yea, and I finally got around to post it. BTW, blame the spelling error on RRollergod because I copied and paste it from his email as I wasn't sure how to spell it.
Leisberg og liesburg sounds like some russian park [;)]
Its a 32 seat version. A bit smaller than skyhawk, which I believe is a 40 people version. I think the S&S screming swing is fun, but way to short. Hopefully LiseBerg will run it with longer cycles.
Btw, there was a accident at LiseBerg yesterday. In one of their worst seasons ever it happend again yesterday, just 5 hours before the where closing for the season. A woman panikked when riding their Log Flume, and tried to get out of the log right before the big drop. She fell out, and in the bottom of the drop she was hit my the next Log coming down. Its unknown yet how badly wounded she is. With this and the accident earlier this year on liseBergs Banan this have been one of their worst seasons ever (since there was a colission on their scenig raliway about 50years ago). It realy sad seing this happening in one of the most guest friendly parks in the world (I guess you have seen the Robb Alvey video?)
Anyways this Screaming Swing is great news, and I'm also very happy that it has been confirmed that they will not take out any rides for either the 2007 or 2008 season.
Edit: I just realised that this one will be placed on the LiseBerg mountain as they call it. (I'ts the mountain where LiseBergs Banan is placed) It will propably give a great view over the whole park while being on the ride. This must be one of the best possible locations for a screaming swing![:D]