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Do you believe in Ghosts?

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Do you believe in Ghosts?

Yes, I think they Exist
No, I don't think they Exist
Total votes : 43

Post July 22nd, 2006, 5:22 pm

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Well i was wondering who here believe in Ghosts such as the paranormal, i was watching a show about it, but i wonder if it is just the goverment trying to scare us citizens or if indeed ghosts do really exist. so what do you think.

Post July 22nd, 2006, 5:23 pm
GRIM.657 User avatar
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w00t, first vote!

(yes btw)

I've never seen a full 'Ghost' with a human appearence and all, but i've seen some fairly strange things...

Post July 22nd, 2006, 5:34 pm

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I myself will not kid you. Here is the story. I was sleeping in the living room on the floor with my step sister at my old house. She had a cold but had just got it. So anyways I was sleeping pretty good and in the middle of he night I woke up and felt really weird like a pushing feeling on me. I looked at the clock to check the time and it was 3:18 AM. I rubbed my eyes and was getting ready to go back to sleep when I looked towards my hallway near my room and I thoughht I saw something. So I looked closer and noticed that it looked like a person. It looked like a little boy I say about 12. So I was like "WTF is this real?" So I shook my head to make sure I wasn't dreaming. By the time I opened my eyes again it was gone like thin air. The next morning I did a search on the house and nothing has ever happened there and we were the second people to own the house. I still don't know WTF happened that night but it's still stuck with me up to this day.

Post July 22nd, 2006, 5:55 pm

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I'm one of those peeps who don't really know... I mean think about it, everytime there is one of those ghost tours(I love those) someone sees somthing and points it out, then everyone is like "Yea I see it too." But it just turns out to be a cat... Its stuff like that that puts me down. Everything has an explination but there is also the unexplained. So I'm staying neutral.

Post July 22nd, 2006, 5:56 pm

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We lived in a house in R.I. that was built in 1908 I believe. We heard from neighbors that it was haunted because the original owner's wife died in her bed in the house. Sometimes during the night we would be awoken by doors shutting, especially the one that lead to the attack. After it hapenned a few times, we decided to leave the door open and the next morning there it was, closed. We even closed all the windows around that area to make sure the wind had no play in the closing. I swear something was up in that house though, as I just heard things during the night that were out of the ordinary. I'm glad were finally out of it.

Post July 22nd, 2006, 6:12 pm

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Yeah, these things do actually happen and when people come to tell you, you think they're all insane and smoking weed.

They do exist and if you encounter one I don't think you'll ever forget.

Post July 23rd, 2006, 2:45 am

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My friend has seen a ghost before. I wont tell the whole story because she might not let me but she saw a girl dressed in white screaming and ran to the bottom of the stairs. Also she was selling her house and the took a picture. They printed it out and in the windows they could see images such as wolfs and angles and animals. I cant remember the website but they put it up on a ghost webbie for everyone to see. If I find it ill tell you!

Post July 23rd, 2006, 2:47 am

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If you guys believe in ghosts, what do you think they are? Why are they here and what do they want? Do you believe in these popular theories about unresolved death, etc.?

By they way, I have a nuetral opinion. I have never seen a ghost, though I've been in many places where they might exist. I live in an old brownstone which was converted to condos. My upstairs neighbor looked up the city records for this house, and apparently someone died in my kitchen, where I am typing right now! I havn't noticed anything unusual, except, I've had a lot of leaks...[}:)]

Post July 23rd, 2006, 6:52 am

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Not sure how this helps, but here are a couple of thoughts. For years now we have been de-sensitized to things based on movies we have seen. I am not totally sure how our brain works, but perhaps a bit of imagination, combined wtih a bit of confusion (early hour, just waking from sleep, catching something out of the corner of your eye, etc.) our minds seek to make explanations of things because we just cannot have something unexplained in our head. This is a normal reaction, and one proven by psychologists over and over.

Often times in my own life I have had the sudden chill bumps and have felt that something is watching me, or following me, to which I give instant praise to God and suddenly those feelings leave me. Now, is this something trying to haunt me and they are repelled by thoughts of "goodness" from God? I don't know, but I do know that my faith and trust is not in ghosts, but a living God.

I have never seen a "ghost" so I cannot lend totally weight to whether they exist or not. I have often thought of several explanations on this to try to reason things out and have never really come to a totally explainable reason for things. I am certain that when I die I will be in the presence of Jesus Christ and do not see myself coming back to haunt anything or anyone ... but I guess following that logic, perhaps those who do not go there could logically become "ghosts".

With that said, I offer this: When my daughter was young, about 2 I think, we were playing in the living room late in the evening and she said "Goodnight Sue Sue" just out of the blue and pointing towards the other side of the room. My daughter is named Nicole Sue after my Aunt Sue, who died when my wife was pregnant. When she said this both my wife and I thought this was weird and I immediately went for the photo album, and since she loves to look at pictures this was a fine activity. She loved to point out pictures of "the baby" (herself) so we went to looking.

