Good: Very unique controller, people said it was hard to get used to but once you do it never gets old. The graphics may stink but it is still more powerful then the original Xbox (That is a fact, though I lost the website were I read that from). Games are fun and once the online games come out for it it should be great. Price is cheap.
Bad: Graphics outdated, controller straps break easily (They were recently recalled my Nintendo and will be replaced with better straps).
Good: Games have more content, better AI and more effects. Blu-Ray player and online is free. Hard drive is removable and you can load Linux. It has a web browser, what that will come in handy for on a Console, I don't know, unless you don't have a PC.
Bad: Price is way to high. Games have poor graphics (Debate me if you want on this, but I have Gears of War and beat the game and have never seen anything better in my life, even on PC's. Even reviewers say it is the best they've seen). Your power bill will be $40 extra a year (That is a fact, Again can't find source.)
Xbox 360:
Good: Good selections of games are available. Ton's of accessories like Live camera (Playstation fans, I know it is an EyeToy copycat) and the wireless headset. Works with windows (I don't care if you say Windows stinks) and can stream video, pictures, and music off it. Graphics are great (Epic showed Microsoft what Gears of War would look like with less memory and with the current amount of memory (The Xbox 360 originally had only 256MB of memory and Microsoft increased the memory total to 512Mb because of what they saw).
Bad: Still costs $300-$400. Still has some bad games. Has backwards compatibility but doesn't support a majority of the original Xbox games (yet). The power supply is huge (Think of something big, no bigger. That is how big the power supply is.)
In my opinion, all 3 consoles are great. I have an Xbox 360, saved up for a PS3 and am trying to find a Wii. Each caters to different people; PS3 caters to hard core gamers, Wii for family gamers and for those who want something different from the hitting button scheme of playing games, and the Xbox 360 takes up the rest of the space.
For those of you who are comparing the graphics of the PS3 and Xbox 360:
http://www.gamespot.com/features/616274 ... es;title;1
This only compares games that are on both consoles.
Sorry for all the words.