Edit: With the original woodie plans being submitted in 2003, and it was said to have a 5 cars with 6 person per car. Maybe the original plans where for an Intamin woodie? Seing as Heide park is pretty close and in the same chain (wasn't it bought up by tussauds around that time)
Originally posted by gazag
youve made some good points here. rita was taken from another park but was offered to alton towers as a cut price coaster cuz the other park couldent afford to progress. i personally think rita is a great ride as all other launch coasters are tall and massive where rita is low and fast with some real good G's.
youve made some good points here. rita was taken from another park but was offered to alton towers as a cut price coaster cuz the other park couldent afford to progress. i personally think rita is a great ride as all other launch coasters are tall and massive where rita is low and fast with some real good G's.
yeah I didn't mean its a bad ride[;)] I'm sure is awesome, but it could have been so much bether. Just lovering the ride a few meters would have been great. Maybe adding a trench, maybe even a tunnel![:p] I'm a big fan of the rocket coasters, and Rita looks like no exception. But if they only had used its potential!