HEY! It's 12:03 here, and I just got home from seeing Saw 3, and holy shyt! I am one of the most desensitized people I know, and this movie grossed me out! THAT NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE! The gore is WAY over the top for the average movie go-er. You must have a strong stomach to watch this as the gore is way over the top. I recommend that you watch the first two movies before watching this one, as it reverts back often, so unless you have seen them, you'll be lost. Also, I don't recommend seeing this movie alone...in fact, the more people, the better. You know how a scary movie is less scary when you watch it with other people than just by yourself? It kinda works with the gore aspect to. Other than that, enjoy the show! Saw 3 is a must see for any horror fan! <I'll post more later, as I am extremly tired, and want to go to bed>