as of friday i wont be around untill tuesday night as im off for a 5 day interview with drayton manor for the position of apprentice maintainence technician. ive never been through a interview like this. for the position me and 5 other chosen people have to stay inside the park and have a short basic instruction on how to repair the apocalypse, shock wave, the haunting, excalibur, the flying jumbos, and splash canyon. this will take 2 days and for the other 3 we are on 24 hour call, the rides will purposely be tampered with and shut down and then it is up to us to repair the fault as quickly and efficiantly as possiable while being watched by an adjudicator who will grade us on our workman ship, safty, efectivness, efficianty, and attitude. this is one hell of a challange but the rewards will pay off straight away as the apprentice will be sent to germany for 2 weeks at a time every 4-5 months for advanced training on test rides. then theres spending all day with the 2 engineers on call and learning off of them, and not forgetting the ?????????120,000 a year salery plus benifits and the finnal position of master engineer. i really hope to make it through this and achive somthing ive wanted to do all of my life, even so ive made it this far ad i never thourght i would make it past the first interview not alone the third.
see all your uni and school studys pay off in the end and even if i dont get the job there are representertives from tussads and blackpool pleasure beach watching to so if i dont get the postion at drayton maby theres one there.