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alton towers! (no pictures yet though

Visited a theme park and have a wild time?!? Post your trip report here and tell us all about it!

Post July 7th, 2008, 3:27 pm

Posts: 1605
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Location: UK
my first trip report!

so, where do i start? at the start yay! so we boarded the coaches at 7:15 and had lotsa fun with sweets and shiznitz, then we got to the park around 10:15, and were in and registered by our teachers at 10:30. My friends and I (5 of us) ran straight to nemesis, 3 of us (the two others were too chicken) ran into the nemesis queue. The line moved quickly so we were on in no time, but we were forced into the middle because of some annoying people. It was fun nonetheless.

We then proceded to skyride over to rita were we had some fun time on the back seats before proceeding to burger king goodness! we then went on hex, which is still as awesome as i remembered(people full on aplauded at the end, this was strange as we never did before, but meh it is a good ride)

after sed clapping-ness me and my best friend went and rode oblivion while the other pansies rode the rapids, we then went to spinball whizzer where me and my friend lost the pansies again who decided to ride squirrel nutty for some reason, so my friend and i went on spinball whizzer which had a 50 min wait, we went single rider and waited about 5 mins... yeah. we had to ride the kiddy dragon coaster in the corner...6 times, i got a static shock because i touched a support. It was in fact freaking hilarious! our last ride before buying an inflatable hammer and going home was duel, i got a score of 44200, i was happy [:D]

i will post pictures as soon as possible, but i cannot quite yet since they are on my friend's phone.
Last edited by Adrenaguy on July 9th, 2008, 10:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
Cradled by two loving arms that I'd die for,
One little kiss and Felina goodbye.

Post July 7th, 2008, 3:35 pm

Posts: 4357
Points on hand: 5,766.00 Points
Location: Cannock, West Midlands, United Kingdom

now take a deep breath................................. and exhale. next time do it in more than one centance ok lol

sounds like you had a pretty awsome day.
Making screams come true

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