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Do you believe in Ghosts?

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Do you believe in Ghosts?

Yes, I think they Exist
No, I don't think they Exist
Total votes : 43

Post July 24th, 2006, 2:27 am

Posts: 1065
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Location: Pot country, Tacoland, USA
Ive seen wierd crap but I dont think ghost exist. I have seen black figures go by at least 3-4 times in my house and once in oklahoma when I was accross the street from a grave yard, but all these incedents happened when I was freeked out cause of some movie, show or some other thing. Also I only seen it when I was almost asleep so I just really figured it was my brain trying to scare me Shizless. I just cant believe that there are living dead people its the dumbest thing ever.
Go chuff yourself and have a nice day! :D

Post July 24th, 2006, 8:31 am

Posts: 344
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Location: Staffordshire, United Kingdom

Ok, I agree the TV shows who ALWAYS appear to find ghosts are faking it. Thats just for entertainment but it does make me jump.
I do believe in ghosts though. I think unless you've seen one yourself it is in fact VERY hard to believe in them.
I've told people what happened to me and I don't know if they all believe me but my family does.. ok here goes. This is a really long story, but i swear to you not a word of it is a lie.

I was living in my first house with my mum and brother. I was abouuuut 10 when something happened. I was just lying in bed and I always left my TV on cause I was just getting used to sleeping with the light off lol.
My mum would always come in when she went to bed and turn my TV off.
The nights she went out the TV would be left on.
One night she was out and I woke up in the night and saw my TV was off. I closed my eyes, then opened them again because it sounded like a poster had fallen off the wall. There was a figure standing near my bed, waring gardening stuff with whispy red hair. I made a noise but then it went away. I thought I was dreaming so in the morning I asked my mum if she'd turned off my TV. She said no, so I presumed it had gone off by itself.
A couple of nights later when she was out again the exact same thing happened, and when I saw the figure it was standing right next to me. I scrunched my eyes together and took a deep breath and when I opened them, he'd gone. I jumped out of bed and went downstairs and my mum had just got back. I slept in my mummys bed that night! haha.
Next week, my mum had turned my TV off cause she came in and woke me up by accident, then she went to bed. I woke up again because my TV had come on.. then the figure was leaning over me looking at me. I screamed and it went away. I ran into my mums room and I stayed there again.
My next door neighbour used to come over most says for a coffee, and when we were telling her she told us laughing, it might be her Uncle Fred. She asked what he looked like and the description I gave her matched a photo she had of her uncle.
Fred lived in the house years before we did, and had died in the room next to mine.
Jean our neighbour told us he loved being in the garden, and he had the exact same interests as me, and that if I had been alive before he died he would have loved me.
We think that he was coming to meet me or something, or watching me, cause I apparantly also had an imaginary friend I used to play in the garden with called Mr Fred when I was very young.
I never saw the figure again but I always got the feeling someone was there, or watching me. But I wasnt scared because if something bad was going to happen to me, it would have already happened.

Whether you believe me or not is up to you but that's my experience and that's why I believe in ghosts.
Sure I hear all the noises and stuff, but that's the best proof for me to say I believe!

Edit: And I dont think im special or anything lol :| someone accused me of claiming to be psychic falsely. I do NOT think im psychic or in any way supernatural or that bullShiz. I just believe in it.

Post July 24th, 2006, 8:34 am

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Post July 24th, 2006, 12:19 pm

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If there was a guy over my bed, with hair like that, i would have a heart attack, i really would be the first person out the door of my house.

Post July 24th, 2006, 12:44 pm

Posts: 748
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You see my deal on ghosts, aliens and all that other Shiz. There has to be some kind of lifeform in the "entire" universe. Now the cool thing to think about is if space ends whats beyond that.

Post July 24th, 2006, 1:54 pm

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Location: Netherlands

Originally posted by coasterguy77
And for something to do if you really think your house is haunted, take a picture of your tv when it's off. Sometimes a face shows up, it worked for my sisters friend.

I tried it, and I'm kinda freaked out right now... [dunno]


Post July 24th, 2006, 2:14 pm

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I'd be more freaked out by the puppet on a string than a face in the tv!

Post July 24th, 2006, 2:25 pm

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Location: Kettering, England / Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Now the cool thing to think about is if space ends whats beyond that.

Not really, There is nothing at the end of space, as there is no time for anything to exsist in. We live in the 4th dimension and where space 'ends' there is no time, meaning it's only 3 dimensions. The universe is expanding at the speed of light also, making it impossible to even see the edge of space

Post July 24th, 2006, 5:34 pm

Posts: 344
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Location: Staffordshire, United Kingdom

^^ God knows how many times we've talked about this but I still dont get it

Post July 24th, 2006, 6:17 pm

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Edge, please tell me what the universe is expanding into?

Waits for reply [:)]

Post July 24th, 2006, 6:35 pm

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Location: Denver, Colorado, USA
Originally posted by ExTraxYz

Originally posted by coasterguy77
And for something to do if you really think your house is haunted, take a picture of your tv when it's off. Sometimes a face shows up, it worked for my sisters friend.

I tried it, and I'm kinda freaked out right now... [dunno]


That is excatly why you do not do that test on your own tv, like in your home, because then that will freak you out, do it at someone else's home. Also when you took the picture did you change any setting? also was the flash on?

