actually a certain challenge to our separation of church and state took place in 1954, and now school children ar required to pledge alleigence to god and their country.. i'm not one of these people who run around screaming like my hair is on fire about it though.. my personal opinion is that evangelical christianity as viewed today in america is largely represented by a conservative and nationalistic version that surfaced mid century as a reaction to the "threat" of communism. it didn't take long for people to see this happening and react to it, but i doubt if they will ever be taken seriously by the establishment. cultures that did not have access to the bible's 'ten commandments" also have laws against stealing and murder.
back to the subject though .. as far as i can recall the apostle peter had a dream, one in which he was offered a big net full of some of the things that god had told the children of isreal were unclean, and was told that the christ had come to make these old laws void. it doesn't mention homosexuality here, but is it possible ...simply possible, that this also was included?