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SFNE 6/23/06

Visited a theme park and have a wild time?!? Post your trip report here and tell us all about it!

Post June 24th, 2006, 9:32 pm

Posts: 430
Points on hand: 3,415.00 Points
Location: Massachusetts, USA

I got there at around 10:30 yesterday with my friend Mike. We decided to head straight for SRoS before the lines built up. It was only about a 10 minute wait and we got on the back seat. It was totally awesome! The more I ride in the back the more I like it. I used to like the front best, but now I like the back just as much if not more. Oh, and the trim brake on the bunny hills did NOT kick in today. OMFG that last bunny hill was the most extreme ejector air I ever experienced! At least as strong as ET's crossover hill. The only thing that sucks about this ride is the dang seatbelts. I don't mind them being there, but they should get rid of them and add the flat-buckled type like ET has. The ones they have now cut into your stomach making the airtime painful. The mist in the tunnel was very refreshing.

We then went on Shipwreck Falls because it was really hot. Didn't get that wet though. We headed to the North End.

Got in Cyclone's queue to find it empty as well as the station. There were only 4 people waiting for front row so we had to wait a few cycles. It was great today, smoothest it's ever been. The killer is the last turnaround. Ouch, my neck! Next time I'm trying the back, I promise! ph34r_anim.gif

We skipped Catapult because my friend hates those kind of rides. Same with Time Warp. We decided to skip Pandemonium too and go straight to HH.

Typhoon was about a 30 minute line, but was worth it. The water was freezing, but very refreshing. I just love the airtime, but the entrance to the last tunnel had a jet stream that hits you in the face and chokes you.

We were gonna go back into the park, but noticed Cannonball Falls had no line. I had never been on the green one and was a little nervous about it due to it's open-ness, but it's really not that bad. I expected this slide to be better than it was after hearing rave reviews of BB's Summit Plummit. Unfortunately it felt no different than a kid's swingset slide. Nice splash at the end though and is still sorta fun. Left a red streak on my back.

We skipped Batman because I've been on it a lot and it had a long line. Also, the storm was rolling in so we had to leave soon. We went on Buzzsaw which was fun, but bumpy. I love the ride but it should have seatbelts and padded seats so you don't get thrown around so much.

I kida wanted to try Twister, but my friend didn't want to so we went to Scream since I haven't ridden it in ages. I give a big thumbs up to this crew for their fast dispatches today! Line moved very quickly, and they made every effort they could to fill every seat, and we were launched within about 30 seconds of sitting down. The launch was more powerful than I remembered, but still felt slow after KK, lol! I put my arms and legs straight out because I love the floater air at the top of the launch. Then I was at sitting at the top facing towards SRoS and the CT river. Then.........WHOOSH! Drop was much faster than I remembered and ejector air ALL the way down. Nice ride. I wish I had one in my backyard!

Next we went back to Superman for a front seat ride. It was a walk-on this time. It was sprinkling so the rain kind of stung, but it was all good. The rain made the track so slick so we got even MORE extreme airtime this ride! Also, the first helix made me black out. I wan't unconsious, but my eyes were open yet it looked like they were closed. The heat seems to make that worse though because it doesn't usually do that.
Mist was turned on again in the second tunnel.

After Superman we went up to Splash Wter Falls, but first we noticed they had an XBox 360 promotion tent, so we got to try out Need For Speed Most Wanted. Good graphics, but I'd rather get a PS3. So SWF was about a 20 minute wait, but took us about 10 because they wanted a party of 2 to fill a raft. Sweet deal! The lift is long and boring, but gives good views. Made me kinda miss Colossus. The rafts spin so fast it actually made me dizzy! It was great though. Didn't get too wet, but just enough to cool us off. AFter that I went over and put quarters in the water cannons to squirt some people lol! Devil.gif

We decided to wrap up the day with a Tomahawk ride. Classic ending for me. It made me very dizzy and light-headed due to the heat and being hungry, but we were soon walking out the gate, ordering a pizza from Nicky's down the road. We left around 3:00.


Two train operation on Superman with no breakdowns

AWESOME crew on Scream today! thumbsup.gif

Cyclone was very smooth


Overall day: 8/10

Post June 24th, 2006, 10:44 pm

Posts: 5367
Points on hand: 1,916.00 Points
Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA

Even though you only got two rides, Superman seemed to be so much better than it was on Tuesday. For me, the mist was never on and it had 7 occasions of downtime.

Post June 25th, 2006, 11:02 am

Posts: 430
Points on hand: 3,415.00 Points
Location: Massachusetts, USA

I really don't need more than 1 or 2 rides on it per visit. I've been on it a lot and I go about 10 times a year, so I like to keep it exciting by not over-riding.

Post June 25th, 2006, 11:12 am

Posts: 5367
Points on hand: 1,916.00 Points
Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA

Oh yeah definetly, but for me it was my second and last trip to SFNE. As of tomorrow I'll be living 2000 miles away.

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