Hey, I have had a problem not with my computer, but with my sisters, actually its her problem but yeah...
A power surge hit the computer, and now it won't start up at all, which is a problem because she has had it since 2001 and no she did not backup a single file. So we need to get her files off... But how? I tried sticking her hard drive in my computer since they are about the same, but no use, it just kept rebooting. I tried putting my power sorce into her computer, and it started up but there was just a black screen. Now i put her computer back to the way it was hard drive back in, and power source and it still won't start up at all, Which i firgured. So is there any way to get those files off besides haveing to go to best buy, and having to pay $100 which is a rip off i think, or compusa. Any way to get the files at all like through DOS? well if you could help it would be very well thanked.
Well thank's for your time.