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New iPod Line (pretty sexy)

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Post September 12th, 2006, 2:18 pm

Posts: 2052
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Apple just released a new version of just about all their ipod products. I think the nanos look pretty cool.

Post September 12th, 2006, 2:25 pm

Posts: 4357
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Location: Cannock, West Midlands, United Kingdom

sorry but ipod is crap. there are much better mp3 players out there than the easily breakable, expensive ipod. the creative zen for example.

i personally dont like the ipod and never have and this new version promots nothing new.
Making screams come true

Post September 12th, 2006, 2:43 pm

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Location: USA

lol I have a zen [;)], I'm well aware of all the other mp3 players out their and their abilities as well; however, like the mac amongst the various forms of pc's, the ipod line is just the logical solution for most, whether you like it or not.

and my zen breaks just more easily and more frequently than any ipod I've seen.

Post September 12th, 2006, 2:47 pm

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there pretty kool theres not much difference except color a little thiner and the battery last longer...ive got a nano but if it ever breaks i think i'll get one of these babys maybe a green one?

Post September 12th, 2006, 4:06 pm

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Location: Kettering, England / Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

iPods are on the way out I'm afraid, sales are plummeting and looks like Apple is going out of thier way to do anything to keep people intrests. I'm sorry, but new colors and slight adjustments to the size is just not going to cut it. Niether will flashing LCDs, plug in boom box speakers, back massarge to the music beat device or any other pointless shiz that Apple tries to chuck in

Post September 12th, 2006, 4:32 pm

Posts: 404
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Location: Los Angleles, CA, USA
apple's not the one making those POS's tho

apple just needs to releas their full screen ipod and, imo, they will get a bajillion more dollars from people like me that spend mooney on products like that

Post September 12th, 2006, 4:54 pm

Posts: 2052
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Location: USA

lol the one problem with the ipod is that.... everyone has one already. and I think they realized that its gonna be a while before they can possibly get another record breaking sale. with that said, they still dominate the market for the most part.

Post September 12th, 2006, 5:00 pm

Posts: 76
Points on hand: 2,316.00 Points
I don't see much of a difference at all with the new iPod. I used to have a Zen Vision...I JUST sold it on Ebay. It sucked completely. It's clunky, has horrible Podcast handling (IT CONVERTS THEM TO VIDEOS. SAY GOODBYE TO BATTERY LIFE!), breaks down all the time (sometimes randomly froze maybe once every 10 minutes), etc etc etc. It has some cool features and stuff, but it's a bit expensive and it just isn't as good as it sounds. I'm considering either an iPod (either 8GB nano or 30GB regular...depending on eBay prices), a similar MP3 player (but might not be able to trust it), or sticking with my CD player (= having to tape it to myself to make it more portable :( ).

Post September 12th, 2006, 5:29 pm

Posts: 3185
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Location: USA
I definitely think Apple made a good choice going to aluminum on the nanos. Before when they had the plastic front they were very scratch prone. The shuffle clip is also a good idea. I had one of the older ones and it was hard to keep it from bouncing around if I was running with it on a lanyard.

Post September 12th, 2006, 5:53 pm

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iPods are overpriced when you can get something that does the same thing for much less. (except isn't structured for iTunes) ... 6855609003

Compare that 2gb player (the price I mean) that plays videos and displays pics to a 1gb iPod shuffle. ... 6855101413

The nano's aren't too bad and support more formats, etc. but the difference wasn't that great on a nano I found. Half the capacity and still nearly twice the cost. It's also a bit larger. While it does support common formats, with the other player you can still convert them, and ipod doesn't have recording nor FM tuning. ... 6855101448

Well I'm not going to say any more since I haven't tried any of the players, but so far the mp3 player at the top is the one I'm going for since the ipods simply look like rip-offs. Edit: I meant the price.

Post September 12th, 2006, 6:13 pm

Posts: 2052
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Location: USA

Originally posted by gotenks

I don't see much of a difference at all with the new iPod. I used to have a Zen Vision...I JUST sold it on Ebay. It sucked completely. It's clunky, has horrible Podcast handling (IT CONVERTS THEM TO VIDEOS. SAY GOODBYE TO BATTERY LIFE!), breaks down all the time (sometimes randomly froze maybe once every 10 minutes), etc etc etc. It has some cool features and stuff, but it's a bit expensive and it just isn't as good as it sounds.

The difference in the regular iPod is the things you can't see on the site without either a bit of reading or watching that "special presentation" video. The new ipod has stuff like easier, live searching for those with huge libraries, games (which btw look very fun, and now I know why there was that speculation of the nvidia chip for the ipod. they look really smooth), movies, brighter screen, more battery life, etc.

In regards to the Zen Vision, yea that was my original impression of it. However, they're coming out with a new Zen Vision W, they have the Vision:M (basically the iPod rival), and they have the new Vision V's which are pretty cool imo. With that said, the Vision W still looks like its only an upgrade, and the price hits too hard to even consider.

