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John "The Mouth" Kerry

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Post November 2nd, 2006, 10:49 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Not to mention the inability for Bush to speak coherently at all. I will not even get into the service record of Rove.

Bush speaks just fine, imo.

Post November 2nd, 2006, 10:59 pm

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Wow arguing about how well, Bush speaks. People have that sometimes, dosen't mean they can't think straight or they don't have the mine to do it. Also the president doesn't make all the decisions, he has a final say, but he dosen't always make the decision and everyone goes with it. Senators and people vote for these. So basically peple saying our president is stupid has to think about it. Congress and others vote for the things the president vote for as well.

Post November 2nd, 2006, 11:01 pm

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Originally posted by jayman

[approve]very well an ex-service member i am in no way in the least offended by what kerry said.. no matter how it's interpreted. however it WAS a stupid thing to say, if not for any other reason than the timing and he should have known it would be used to try to incriminate him...

I couldn't agree more, and Kerry should keep his mouth shut until after the elections.

Post November 2nd, 2006, 11:05 pm
jayman Premium Member
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Originally posted by jonrouse11

Wow arguing about how well, Bush speaks. People have that sometimes, dosen't mean they can't think straight or they don't have the mine to do it.

with this i will agree.... in fact it shows candor...personally i like the way he talks.. he goes out of his way to sound like he's as simpleminded as his biggest fans, identification with those who follow you is an admirable trait and i'm, sure he's practiced it dutifuly.. focusing on how he talks draws attention away from what he says.. which in my opinion is far scarier.

Post November 2nd, 2006, 11:59 pm

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I am an active duty member with three years left until I receive a full retirement from the United States Air Force ... and I support my Commander in Chief both professionally and personally.

Questions? No? I didn't think so. [approve]
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Post November 3rd, 2006, 12:26 am
jayman Premium Member
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i have one.. would you have said the same thing in 1999[:O]

Post November 3rd, 2006, 10:08 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Drummerkid, using the word "genocidal" is a bit unfair to the guy, I mean come on.

I agree in general with your view, I just think you have a great career in something that involves stretching the truth with vocabulary like advertising, politics, or as a salesman.
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Post November 3rd, 2006, 2:27 pm

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[lol] Jay ... not even for a second, and that was a matter of public record.
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Post November 3rd, 2006, 9:38 pm
jayman Premium Member
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the reason i asked was because i seem to remember how popular it was for many service men to be very outspoken against clinton,( trust me.. i think he was a good president, but i didn't like him enough to vote for him) but NOW it's considered offensive to even THINK about speaking out about the cic that has our military basically trapped in iraq. i remember MY oath, it was to honor any cic , no specific names were mentioned...
another question... do you feel as if your commander in cheif shares your same faith based views regarding the future of the middle east.. ?

Post November 4th, 2006, 12:44 am

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Middle East: That is a loaded question Jay and could require a thesis to answer (from a biblical stance, personal faith-based stance, and of course professional stance) ... but I shall just say, 'yes', and be done with it.

Your memory of the oath however, seems to be slipping:

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

You will obey the orders, but you do not have to love the person in the job. Clinton however ... well, if I did what he did, I would get a nice sentance at Ft Levenworth, Kansas (that is a Federal Pen for those that do not know) - yes boys and girls, being found guilty of the charge of 'Adultery' gets you prison time in the military. However, he - as the leader of all the Armed Forces - gets nothing and his wife even gets to hold a position as a Senator and possible POTUS candidate. Yeah, that is a fair call, thanks.
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Post November 4th, 2006, 4:19 am

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I'd rather be led by a guy who has an affair involving only oral sex than a president who is responsible for the deaths of thousands upon thousands of humans....

Post November 4th, 2006, 1:08 pm

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E-man, uhhhhhhh .... opinions vary? Although I cannot remember Bush shooting anyone, but I would rather you said thank you to the men and women who see the bigger picture in fighting terrorism and thus are willing to give their lives; than see another person willing to join the line of protestors to speak out against what we have gone and done, willingly and voluntarily I might add. [V]

But again, opinions vary ......
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Post November 4th, 2006, 1:19 pm

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I love our troops dearly and support them in every way, and I have friends who are in Iraq so it's not like I'm completly disconnected from our troops, but I think it's awful that they are being sent by the droves to fight in a war with no plan, and they are going unprepared (thanks cheney). As you said though, opinions vary. And that's the way it should be, if EVERYBODY thought the way I think or EVERYONE thought the way you think, we'd be screwed.

Post November 4th, 2006, 1:27 pm

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As a Christian, I really don't know who to support anymore.

I heavily disagree with the Republican notions about war, and I honestly can't believe that so many conservative christians support all of this attacking when Jesus clearly said "love thy enemy". I believe that all we are doing by invading Iraq is creating more hatred and contempt for America. The whole reason that Afghanistan doesn't like us is because we screwed them over after helping to fend of the Russians back in the early 80's. We started the war in Iraq based on false 'intelligence', and because we attacked a soverign nation, now there is so much hatred for America that we stand no chance of winning over it IMO. These countries aren't evil super-powers... we made them that way by abandonment and war-mongering.

Plus, here is an interesting statistic that I find disturbing. While the GOP took control of Congress while Clinton was in office, they began investigating every single thing he did. Between 1994 and 2000, there were almost 1000 objections and investigations approved by congress against President Clinton's prochedures. And how many have been done since Bush took office? You guessed it... NONE. Something needs to be done about the complete failure in policy that took place before 9/11, the responce to Hurricane Katrina, what lead up to the invasion of Iraq, and definitley an invenstigation into what let Bush sleaze his way into ofice during the 2000 election. Something has to be done about all of these complete errors in White House policy.

Plus, there is the matter of the national debt. REGANOMICS DO NOT WORK!!! I'm sick of seeing big companies getting all of the breaks and the already wealthy Republicans voting time and time again to raise their own pay, get their own companies out of debt, but refuse to raise minimum wage. That, my friends, is a conspiracy.

But then again I don't agree with the Democrats either, because they support many issues that are also clearly aginast Christian beliefs, and I cannot stand the way in which their highest ranking government officers behave. Theyh are like children, hungry for revenge and willing to do anything to get it. So, I'm stuck in the middle. I'm probably still voting Democrat because I'm more against Iraq, the GOP's handling of the Bush administration, and the ridiculous greed of the Republicans who claim to be christian fundamentalists than I am against the few issues I disagree with on the Dems, but I'm still not sure. This country is messed up, that's for sure, and I fear that we may be gradually digging our own graves.

Post November 4th, 2006, 2:32 pm

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Post November 4th, 2006, 3:11 pm
jayman Premium Member
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i haven't got much tolerance for defeatism. besides, the usa is not an empire, we are a democratic republic. we have in place a system that's constantly rotating. on teusday hopefuly we'll see a turn for the better...
i would like the person in charge of policies intended to stabilize the middle east to be someone who believes it's possible. i'm pretty sure our president does not.. i feel as if his deepest "in his heart " beliefs disqualify him as a good candidate for the job. hopefully we can elect a congress that can change this, not out of spite or malice, but for the best intrests of all americans, and the rest of the world. my worst fear is that a democratic congress will just spitefully let the middle east situation go to shiz just to say "i told you so"
right now i see "not losing" as a far bigger priority than "winning"

Post November 4th, 2006, 3:52 pm

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Good point Jay, I too hope for some policy improvements after this election but who knows how "America" will vote -- certainly has not been a whole lot of voting with intelligence in the last, say, 20 years. But, I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt, that as long as I am alive there will never be "peace" in the Middle East. (I cite the books of Daniel, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Revelation as my source.) ;-)

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