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SFoT Report

Visited a theme park and have a wild time?!? Post your trip report here and tell us all about it!

Post May 27th, 2006, 1:28 am

Posts: 1180
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Location: Texas, USA

No pics, sorry. Mom freaked out when I told her I was going to bring the camera [it's really new, so I don't blame her]

We got there at around...11:20AM. The park really wasn't as crowded since it was a Thursday and most schools weren't out. However, there was some sort of thing where they brang a lot of mentally handicapped people, which made me feel sad.

Runaway Mine Train
First ride was Runaway Mine Train, lol, since it was tradition for me and my friends thought it would be funny. However, I smashed my hands at least 3 times!!! And I could of done it more! They need to fix that! Overall, it was still fun. Except, my friend hit his hands, too, and got it pretty bad and right before we entered the station said, "Sh*t, that hurt..." and some crazy mother in the front of the station started yelling at him and asked for him to get kicked out. I mean, I hardly heard him...I dunno how she did.

Usuall Vekoma boomerang, not much else. My friend who's not a big coaster fan went on it, however. No line.

Batman: the Ride
I got in 4 rides on this in less then 30 minutes! NO LINES! I just had to walk around and go back through the line [secret door...[:p]] and wait a minute to get front seat. Nice ride. Not much to say since there's a lot of clones out there. But the side seats had some intense lats since I got in some headbanging [not bad] when I held my hands up. The middle seats were fine, almost no lats on them.

Mr. Freeze
I only got one ride on this since it shut down after my ride. Took a while to launch for some reason...oh well. I also noticed some hangtime in the front seat but not much. Still fun ride. I threw the stuffings of an animal I won off on accident.[|)] I hope I didn't break it, which is doubtful, since there wasn't a lot.

Runaway Mountain
Despite what people say, I still think this is a good ride. It's pretty forceful for what it is, and having ridden it's many clones, I'd have to say it's a lot faster and more forceful than the others. I only rode it once since the lines got long.

Texas Giant
No lines, either. I got in 6 rides for this, they even let me stay on in the front twice in a row. Still an amazing ride IMO. Very rough, however, you can see the bumps coming and the car shakes like MAD! But I love it. The front had some great airtime and awesome hand/head-choppers and the lats were very intense since the ride slams you over and over. The back wasn't as thrilling, oddly. However, there was major airtim on the first turn around and after the brake run which was nice.

Good ole' shockwave. I got two rides in on this. Pretty mellow, the loops were nice, though. However, it has gotten rather bumpy for me, and the final turn around through me into my The two kids on the train that came back before I got on my second time were terrified.

Got in 4 rides on this. I only got one in the front, though, since that line was the longest. The first drop really isn't that steep, but it's pretty intense due to the tunnel which is a great hand/head chopper. The turn around had some high lats on it, which wasn't bad, and added to the effect of falling out. The first hill had some really nice floater air in the back and front. Also, that first helix is very forceful and so is the second half of the ride. The second helix I almost blacked out cause I was dehydrated, lol, and I had a major headache by the end of the 4th ride. However, my only complaint is the brakes, which litterally THROW YOU against the front of the car or seat in front of you, which I wasn't so ready for, lol.

Judge Roy Scream
Almost forgot! I went on this for the hell of it at the end of the day. It's still amusing, and pretty nice out and back. Not so much airtime on this, but has some nice hand choppers near the end and the lake really adds to the scenic value of the ride.

I think I got the coasters covered. We didn't ride many rides, except Roaring Rapids, which was lame since I hardly got wet. Superman is boring, sadly...and is just too slow. Wildclatter is still better.

Oh, and there is a new ride being built near the SpongeBob Squarepants 4D ride, which is some sort of swinging inverter ship [to use RCT terms] or so it seems, since in the picture of it the car was upside down.

Also, there's a few new kiddie rides. One's a simple up-and-down Dumbo type ride called "Batwing", there's some sort of little kiddie spin ride near Flashback, and some Crazy-Dance style flat ride with cows as the cars on the way to Texas Giant from Runaway Mountain.
Last edited by Z00Z3R on May 27th, 2006, 1:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post May 27th, 2006, 1:33 am

Posts: 3185
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Location: USA
Looks like you had a great time. It's too bad you didn't get any pictures, but the reason for that is understandable.

Post May 27th, 2006, 5:29 am

Posts: 127
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Location: funchester, VA, USA
I thought that Runaway Mt. was a 1 of a kind ride...what clones of it are there? Also, is Orbiter the rocket swinging ship? If you ask me, I think it was a very good move to add 10 more flat-rides to SFoT, It just seemed like there werent to many before.

Im goin there sunday the 28th. Cant wait to get more ride credits... [8D]

Post May 27th, 2006, 9:38 am

Posts: 1180
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Location: Texas, USA

Originally posted by SixFlagsFiesta

As for you being a menice to the park, Im pretty sure you did break something, I should get pictures to proove it and have corporate hunt you down. There was also an incident report opened from Shelia on Run Away Mine Train at 11:51 AM about teenagers standing up on the ride, throwing objects from the ride, and cussing at the lift positioned employees.

I wasn't even on a ride at 11:51, we got there at 11:20/30, then we had to listen to the chaperones on where to meet and stuff like we probably entered the park at 11:38 or something, then I hadn't eaten breakfast and was hungry, so we ate, then we went on no, i wasn't on there at that time. and Batman was our first ride anyway, those are out of order.

Oh, and to texitan, it's a clone of like, the Hurricane rides at other parks, or rides like that, but some parts were changed to make it unique.

Post May 27th, 2006, 7:53 pm

Posts: 1180
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Location: Texas, USA

Because I didn't know there was no lines? So I wanted to get to a popular ride first?

And what day were you talking about?

Post May 27th, 2006, 9:13 pm

Posts: 1180
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Location: Texas, USA

Yeah, that's when I went. There was another school there, and maybe more than one, but trust me, I wasn't a menice, I just wanted to ride the rides.

Post May 27th, 2006, 11:12 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Your bweaking my bawls here hanz, your bweaking my bawls
"Sh*t, that hurt..." and some crazy mother in the front of the station started yelling at him and asked for him to get kicked out. I mean, I hardly heard him...I dunno how she did.

But seriously though, you should have pimped smacked her ass and said, "Silence Bitch!" [lol]

Post May 27th, 2006, 11:38 pm

Posts: 1180
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Location: Texas, USA

^ LMAO! god, she probably would of murdered him. The kids in my school in front of us had to pretend they didn't know him so she wouldn't lose her mind.

Post June 2nd, 2006, 7:15 pm

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Is it the same model as Pheonix at Busch Gardens Tampa. Becuase that one hurt like f**k, seriously. It had a bar on ure balls, and the metal horsecollar-like restraints. Owch[:(].

Post June 4th, 2006, 6:05 am

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Location: Devon, UK
Absolute Legend, good to se the old Inverter ship provailing[:)].

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