Space Shot: Shot towers are always good imo, and this one is great. As its a little smaller than its ancestors, it stops dead very quickly at the top giving a very nice pop of ejector air, not to strong just perfect. And then there is a nice float back down for another full shot to the top. We did the ride three times throughout the day. The third being an experiment with a yo-yo(get to that later). For the picture i decided to sleeper my yo-yo in front of the camera, and then watch zero-gravity take it away from me at the top. Which me and gaz found extremly interesting[:)]. 8/10
After Space Shot we headed over to Wild Cat...
Wildcat: A pinfari Z40 coaster. Always a fun ride, nice steep drops and some occasional pops of air, nothing too special but really fun. 6.5/10
After Wild-Cat Nemesis Junkie went for some ice-cream, again. And we headed towards the Charles Paige classic Cyclone, queue wasnt so clever as they was only operating 1 train but we was on in less than 5 minutes.
Cyclone : Me and gaz jumped in the 2nd to last seat, and my brother and Nemesis Junkie in the row frontal to us.
The bent 'S'-bend lift hill is always an amusement and overall a very nice coaster, very nice airtime through the majority of the drops, and some head choppers on straight track!(which me and gaz found very confusing, although it was fun[:)]).
Ive always loved this coaster ever since i rode it for the first time when i was 8. Thus giving it a very respectful score of 8/10[:D].
After Cyclone Nemesis junkie got more ice-cream, and we went on the newly installed ferris wheel, which i did actually brake[:)], accidentally. Anyway.
Ferris Wheel: Hmm well what can i say, me and gaz jumped in one car, well cage in that manner, and we circled to the top to let my bro n NJ to get on at the bottom, with his ice-cream, fatty[lol].
When they were on we started flowing round at such a speed(very slow), that me and gaz reached ultra-boredom. So we decided to be cool, and pretend to catch some airtime on the back-drop. Thus me grabbing the side of the cage and ripping down the 'please remain seated' sign. Oooooops, well anyway gazag decided to temporerily borow the sign, and bring it back next never[lol], well its a souvenier and its the least they could do after breaking Traumatizer, t**ts.
Unfortunately, without the humerous things that happened on the ride, i'm still rating it down due to a very un-comfy seating position, and the fact that the altitude was next to non, 5/10.
After the Ferris Wheel we decided to pop over to the gates of traumatizer and see what was going on, and if gazag could fix it or not[lol]. Well anyway, we stood at the gate to try to see what's happening, when a scouse ride operater popped over. Being coaster enthusiasts we asked what was wrong. And the only reply we got back was, "Im sorry mate....ITS F**K*D" haha![lol].
So we didnt get far then did we[lol], scouse tit.
After being abused by the ride op, we saw the fun-house and straight away we was all like. "YAY, fun house we are definitely going in there". But the damn lady at the door turned us away, i know me and gaz are big guys, but we was gutted[:(]. so we thought, whatis the funniest thing we did at Blackpool on the meet there. KIDDIE COASTER![:D].
A Pinfari big Apple coaster with working on ride photos[:D].
The Big Apple
I took the back row, and every one else jumped in the rows in front. Obviously they were jealous as i would now get all the -1g ejector air time[lol]. I wish.
Being the asses that we are, we had our hands up all the way around, and as we entered the big apple, got probly the biggest static electric shot i've ever had. It nealy took my arm off. You really need to hear the noises we made, sounded like little girls on the park swings we did[lol]. 6/10 (awful ride, but damn fun)[:)]
Anyway after our amazing heart jolting ride on the Big Apple, we headed to the dodgems to take out some little kids[:)].
We study'ed the dogems to get the fastes cars, thus more pain inflicting. We did this every time we rode the dodgems that day.
We totally flinged the rules out of the window and started to head on crash into each other every go, although gaz did have one go at a little girl most likely giving her brain damage
![test [lol]](
Well anyway, me and gaz nearly broke our dodgems, taking out the protective bumper with our size, and probly smashing up the front of each of our cars, after hitting gaz, i worked off my whiplash and saw my brother right at the other end of the ride, he saw me and we both had at least 20 metres of run up and head to head we thrased our cars together so hard that my brother chipped his shin bone[lol]. You will see the bump i made, and the damage to his shin in the video[:)].
