I have never bought a beer or anything alcoholic at a park, I would rather actually stay hydrated by drinking water or something.
And if anyone brings up the "well I hate seeing drunks", come on, go get the security dude instead of just standing there complaining. Or just sit there and laugh that they paid admission to the park and then wasted probably double that on 3 beers.
I don't think alcohol should be sold at any theme park because people are already stupid when they are sober. Example is like that kid who got his head knocked of when he climbed the restricted fence at SFOG. So why the he*l would we want to mix alcohol in the scene?
why not, it's texas..
one of the most American states, and i believe that, even though some of us can get retarded when we drink , we live in a country where all of us as citizens are responsible for our own actions. so yeah..
Most EVERY park is already selling beer or other alcoholic beverages. Have you heard of any major problems at the Busch parks? What about Dorney, SFGAdv, and the others the sell alcohol?
how the hell are there more no votes then yes???
why would it matter?
if people want to waste there money on alcohol at a theme park, then let them.
its their decision to over pay for it at a park, haha.
i personally would choose other places to drink, but hey, if you want to drink at a park, go for it.
you might even get some entertainment in the lines watching the dumb drunks, haha.