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El Toro Construction **Now Open**

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Post June 12th, 2006, 8:53 pm

Posts: 11
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Location: westfield, NJ, USA
Originally posted by Real

LMAO...theres 3 things I see in the reviews.


Which one really doesnt matter? Yea, the smooth. Why does a ride have to be SMOOTH (quoted) to be world class? Same for speed. What is fast? Fast is a relative term. Being a CP native anything under 93mph is going to feel rather slow.

Airtime is the only thing that matters here. I have a feeling people are padding the reviews with the "Fast and SMOOOTH" to fill in the blank space left where the ride lacks.

For a ride though that only had 4-5 moments of great air with not a "whole" lot else going on, I can see how the only other things you could say are "fast and smooth". Just cracks me up. I can think of at least 4-5 coasters that the Enthusiast crowd hates because they are fast and smooth yet when you add a few hills, suddenly its Gods gift to the coaster


The 2nd half is also supposedly insane (I'm getting out there this upcoming weekend, so I'll give review then). I have 4 freidns that have ridden S:RoS at SFNE and Toro, and 3 of the 4 say Toro is the better coaster because it NEVER loses intensity. From the constant headchoppers/airtime/2nd half, it just never loses intensity.

I will give you a full review of it this weekend, and will really see if it can top my current #1 woodie, Boulder Dash.

Post June 12th, 2006, 9:14 pm

Posts: 5286
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Of course it cant lose that much intensity, its 50-55 seconds from drop to brakes!

Post June 12th, 2006, 9:20 pm
jayman Premium Member
Premium Member

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Location: spring valley, quick ride loses everytime to well paced long ride. well..except for x...

Post June 12th, 2006, 10:03 pm

Posts: 11
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Location: westfield, NJ, USA
Originally posted by Real

Of course it cant lose that much intensity, its 50-55 seconds from drop to brakes!

MF is even shorter, and is constantly rated #1 and in top 5's in every single poll...

Ride Toro before you start criticizing it.

Post June 13th, 2006, 10:42 pm

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For those who are interested, I took 3 short vids that really showcase the ride's speed better than others that I've seen...

El Toro is amazing. Maybe I'll write up a review later if I feel like it (I will eventually) but right now, I'm going to work on my NL recreation of Toro some more, now that I have more insight after riding 3 times today.

Post June 13th, 2006, 10:47 pm

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that coaster, looks really awwsome and i love the sounds that its making, and the speed is great asswell so it should be fun to ride that coaster.

Post June 13th, 2006, 10:49 pm

Posts: 86
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Location: Plymouth Meeting, PA, USA
Originally posted by jimths08

I wonder if any of them have ridden Voyage. I'd rather have twenty two moments of sudden flo/ejector airtime than five hard ejector moments.

Looks like a good ride for the park. I'll be at Holiday World though.

It's funny hearing them talk about the lift. "We must all love Intamin for their cable lift, because you move around that turn so damn quick it makes the drop's air just so sick..." They could have the same air with a slower lift.

I know that you are comparing El Toro and The Voyage. You did say "I'll be at Holiday World though." I think I would rather be at SFGA, look at the other rides that SFGA has vs Holiday World. Holiday World sucks, the only thing they have that compares to half of SFGA's coasters is The Voyage.

Post June 17th, 2006, 2:47 pm

Posts: 2052
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Location: USA

all I can say about el toro is, Thank God they didn't include all those crappy seatbelts and extra leg restraints like on all the intamin steel hypers. otherwise, looks pretty good. hopefully I'll get to ride it sometime.

Post June 28th, 2006, 8:41 pm

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Location: Naples, Florida, USA
I went to New Jersey for my neices graduation. One day we went to SFGADV and I went on El Toro it was great and fun. I also got to go on Superman,Batman, and Medusa. I wanted to ride Kingda Ka but it was having problems and I wanted to ride Nitro but the line was to long. a twenty minute wait for Nitro. I had a fun day

Post June 29th, 2006, 9:25 am

Posts: 230
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Location: Ohio, USA
I know a lot of people prefer a bumpy ride but ...
El Toro is smooth because the track is strong and built correctly. If anyone wants a bumpy ride, ride a poorly built coaster or old coaster that needs maintenance but be sure to take your pain medicine along with you.