When I came across a picture of Sue she pointed to her and said "Sue Sue", which is what I used to call my Aunt Sue. Never can I recall telling her this, as this was a term of endearment that I called just her. Now, at 2 years old did she see her? Did my aunt come to check in on us? I don't know, but her calling out her name out of the blue was VERY odd, and something I will always remember.

Edit: I could not find this earlier (I did remember it) but have just relocated it. Taking my faith into consideration now (I was not a believer when this earlier experience happened), one could assume there may be ghosts. However, while seeking a biblical explanation sometime ago - here is one article which completely puts to bed the idea of ghosts even being possible.

Remember! This is just one person's opinion on the matter, so don't jump on me for quoting it. Anyway, take your pick ... you can easily be on either side of this.

Post July 23rd, 2006, 8:18 am

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Post July 23rd, 2006, 8:45 am

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My opinion is that all Supernatural sightings/hearings. Are all purely down to Paranoia. Say if somebody has just watched a horror movie, in which has scared them to quite a high extent, the person would become paranoid and become more aware of their surroundings.
Due to this, people will pick up sounds and imaging alot more easier and its possible for their brain to turn images/noises into something related to what your thinking of.

Of course there is as much possibility of being ghosts out there, im not too sure on it.
I do beleive in Aliens though!

Post July 23rd, 2006, 10:49 am

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i believe they are real
ive seen some awfully strange things at my house and a few of my friends
long stories though so i wont get into it unless someone really wants me to

Post July 23rd, 2006, 12:27 pm

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Ghosts are just things people use as excuses for irrational fears.

Post July 23rd, 2006, 1:14 pm
GRIM.657 User avatar
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Originally posted by e-man

Ghosts are just things people use as excuses for irrational fears.

I'd like to see someone blame ghosts for alektorophobia, lmao.

Post July 23rd, 2006, 1:20 pm
jayman Premium Member
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the ghost of col. sanders used to come around and mess with you in the middle of the night?

Post July 23rd, 2006, 1:22 pm
GRIM.657 User avatar
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Post July 23rd, 2006, 3:05 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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I don't believe in Ghosts because I can't see that we actually have some sort of mind, or physical appearance after we deceased.
Anyways, the best ghost show that I've seen is probably Ghost Hunters on SciFi because they don't have a bunch of psychic who are probably just pretending to be possesed. They actually take time and try and disprove that there are ghosts, but if they get anything odd, they won't say that it couldn't be. Cool show to watch when your bored.[:D]

Post July 23rd, 2006, 5:06 pm

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ghosts are real. period. they are real, as real as UFO's and 2 for 1 tuesdays.

Post July 23rd, 2006, 5:43 pm

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Ghosts are just things people use as excuses for irrational fears.

Couldn't aree more, I don'y believe in ghosts and these shows where people go to places where they believe there is ghosts and film it is just hilarious. I have never seen so much acted BS in my life. I am seriously left wondering if there is a single person in the world dumb enough to believe that stuff

Post July 23rd, 2006, 6:03 pm

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meh, thats probly true, but if there are ghosts, I think they just chill and don't let anyone see em

Post July 23rd, 2006, 8:13 pm

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i didn't beleive in ghost untili saw one in my room at 4 preety much was was stupid because it was an old lady in old timey close and we are the first people to live in this house.but you non-belivers will believe once it happenns to you if it does.

Post July 23rd, 2006, 8:35 pm

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Well, my brothers girlfriend and her class from school went to Ireland, and they went to this one castle. So as she was taking pictures, there was only the interior of the castle within the photo, but once she looked on the camera's screen, there were ghosts all over the place. She said she didnt believe it so she took another picture in a different part of the castle and there were ghosts in the photo, which werent visible without the camera. Once she came to our house when they came back and she showed us the pictures, and I was pretty creeped out.

Other than that, my family said they saw one in our living room at around 8:00 a.m., and one in our house in Minnesota, which we moved from.

So from my perspective, they're real.

Post July 23rd, 2006, 8:52 pm

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I find it funny how people claim they have the pictures of ghosts, and yet they don't post them. Hmmm....

Post July 23rd, 2006, 10:33 pm

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I have seen a ghost in my house twice, and it opened a locked door a couple of times. I just got back from school and nobody was home, so i got out my key to my house and it just opened by itself. Also, me and my friend were just hanging around and one of the sliding foors that leads to my backyard opened and slid open really fast. We went outside to check if anybody was there, but nobody was...Plus my dog always freaks out in my basement and never will go down this hallway.

And for something to do if you really think your house is haunted, take a picture of your tv when it's off. Sometimes a face shows up, it worked for my sisters friend.

And my grandmother had an operation and died for about 15 seconds on the operating table. She said she was floating above herself..I definatly belive in ghosts.

Post July 24th, 2006, 2:04 am

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