Post September 12th, 2006, 6:43 pm

Posts: 332
Points on hand: 5,058.00 Points
With regards to the nano, get a sansa e200 series, they're just way better, not to mention they have MUCH better for the Zen stuff, I've heard mixed reviews, so I dunno much about that. As for the iPods themselves...I would NEVER buy one. They're ripoffs and they, too, have had quite a fair share of the "i cash a lot" market from what I've seen.

Post September 12th, 2006, 7:00 pm

Posts: 2052
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Location: USA

I think the nano color situation is kinda stupid. why would they make only one color for the 2gb model, 4 colors for the 4gb model, and 1 color for the 8gb model????

Post September 12th, 2006, 7:40 pm

Posts: 404
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Location: Los Angleles, CA, USA
coasteragent, have you even looked at the new ipod line, and plus, who would buy a DAP that costs 90 dollars from a company called Super Talent? I wouldn't want to waste that kind of money on that thing...

Post September 12th, 2006, 7:50 pm

Posts: 2052
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Location: USA

^agreed. also, coasteragent, how can you say an ipod is a rip off when most of these newer mp3 players made by others came out after the ipod?

Post September 12th, 2006, 8:55 pm

Posts: 1008
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Location: Illinois, USA

About the creative zens...I stepped on mine awhile back (I seriously stepped on it pretty hard, full foot and all) and it still works perfect. Slight dent in the actual casing, but no harm to anything else.

Say that about an iPod.

Post September 13th, 2006, 1:47 pm

Posts: 2052
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Location: USA

its your own damn fault if u step on it... if you leave your mp3 player on the floor, no matter how durable, it shouldn't be there in the first place. besides who wants to go around with a dented up mp3 player

Post September 13th, 2006, 5:32 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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To those that say the iPod sucks ... would that be why iPods occupy 75% of the mp3 marketshare and iTunes occupies 90% of it's marketshare? Hmm ...

The one reason why iPod+iTunes is such a popular combination, is because it's EASY. There is NO other mp3 player that is so well created, reliable, of good value and that has it's OWN computer media application, created by the same company. This is why it rocks, everything runs so seamlessly. They also cheapened all of their lines , while significanly improving them.

And My iPod has been dropped many times, and no damage whatsoever. All Apple products are built in a very solid manner, none of that cheap Shiz. And does no one remember the iPod that was run over multiple times but just wouldn't die? Yea ...

Post September 13th, 2006, 6:05 pm

Posts: 406
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Location: Ontario, Canada

Instead of an iPod go for the Toshiba Gigabeat S. It beat out the iPod and the Zen Vision:M in Cnet's prizefight. See here - ... ml?tag=txt

Post September 13th, 2006, 6:25 pm

Posts: 337
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Location: AL, USA
I have a 2gb iPod nano. I REALLY like it. The only problem is that it just doesn't hald as much as I would like. I also have a 512mb first generation iPod shuffle. I really like it too, but it just doesn't hold enough to be in every day use.

I could never go for anything other than iPod though. I am in love with iTunes, and I have bought a lot of songs from the store, so I can only play those in iTunes.

Post September 16th, 2006, 10:14 am

Posts: 625
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Location: Denver, Colorado, USA
This is redicoulous, it's like twice a year that something comes new from them, but when we wait for windows vista, not saying i am going to get it, but yet they have been a few years late now.

Post September 16th, 2006, 10:16 am

Posts: 2864
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Location: Monroeville, PA, USA

Trying to create a whole new operating system from the ground up while trying to keep compatibility with the old Windows OSs is a tad different than restyling and updating an MP3 player. I see what you're getting at though.

Post September 16th, 2006, 11:44 am

Posts: 1180
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Location: Texas, USA

i probably would never buy an ipod again until mine just defunct. they're very expensive, and the only reason i bought one is so i can listen to my CD's without rummaging through my room.

that.. and Apple is flooding the market too fast. I doubt these new ones will spark anything like the video.. except for the rich kids at school.

Post September 16th, 2006, 7:47 pm

Posts: 5286
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Location: USA
Originally posted by gazag

sorry but ipod is crap. there are much better mp3 players out there than the easily breakable, expensive ipod. the creative zen for example.

i personally dont like the ipod and never have and this new version promots nothing new.

Strange, had my iPod for over a year and Ive subjected to multiple drops, extreme heat (sitting in my car for 5 hours in 110 degree heat outside which is like 140 inside), extreme cold (same thing but other way around in winter). Ive done pretty much everything they say not too and there is NOTHING wrong with it other than some surface scratches.

Unless of course you plan on throwing your player across the room, running it over with a car or simply being irresponsible - its plenty strong enough.

Post September 16th, 2006, 10:20 pm

Posts: 2052
Points on hand: 4,906.00 Points
Location: USA

^they're talkin about the 5G iPods. the old ones were a lot more durable.


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