Post June 30th, 2006, 9:52 am

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Track is no stronger than any other woodie.

Its prefabricated in a warehouse exactly like steel coasters. Cut and molded by computers and electronics.

Post June 30th, 2006, 10:20 am

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Location: Massachusetts, USA

Post July 2nd, 2006, 7:18 am

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Post July 3rd, 2006, 12:02 am

Posts: 5286
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Location: USA
Originally posted by Nitro1118

Originally posted by Real

Of course it cant lose that much intensity, its 50-55 seconds from drop to brakes!

MF is even shorter, and is constantly rated #1 and in top 5's in every single poll...

Ride Toro before you start criticizing it.

lmao. Get some facts man. MF from top of lift to brakes is 1 minute and 5 seconds. A full 10 seconds longer.

And, MF is rubbish if you ask me. So bad example ;)

Get me a weekend off of work and buy me a plane flight in + hotel + a rental car and Im there.

Post July 3rd, 2006, 12:45 am

Posts: 3153
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I think i remember the MF ride op on some discovery show point out a 59 second run from lift top to brakes Real. Not 100% sure though.

Of course, though I love MF, El Toro does so much more, and so many more exciting things during it's ride time.

Post July 3rd, 2006, 2:05 am

Posts: 5286
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Location: USA
59 would be an insanely quick run. I timed it from CS's onride (which I was sitting right next to the camera) and that was a pretty fast run IMO. One of the best runs Ive ever had. I even gave it an error margain of like 2-3 seconds. under 1min must be a blistering run.

Post July 3rd, 2006, 2:07 am

Posts: 1674
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Location: IA, USA

its is 59 real. 59.14239081346 something is the average according to a rideop at CP, i got this info from the show dcs was talking about.

Post July 3rd, 2006, 2:24 am

Posts: 5286
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Location: USA
Eh, I wouldnt even trust any of the random Ops from CP. The ones that run MF are always so...shady. The ones that run Raptor and Blue Streak - they are sweet. MF ones are always just so shady.

But those shows are always off on their stats. Not to mention that now this year it doesnt run with the added boost of speed up the hill.

Post July 3rd, 2006, 3:35 am

Posts: 11
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Location: westfield, NJ, USA
Give it up...It is under 1min/1min to the dot. Hell, if you want other examples...Cornball Express is only 2,100ft long, Raven 2,800ft long, and both of those coasters don't do nearly as much as Toro and are constantly highly touted. I just looked at TPR's video...Balder is 54 seconds long from drop to brakes, and the ONLY thing Balder has is airtime...10 moments of it to Toro's 7, and balder only has quick pops, not the INSANELY sustained airtime like on Toro (in back row you're out of your seat for a good 4 seconds on first drop/2 camelbacks).It also lacks the height/speed/variety that Toro has...guess what? #1 coaster in world according to the enthusiast population who voted in Mitch's poll.

Anyway, I rode it again this past Sunday 6 front row rides, back row rides, and a 3rd row ride. Back has the best airtime due to it being sustained longest, while 3rd row has strongest. Front row is VERY open for a great view, but it gives mildest ride. Back is by far most intense overall ride. I think I rate it SLIGHTLY behind S:RoS at SFNE because the twister section is a tad bit short while S:RoS' twister is the best part of the ride....having an overall inferior layout to the coaster with the best layout in the world isn't much of a knock, though. S:RoS is my fav overall coaster, while Toro stands head and shoulders above Boulder dash for my #1 woodie (might change a month from Friday when I ride Voyage). It is VERY close between those 2 coasters, though, and my ranking of them can change with a night ride on Toro.

Here is a night shot of Toro from parking lot from trip this past Sunday as there have been no night photos of the ride posted yet on the net (BTW, park was the emptiest I have EVER seen it...and 2 train on Toro):


Post July 3rd, 2006, 11:57 pm

Posts: 430
Points on hand: 3,415.00 Points
Location: Massachusetts, USA

I agree completely. I think SRoS just edges out Toro.

Post July 4th, 2006, 3:16 pm

Posts: 86
Points on hand: 2,221.00 Points
Location: Plymouth Meeting, PA, USA
yea the back seat of el toro at the top of the first hill is amazing
the ejector airtime is remarkable, there is nothing like it on any oher coaster that i know of


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