Thats mean. I cant wait to post enough to be able to change yours!
If I had to place a bet -- I would bet that you are not going to be a member long enough here to be able to change anyone's title. But, that is just me ... what do I know? Besides, be happy you got a reasonable title, it could have been MUCH worse.
Just stop being clueless Jumper ... however, with all the blood you have spilled in the water already, I don't know how big of a bouy you are going to need to get out of the shark frenzy happening now. LOL
no i knew that. but i've always just said transsexual. haven't heard something like ladyboy or whatever since like, grade 4. no offense, i just thought the term was funny.
sensation black last night was a big disater 30min of rob gee an kurt blow ,slipknot and biohazzerd. scruwd the howl party 15.000 of the 35.000 peolpe in the amsterdam arena whare sitting down on the ground and putting thare middle finger too rob and his gang of american hardcore. to get lost beer was trown at them. the last 5 min 1 guy climb on too the stage and hit rob on his face than this happend the poor guy had a scalefractur and is at the moment still in the AMC (Amsterdam medical Centrum) after this rob got of the stage and the croud reactic like this id&t still heaven respons too the event what happend.
but probly rob and his gang are getting a lawsowed for violince and maby owlsow a civil one from the guy that is in the hospital right now