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off to spain

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Post January 1st, 2007, 9:33 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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some of you peeps probably knew this allready but i'm leaving this shizty country for a few days to spain. Everyone who is in madrid between 2 and 6 januari. Beware! A Dirk is on the loose! [:D]

Also i'm heading off a day to parque warner. It's been 2 years ago so you can expect some footage. Onrides arn't sure yet but if there are coming onride videos, expect a video from the floorless [:)]

Cya later guys!
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Post January 1st, 2007, 10:25 pm

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Superman la Atraccion de something-or-something or whatever looks really cool. It's the only floorless I can think of without a twisted first drop! Also, it has no MCBR, so you know the speed will stay fairly constant throughout the duration of the ride!

Also, the woodie at that park (the current name fails me, but it was Wild Wild West a while ago) looks pretty intense! Looks like you'll have a load of fun at the park.
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Post January 2nd, 2007, 3:24 am
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Oh noes! He's meeting up with DjJavixxxxxxx [lol]
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post January 2nd, 2007, 3:36 am
hyyyper User avatar
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Originally posted by GerstlCrazy

Superman la Atraccion de something-or-something or whatever looks really cool. It's the only floorless I can think of without a twisted first drop! Also, it has no MCBR, so you know the speed will stay fairly constant throughout the duration of the ride!

Also, the woodie at that park (the current name fails me, but it was Wild Wild West a while ago) looks pretty intense! Looks like you'll have a load of fun at the park.

looks pretty straight to me

Post January 2nd, 2007, 3:51 am

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He said It's the only floorless I can think of WITHOUT a twisted first drop.

Post January 2nd, 2007, 4:12 am

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Yes...krazyt is correct. I do recall stating what he said [:)]
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Post January 5th, 2007, 6:29 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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Hi everyone, i'm in an internet cafe currently that is on walking distance from my hotel. I've got an onride video from superman la attractrion de acero. Too bad stunt fall was closed. The trains were taken off the track probably for maintenance. So no onride from that coaster. The woody still sucks terrible. Also finally ridden the kiddy coaster x?????????D Too bad the other park is only open in the weekends. Or else i would have ridden abismo and tarantula. Those coasters look seriously awesome. The DS Supernova arcade doesn't has the update onto it so it's totally crap to play onto it. I'm still on for about 50 min before my internet hour is over. I'll probably speak ya guys again when i'm home.

A few responses on quotes:

Originally posted by WeeWeeSlap

Oh noes! He's meeting up with DjJavixxxxxxx [lol]

Nope, I deleted javi and he deleted me on msn. No meetup... lol

Originally posted by GerstlCrazy

Superman la Atraccion de something-or-something or whatever looks really cool. It's the only floorless I can think of without a twisted first drop! Also, it has no MCBR, so you know the speed will stay fairly constant throughout the duration of the ride!

Also, the woodie at that park (the current name fails me, but it was Wild Wild West a while ago) looks pretty intense! Looks like you'll have a load of fun at the park.

The woody is pretty lame. No lats, no airtime, just a few positives and for the rest only crappy shakyness! Terrible bumps in the track. But superman is just awesome in the back. First drop, -0.5g, 1g top of the loop, 0.8g top of the immelman, 0g on zero g roll. Airtime hill, floater till -0.8, corks, nice and quick. The other 2 hills: -0,5 and -0,3. There is soo many airtime in this ride. Seriously awesome!
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Post January 5th, 2007, 10:11 am

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Both Kraken, and Insane Speed at Fancy World have straight drops. Medusa at Marine World. Straight drop too (y).
I open a window to that statement my friend.

Post January 5th, 2007, 10:12 am

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Post January 5th, 2007, 1:45 pm

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-.8 on the big camelback? Somehow I highly doubt that...I'd expect something like -.2 maybe. I've seen a professionally done G graph from that ride (albeit from the front row) and there weren't any negatives nearly that strong on that hill or any other. Since the drop side is about the same as the incline, not significantly steeper or having a smaller radius, the front negatives on the first half should approximately equal the back row negatives on the second half.

I forget what the G graph said but I'd guess the loop had a little less than 1 G up top, probably somewhere more around 0 to .5 at the lowest. That's just from experience on the three floorlesses I've ridden: Medusa SFGAdv, Dominator (which has the best loop I've been on, amazing floater air), and Batman Dark Knight. Those experiences, combined with the onride I've seen of Superman, lead me to believe that the g's may be less than your approximation.

I'll check that graph later and give you some exact figures.

Edit-I checked my values, and what I said was correct. With 50% loading, max positives were 3.72 and max negative magnitude was -.25, found in the 0-g roll, on that camelback, and on one of the last few hills. The loop was at about .5 g's.

Thanks for the reviews though, always nice to hear about rides that few people around here have been on.

Post January 5th, 2007, 7:02 pm

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Originally posted by english coaster guy

Both Kraken, and Insane Speed at Fancy World have straight drops. Medusa at Marine World. Straight drop too (y).
I open a window to that statement my friend.

Haha yeah I forgot to think about those. Don't forget Hydra!
1-Millennium Force | 2-Intimidator 305 | 3-Fury 325
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Post January 6th, 2007, 7:31 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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dcs, the g-graph sounds interesting to see, can you send that to my e-mail? Anyway, that were just my feelings from the backrow. The first drop has only in the rear 2 rows feelable airtime. But you will see my onride video from the backrow as soon as i get back home and wws will accept my video over IM [:D] It's the last day for me here now, i'm flying back in the evening. Tommorrow a DS supernova tournament. So if wws has a few delays, the video should be online in less then a week [:D]

I'm still online for about 1.5 hours. If you?????????d like to talk to me still in spain. Go ahead x?????????D
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Post January 6th, 2007, 8:58 am

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Location: Devon, UK
Have a Sangria on me pal.
Hope you had a lovely holiday.

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