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MF cartexture

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Post August 9th, 2006, 10:38 am

Posts: 202
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Location: USA

I was wondering if any one knew where I could get a Millennium Force cartexture of if anyone could send me one. Thanks in advance

Post August 9th, 2006, 12:11 pm

Posts: 2892
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Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Please don't tell me you are fixing the color, adding a cartexture, etc. to someone ELSES recreation. And, please don't tell me you are making a recreation. Either way, you lose. I'd prefer the second one, but make it good and take your time.
X2 ??? Intimidator 305 ??? Millennium Force ??? Iron Rattler ??? El Toro ??? Fury 325 ??? Maverick ??? Skyrush ??? Twisted Timbers ??? Voyage

Post August 9th, 2006, 1:17 pm

Posts: 202
Points on hand: 2,184.00 Points
Location: USA

The reason I am asking for this is because I have seen many and have tryed to download one and it wouldn't download and thought someone here might have it. So please reply

Post August 9th, 2006, 2:41 pm

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Believe me TiePilot35 is right do not upload millennium force to this site. Every body did just that and it became annoying. For the future don't upload a recreation of TTD also that was just as bad!!! Once I saw 2 uploads of TTD direct after each other. [|)]

Post August 9th, 2006, 2:58 pm

Posts: 1674
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Location: IA, USA

geez. why dont we knock down his spirits before he even starts it? damn. you guys are pathetic. if he wants to make a recreations offer help, a suggestion, dont shoot him down.

Post August 9th, 2006, 3:28 pm

Posts: 202
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Location: USA

Post August 9th, 2006, 3:43 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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^me agrees with ragan, what does the coaster in the exch. have to do with some coaster jcf1 want's to make? if you look at the exch. you can't build any type of coaster because that style has been used over a trazillion times

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