 8:06 am
hyyyper User avatar
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Post May 18th, 2006, 10:38 am

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Post May 18th, 2006, 12:19 pm

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One of our chemistry teachers spilt conc. sulphuric acid over his shirt. It literaly burnt his shirt off and through the his skin and was rushed to hospital. It was kinda funny because he just ripped his shirt off and ran about the science department before our Physics teachers came to his aid. Another chemistry teacher also blew up a huge glass fishtank by putting too much Rubidium into the container. It literaly blew up and spilt the entire contents of the tank onto the floor. What sucks though is that I only got to see the aftermarth

Post May 18th, 2006, 1:19 pm

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we had a laugh with Rubidium in our school (rachal might of herd of this happening, it was me)

we managed to get into the science department when no one was around and was looking for stuff to mess about with. any way to cut a longwe was messig about with sid,(our school skelington) and we got a great idea. we would get the rubidium and put some water in a jar and put it on sid, then drop some rubidium in it and watch sids chest explode. unfortunetally we added to much rubidium and it blew not only sid to bits but also a wole in the wall, we leged it and was cought 3 days later. 3 weeks suspention and we had to pay fo the repairs
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Post May 18th, 2006, 2:22 pm

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Water-Bombs were thrown at school today, awesomely it hit the hottest girl right in her chest.
Fortunatelly she had just a t-shirt on, and a white-lacy bra.
Saw right through, damn it was so funny[:)]

Post May 18th, 2006, 4:46 pm

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Originally posted by SFMM homie

LOL, Some guy this year at my school dressed up in a full on Polar Bear suit and ran around the school at lunch, Then he got tackled by 3 proctors. It was soooooo priceless.

on easter one of my friends dressed up at the easter bunny and ended up getting suspended for a week. no good pranks this year....yet. supposedely monday (last day for seniors) someone is going to let loose 1000 big ass spiders throughout the hall.

my senior prank next year will either be, my principals mercedes hoisted ontop of the roof of the school (i would more than likely get expelled though cause she is a mega bitch) or, let loose 3 back packs full of marbels in the halls with my friends. i am planning on assisting in a prank that i know will get me in big trouble if caught, locking ALL of the doors to the school with chains except for one. of course me and my buddies will be teepeeing the school during various times in the year.

Post May 18th, 2006, 5:10 pm

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Well everyonr knows how high school girls fight about everything... well one of my friends went to far. She decided, fine you want to talk behind my back, I will put hydrochloric acid on your chair. She never sat in it byt she got a week of in school suspension.

We were also talking how power less high school acid is but it would have eaten her jeans.
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Post May 18th, 2006, 5:19 pm

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Ummmm... some people put chalk (sp?) in the erasers a while ago. Yeah... that's it.

Post May 18th, 2006, 8:23 pm

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my high school is Brewer High School, a few years ago, some seniors took out the first r and the w to make it spell B e er High School, it was up there for like 3 days before it was covered up with a tarp

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