As I post this on my brother's mac, I sit without a working computer. It was one that I built myself and has been running stably for about 2 and 1/2 years now until recently, when I've been getting quite a few issues at start up. This problem has happened before, but I assumed it was the power supply, so I swichted the power supply from my old case to my new one. Once I did, I booted it up and it worked fine. So then I leave for a while and come back only to find it boot up, load windows, then have the same issue. All of a sudden the sound would go to this high pitched noise, then it would restart itself.
The Bulk of the Issue:
Once it restarted itself, I was lucky if it would post. If it did post, I would get a message saying "System now in Safe Mode, Please resetting the CPU Frequency." As I mentioned, I've been having this problem for about a month or two, and it just got progressively worse and worse. So after I received the message, I'd go into the BIOS and change somethin that had to do with the cpu (I didn't REALLY know what to do because the BIOS I have doesn't make it clear as what I need to do.) So I'd change something like CPU Ratio (commonly I'd just set it to "Startup") and the Voltage (commonly to Default). This seemed to work for a while, but just tonight it stopped working completely.
What's Happening Now:
I turn on the comp, and normally the fans run pretty loudly for a second or two, then they'd quiet down and I'd hear a little click, and I'd see it post on the screen. However, all it does now is turn on and run the fans loudly; nothing comes up on the screen and the fans just stay that way.
Can anyone help me? Anything at all is appreciated. I really regret having never updated the BIOS at all and falling behind in updating drivers.
If these ever really help,
My Specs:
Athlon64 3000+ @2.02ghz
Soltek SL-K8ANE-GR Mobo
Samsung somethin HDD 120gb
Radeon x800Pro 256mb
1gb DDR400 (2x512mb)