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Seeking info on "ubuntu 6.06" (Linux)

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Post October 6th, 2006, 10:05 am

Posts: 5626
Points on hand: 5,993.00 Points
Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

Hey folks, I am looking for some information/guidance here. I have been thinking of changing my OS at home to Linux with 'ubuntu 6.06 LTS' as the distribution. Does anyone have any experiencing with this one? I have been doing some research this week on different types available (at of course, but I am mainly seeking your expertise on this (for those that are experienced in Linux). Naturally, if you have experience with one that is better by all means tell me about it ... but I am really tired of Microcrap and it is time to move onto something new. I have been playing with Knoppix (live boot CD) all month in school, and I think I have finally decided to get away from XP for good. Thoughts? Advice?
Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all.

Post October 6th, 2006, 10:20 am

Posts: 1983
Points on hand: 3,285.00 Points

Ok, I'll start torturing you first.

I have tried Ubuntu for myself and can tell you it's very similar to the way windows runs. It's the newbie Linux distro which makes it really easy for the new people to get into it. Hence why it's very similar to Windows itself.

You are going to have a lot of trouble with things like .mp3 and all this rubbish. Drivers are sparse and you are going to run into constant problems 90 percent of the time with the hardware issues. It comes fully fledge which means it has all the open source software already installed such as GAIM (Instant Messenger) GIMP (Photoshop Similar). With this already integrated it takes longer to install than Windows does.

To be honest, you speak rubbish when you said you had enough of this Windows crap. Tell us your issues and we solve them.

Linux seems to look great and fantastic from the outside. Hey, no WGA, nearly all Linux software is Free! No windows update!

It does look good, but once you're there, you've just realized you've wasted your time. I think the only thing Linux will ever be truly good at is using it on server platforms.

Why are you asking us for? Buy VMware and set up a Virtual Machine. That'll be the only way you'll satisfy yourself.


Post October 6th, 2006, 10:39 am

Posts: 5626
Points on hand: 5,993.00 Points
Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

Matt - you need to throttle down and remember who you are talking to .... basically, stop being yourself. How quickly you forgot who got you back in the WWS good graces, but anyway, I am an MCSE and am so utterly familiar with MS that it is time for a change on my home platform, that is all. If you cannot be helpful, shut your hole.

.... and THAT, is "Pure Pwnage!"

Post October 6th, 2006, 11:00 am

Posts: 5626
Points on hand: 5,993.00 Points
Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

Not too make your hands hurt more (I can call ya later if it would be easier -- LOL), but does it support DVD programs or perhaps Apple or MS Media Players?

Post October 6th, 2006, 11:08 am

Posts: 5626
Points on hand: 5,993.00 Points
Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

Hmmm, all good information. Thanks Mike, that gives me something to go on this weekend to research further.

Post October 6th, 2006, 2:24 pm

Posts: 2052
Points on hand: 4,906.00 Points
Location: USA

I've used Ubuntu before, I do not remember was distribution it was, but it was a while ago, so I probably couldn't help you much. Besides, I haven't used it excessivley. And for all I know, I'd probably be wrong about it [:p]

Post October 7th, 2006, 8:57 pm

Posts: 2052
Points on hand: 4,906.00 Points
Location: USA

relax, I was just tryin to ease some of the bad tension from previous threads

Post October 7th, 2006, 9:42 pm

Posts: 404
Points on hand: 1,600.00 Points
Location: Los Angleles, CA, USA
i downloaded the distro (friends told me it was a good linux) but never got around to burning the disk image, then i got an iMac and i am more tan pleased with it

but you probably won't want to get a new system and everything

i've heard fedora 4 is really good, but that's about it, i'm mainly out of the linux loop because my partition magic magically stopped working half way through the job and crapped my hdd

sorry if this was no help

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