Originally posted by dcs221
I hate to be negative about anyone's pick, but that guy blatantly ripped his entire first half from Thunderhead Falls...99.9% sure he didn't do it himself with the same layout, instead opting to copy Phyter's first half, then paste onto his own track. Comparing them by opening and closing the TF track window ontop of his track's window (top view), it's obvious that all shaping and vertex placement is exactly the same. I *highly* doubt Phyter gave anyone permission to rip out half of his ride, and ontop of that, pdonahue didn't give any kind of credit.
I actually like this guy's track, but it's wrong what he did.
Man, now that i look at it i see it for sure. I probably would have never even noticed because of how different of an experience it is with all the 3ds that phyter used, but i see it now. Cant change my pick though, and I still think it all together is a great ride, but that is a weird problem.