After the dodgems we went on the river caves to cool off, just a boat running through a stream, nothing special, just for the air-con inside.
![test [lol]](
River Caves
Not paying attention to any of the themeing, the only fun we found out of it was rocking the boat and playing with fire escape signs, and obviously taking in the cool atmosphere the ride had.
Well anyway, we got off the boat, thank f**k. And headed next door, to the ride King Solomens mines[:)]. Ohh yeah the pain[:D].
King Solomens Mines: YAY, mine ride. Probly the most painfull experiance of my life to date. But it all adds to the sheer exitement of it. We rode the ride twice in the day. Me and gazag taking the last ride together. Oh yeah[;)]lol.
Well anyway, the sheer pain that we got was amazing. I nearly dislocated gaz's shoulder, and i winded myself on every pop of airtime, and even on the straight track.
The ride op noticed gaz's memrobelia ruck-sack, and asked us a few questions about theme-parks and rollercoasters. We liked him so much, we gave him a WWS sticker, that we stick everywhere[:P]. And we hope that he will pay a visit to the site, and we can talk to him.[:)]. What a dude he was.
For the rate im rating down for winding me, rating up for me dislocating gaz's shoulder, up a bit more for the airtime, and down for pain(on me only[lol]). Giving it an average score of 7.5/10.
After the mine ride we decided to eat our lunch, consisting of sandwiches, crisps and a twix[:)]. How nice. More food for NJ[lol].
Getting some footage of rides along the way we decided to hurl up our dinner on the parks Chance Morgan Chaos.
Chaos: We had some absolute mega fun on this ride today, due to a combined wieght of...i'll say a bit[lol]. We managed to stick upside down for a full circuit on one of the days rides, which turned to be extremly fun, we tossed and turned and tossed.....and turned all day on this ride. And we didnt havea bad ride on it. Giving it a nice rate of 8/10.
We decided to head over the Southport Grand Prix and have a go on the Go-Karts[:)]. Which were reasonably priced (unlike other parks) at five pounds for about 10 minutes. Me being the winner lapping people 3 times over, not getting took myslef, and just the fact that my racing line is amazing, ohh yes....go me!
Entering back into the park, we decided that we would go back to the fun house and try to get in. The same old miserable woman still there, turning fun seaking adults back to the 'big rides',damn you!
After our second doseage of dissapointment, we decided to pop on a few more rides on Space Shot and Wild Cat, just when we wandered into the arcade.
And im not joking the money we spent in there, at least we got enough tickets, to buy 4 yo-yo's(the best prize ever) A lava lamp for gaz, and eight lollipops. You should see us, well you will in the video, so addicted to these little game things[:)], rediculous but fun[:)].
Acrade :::---> 10/10 [:)]
I forgot to mension earlier that we went on the parks pirate ship, taidle werv(In my northern accent lol gouldy[lol]), Tidal Wave... quite early on in the day, so...
Tidal Wave: A standard large breed of Pirate Ship, very fun, and quite a nice turn of airtime at the top, but due to its staderbility, im going to give it a 6/10.
After more re-riding, and abit more re-riding[lol]. We decided to pop onto the sky ride, (cable cars). To get some footage of the park, and its rides instead of us arsing about on the camera haha![lol].
Nice little cooling off ride as we were buggered walking around all day, for the relaxation factor, 5/10
All in all it was a fantastic successful day. As usuall we didnt stop laughing and we was sticking our WWS stickers absolutely everywhere, you will see them in the video.
Im sure the video will be great this time, lots of humor and some nice footage.
Really annoyed that the tastefull and juicy wonderful SLC was shut, becuase i love it[:)]. And so does gaz[:)].
The weather was beautiful all day, park was relitively quiet and we had so much fun as usuall.
Thanks to gaz for organising such a day, and for the pepsi yards he bought us[lol].
Pictures of the park will be uploaded asap, i will post a message in the shoutbox when they are up. And im sure gaz will have the video up asap too.
So again...fantastic day and i cant wait for the next one.
And thanks for Nemesis Junkie and my brother for coming.