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Blacking out

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Post August 1st, 2006, 10:18 am

Posts: 202
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Has anyone here ever started to balck out on cirtain roller coasters. I usually do on batman the ride. How about anyone else. The fact that I am a tall person doesn't help.(higher center of gravity)
Last edited by jcf1 on August 1st, 2006, 10:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post August 1st, 2006, 10:21 am

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No... I don't. You shouldn't black out, the pos. g's are not enough.
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Post August 1st, 2006, 10:28 am

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Sort of. When I was in Florida, after a nearly two weeks of solid coaster riding whenever there were any strong G's my vision would go black for a couple of seconds, just after the G's were over. (Usually at the top of an inversion would be when it happened) I don't get it anymore, I went to thorpe park a few weeks after and I was perfectly fine. It wasn't so much any of the rides themselves, just the fact that I had been riding so many coasters for so long, with no real breaks in between.

Post August 1st, 2006, 10:36 am

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For me it is only on cirtain coaster somtime when there are sestained high g's for a long period of time. e.g. the helix on Nitro and Goliath. The reason for someone blacking out is when g forces pull the blood away from you brain.

Post August 1st, 2006, 10:45 am
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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^Ehh? I believe the blood rushes to your head when there is air and sinks when there is positive G's because the blood and internals keep going while your body is held by the restraints, but I'm probably wrong.

Post August 1st, 2006, 11:08 am

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I always have it when riding Bobbejaanland's Typhoon. Right after exiting the loop and before entering the first MCBR. It's kinda fun. It's like everything becomes technicolor, and then it fades to black. I also have a VERY small one on Black Mamba, in the beginning of the loop. But on Black Mamba it's just technicolor and it doesn't fade to black afterwards.. Like I said; a small one [:)]

Post August 1st, 2006, 11:13 am

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The helix on Titan like on Goliath, has 4.5 G's and I've started to black out once, but didn't because I started getting used to it later, so now I don't even lose sight now.

Post August 1st, 2006, 11:13 am

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Originally posted by Wing-Over

Sort of. When I was in Florida, after a nearly two weeks of solid coaster riding whenever there were any strong G's my vision would go black for a couple of seconds, just after the G's were over. (Usually at the top of an inversion would be when it happened) I don't get it anymore, I went to thorpe park a few weeks after and I was perfectly fine. It wasn't so much any of the rides themselves, just the fact that I had been riding so many coasters for so long, with no real breaks in between.

What coaster did you ride?

Post August 1st, 2006, 11:19 am

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All of them. (Except some of the family/kiddie ones)

Post August 1st, 2006, 11:34 am

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I have blacked out at the top of Nitro's helix and also in Colossus at Thorpe Park in the quadruple heartline roll. It didn't really agree with me lol.

Post August 1st, 2006, 11:37 am

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Post August 1st, 2006, 2:21 pm

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Originally posted by SixFlagsOverTexas

The helix on Titan like on Goliath, has 4.5 G's and I've started to black out once, but didn't because I started getting used to it later, so now I don't even lose sight now.

Same with me and nitro.
I have blacked out at the top of Nitro's helix and also in Colossus at Thorpe Park in the quadruple heartline roll. It didn't really agree with me lol.

I don't on Nitro anymore because I learned how not to.

Post August 1st, 2006, 2:38 pm

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Originally posted by alton_

I have blacked out at the top of Nitro's helix and also in Colossus at Thorpe Park in the quadruple heartline roll. It didn't really agree with me lol.

Thats different thought surely? The heartline rolls on Colossus have little G force at all, only hangtime when you go over. No heavy positives or anything, and not enough negatives to do the opposite either. Maybe you just felt sick and feinted? [xx(][:p][:D]

I never have i dont think. But i havent been on that many coasters. [xx(][:(][V]

Post August 1st, 2006, 2:57 pm

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I think it can be fun because it is like an unexpected suptise that makes your heart race.[:D]

Post August 1st, 2006, 2:58 pm

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sfmm goliath @ the helix usually, but not the last time i rode it, and scream @ the first loop, and batman @ the loop going into the zero g roll or barrel roll or whatever it is

Post August 1st, 2006, 3:25 pm

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Originally posted by hyperdude

sfmm goliath @ the helix usually, but not the last time i rode it, and scream @ the first loop, and batman @ the loop going into the zero g roll or barrel roll or whatever it is
Me and baman the rides do not get along. Scratch that me and most inverted loops don't get along.

Post August 1st, 2006, 5:34 pm

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Originally posted by jpecool

Originally posted by alton_

I have blacked out at the top of Nitro's helix and also in Colossus at Thorpe Park in the quadruple heartline roll. It didn't really agree with me lol.

Thats different thought surely? The heartline rolls on Colossus have little G force at all, only hangtime when you go over. No heavy positives or anything, and not enough negatives to do the opposite either. Maybe you just felt sick and feinted? [xx(][:p][:D]

I never have i dont think. But i havent been on that many coasters. [xx(][:(][V]

Feeling sick, definitely! I will never ride Colossus at TP. I couldn't see through the whole of the last turn lol. But i hadnt eaten that day so thats probably why lol.

Post August 1st, 2006, 6:56 pm

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Wow in Johannesburg (sp) South, Africa, Tower of terror at Gold Reef City has 6.3 G's, and I coul;dn't handle 4.5 the first time I rode Titan.

Post August 1st, 2006, 7:06 pm

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While at was at Cedar Point it happened to me on the first drop on Millenium Force. As strang as it is it didn't happen to me on any other coaster

Post August 1st, 2006, 7:11 pm

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Blackouts? Heh, never happened for me. Never had tunnel vision, never had technicolor, nothing.

Post August 1st, 2006, 7:12 pm

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Post August 2nd, 2006, 11:13 am

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for some wierd reason whenever I come out of the loop on B&M Batman clones, I get really dizzy and start seein like spots and whatever. Thats the only ride I get any sort of problem on.

Post August 2nd, 2006, 12:10 pm

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Yeah that happens to me sometimes when I'm near the front on the Irn Bru Revolution. I had a half RED-out on Magnum Force

Post August 2nd, 2006, 12:36 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Originally posted by jcf1

Has anyone here ever started to balck out on cirtain roller coasters. I usually do on batman the ride. How about anyone else. The fact that I am a tall person doesn't help.(higher center of gravity)

On Batman I black out on the first loop then I black out again on that turn after the second loop. On Xcelerator I'll occassionaly start blacking out at the first overbank, then if that does happen, my vision is pretty fuzzy by the end of the second overbank, then once you slam into the brake run all the blood rushes back into your head and I can see just fine again.
Goliath I black out during helix.

Those are the only rides that I've blacked out on.

Post August 2nd, 2006, 12:38 pm

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Poltergeist gets me every single time. Kiss that JJ.


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