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New iPod Line (pretty sexy)

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Post September 16th, 2006, 11:41 pm

Posts: 5286
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Location: USA
What the Nanos? In that case, they arent any less or any more durable than any other flash player on the market. I could break either as easy as the other.

I was speaking of the 20GB + - ya know, the ones what occupy the most their sales? lol

Which, I might add, are supposed to be easier to mess up since its a real hard drive, not a flash drive.

Post September 16th, 2006, 11:45 pm

Posts: 2052
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Location: USA

umm, yea they're talking about the NEW 5G ipods. the video ones, not the nano's or mini's. the 5G ipods (30/80gb;harddrive based) are actually quite easy to break. but you're right, the 1st and 2nd generation ipods are very durable.

Post September 20th, 2006, 4:37 pm

Posts: 206
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Location: Salem, NY, USA

Lmao: here's something you might not know: statistics about iPods:
black iPod nano: 8g, 2,000 songs, holds pictures and songs (NOT VIDEOS), plays some really bad games (you have to buy the good ones; not sure these even work with the nanos, but they probably do)
black/white iPod video (the smaller one): 30g, 7,500 songs, holds pictures, songs AND videos, plays really bad games, but can buy the new ones (KEY WORD VIDEOS, MORE STORAGE)

Now that you've read all that, your thinking "what's so funny about statistics?" Well, my friend,

now why in the name of all things holy would you buy a nano over the video WHEN THEY'RE THE SAME PRICE??????
well, one answer is the size blah blah blah more portability blah blah blah, but the pockets in MOST pants sold today could EASILY fit an ipod video.

LMAO apple has sunk pretty low on this one

Apple = DERH

Post September 20th, 2006, 6:22 pm

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Location: Camarillo, CA, USA

Post September 20th, 2006, 6:31 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Lmao: here's something you might not know: statistics about iPods:
black iPod nano: 8g, 2,000 songs, holds pictures and songs (NOT VIDEOS), plays some really bad games (you have to buy the good ones; not sure these even work with the nanos, but they probably do)
black/white iPod video (the smaller one): 30g, 7,500 songs, holds pictures, songs AND videos, plays really bad games, but can buy the new ones (KEY WORD VIDEOS, MORE STORAGE)

Now that you've read all that, your thinking "what's so funny about statistics?" Well, my friend,

now why in the name of all things holy would you buy a nano over the video WHEN THEY'RE THE SAME PRICE??????
well, one answer is the size blah blah blah more portability blah blah blah, but the pockets in MOST pants sold today could EASILY fit an ipod video.

LMAO apple has sunk pretty low on this one

Apple = DERH

Because not everyone wants to have that much room, or lug around that big of a piece of hardware. The nano hahs a huge size advantage over the 30GB model. What it comes down to is how effective it is per size, since I could make a 500GB iPod, but it would be fricken huge. So like I said, some prefer the sleek, sexy, small nano, and others prefer the larger amount of space, videos, yet larger size overall.

And you are retarded.

Post September 20th, 2006, 7:08 pm

Posts: 2748
Points on hand: 4,830.00 Points
Location: Medinah, Il, USA

Well I have had my old blue mini iPod for maybe 2 years nothing wrong at all no scratches or nothing... I have dropped it multiple times and sometimes dogs accedentally step on it... Anyway recently I got the new 30g iPod video and gave the mini to my mom so she can listen to her old school crap. Nothing wrong has happened yet, the battery is pretty good because I work out my batteries so they last a weeks time, then I let it charge. So otherwise I am hooked on iPods!

Post September 20th, 2006, 7:21 pm

Posts: 1275
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Location: Bay Area, CA

Actually, I own an iPod...The battery's gonna die soon as it's 2 years old. My brother has the iPod mini (which got booted out for the POS plastic nanos). His mini went through the washer one time when he accidentally left it in his pocket and all we had to do was let it sit for a few days. After that, it worked like new (And was nice and shiny too!). Mine (3rd Gen iPod) has survided many drops on hard floors and is still working fine. Honestly, I wish that these newer iPods would continue to stick with the touch buttons like the 3rd gen instead of actual push buttons. My brother's wheel now occasionally gets stuck when you hit Menu. Besides that, I think the iPods are great.
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Post September 22nd, 2006, 1:49 am

Posts: 122
Points on hand: 4,068.00 Points
Location: Moreno Valley, CA, USA
I had a mini up until a few days ago when the battery finally tanked (you cant change them in the minis) and would turn off every 15 minutes even with a full charge. I picked up a 30 gb ipod video, damn is it sexy. F the rest they're just crappy imitations. Example: my mp3 player was a creative MuVo (sooo damn awsome looking and thiny), I had never dropped it until one nite when we (family) were waiting outside of Chili's and i dropped it for the bench i was sitting at from about a foot and a half in the air, it broke instantly. The mini I dropped down about 13 concrete steps at college, tripped and fell on, accidentally threw a medium sized mag light at AND steped still worked, hope the new video can live up to it's lofty resistance


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