Well i also would not be to afraid, because we all supposibly live by ghosts everyday, just like right now, there could be one over my shouldier as i am typing this.

Post July 24th, 2006, 6:57 pm

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Originally posted by e-man

I find it funny how people claim they have the pictures of ghosts, and yet they don't post them. Hmmm....

Well i saw a ghost, and i happened to be on webcam at the same time, print screen[:)].

Image Insert:
6.83 KB

Se it in the background[shocked]. Yes, that is the one and only 17 year old eating ghost ever to be 'print screened'.

Open i window, i can smell bull-Shiz[lol].

Post July 24th, 2006, 7:10 pm

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It is a common mistake, given our life experiences, to assume that any given thing must be contained within something else. Our universe does not exist 'inside' anything, it is insular, curving back within itself.

There is nothing outside of it. It is also a common mistake to assume that nothing implies space, that it includes the possibility of something being there. Like a vacuum for example, it's nothing, but with the potential to hold something. What I'm talking about, the nothingness outside our universe, is not that. It contains no potential for anything. There is no space, there are no dimensions, there is no time. There is nothing there. Absolute nothing.

Also, we do not exist in 4 dimensions. That is a misconception often unfortunately perpetuated by grade schools and science fiction. We exist in 3 spatial dimensions and one time dimension, they shouldn't be lumped together because they are not the same at all. Time is not the 4th dimension, its a different kind of dimension.

Or if you take to String Theory there may be as many as 11 spatial dimensions, but all but 3 of them are microscopically small.
Be sure you're not looking in a mirror before you start pointing fingers.

Post July 24th, 2006, 7:12 pm
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Post July 24th, 2006, 7:19 pm

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Uh-oh MoP, there is clearly a ghost of Wayne Brady's non-smiling face hiding on your TV screen. I'd sell your house and get away from there if I were you.

Post July 24th, 2006, 9:20 pm

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Location: Kettering, England / Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Edge, please tell me what the universe is expanding into?

Waits for reply

As Zazu Yen said...absolute nothing. The human brain isn't advanced enough to conceive nothing as nothing and must assume there is something there. The Universe is expanding but not into anything, rather it's creating more dimensions to exsist in as it expands

Post July 24th, 2006, 9:49 pm

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^Yea, Edge knows what he's talking about. lol.

And Extraxyz- I think you PS'd that photo. There is no way that is real. Ghosts are just your immagination (which has built up from all the scary movies and Shiz you watch) filling in blanks that you see. Maybe you see your eyelash in the corner of your eye, IMMEDIATELY your brain goes on an outbreak thinking of the possibilities. The more exposed you are, the scarier the stuff you see. Notice how you people are seeing things at 4AM and then "shaking your head and never seeing them again". Listen to yourselves... Also someone said they saw a little girl in a white dress... WTF, how dumb are you, thats a typical scary movie icon. Its obviously your brain. Thats just like when people are all traumatized because they were attacked by "aliens". But when they describe these aliens they have the typical guitar-pik-shaped-head and oval eyes look. What are the chances of the real aliens looking exactly like what movie makers have depicted them as... HMMMMM!?!?!?!?

Post July 24th, 2006, 11:42 pm

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Ok so you actually think that you can see a ghost face in your TV screen? Maybe one day I'll have a friend die and he'll send emails to me and I'll print them out to put them together and see a ghostly face. Sounds a lot like a movie that's coming out shortly. I'll try that TV thing when I can see some real proof. Go ahead call me scared because honestly I am a little. People have things that haunt them for years and I have the ghost that I saw 8 years ago and it still freaks me out to this day. Maybe I shall go on the Montel Williams show on a Wendesday and talk to Sylvia Browne about it [:p]

Post July 25th, 2006, 12:20 am
Master of Puppets User avatar
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Originally posted by e-man

Uh-oh MoP, there is clearly a ghost of Wayne Brady's non-smiling face hiding on your TV screen. I'd sell your house and get away from there if I were you.

I'll hang out here and risk it I think [:)]

I just got this house like two weeks ago, I can't move out yet...

Post July 25th, 2006, 8:55 am

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Location: Kettering, England / Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Under more investigation MoP it appears there is a face in your TV, just the definition wasn't great enough to pick it out. Here's the actual image, my advice is to get the hell away from there and as far away from America as possible


Post July 27th, 2006, 1:51 pm

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i do very much belive in ghosts to the point where i have been in to tammworht castle on a hunt night looking for ghosts. ive seen strange thing and hurd weird things inside the place but the one night we where waling up the stairs and seen an old lady standing at the top and when the camera was pointing at her she walked into the bedroomat the top of the stairs nd was not seen of found in there. when the tape war reviewd there was nothing on there appart from a shaddow that drifted that way and dissapererd but yet 5 of us seen it.

so do i belive i really do
Making screams come true

Post July 29th, 2006, 5:01 am

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It's not like I actually believe in ghosts, but so many different cultures have this common idea, even primative cultures have references to ghosts or "spirits". This is also an argument for religion. Things like "great floods", etc. are common threads throughout many cultures and religions. How does one explain this? I don't care to try. I just find the idea of ghosts interesting. Remember that this is not a phenomenon created by television. Having said this, I have no concrete evidence to believe in ghosts.


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