I know how to convert all the m/s thing and use all the color coded things. But the one thing i cant figure out how to do is get all the segments the exact same length. Could some won help me.
If youre talking about what i think youre talking about then, all you have to do is take a look at the track length and divide it by the number you want you segments to be. [i.e. If you want your segments to be 5 feet and your track length is 2500 ft, you divide 2500 by 5 and you get 500]
^I do that but when i split the segments i can never get them the exact same length.
To get all segments the same length, use the ahg. Color the spine black, use a heartline value of 0 and as many segments as you want. Viola, you have a unbanked unheartlined track with a lot of equally spaced segments[;)]
New features: - Remembering last directory for original track loaded - Remembering last directory for AHG'ed track saved - Remembering all user-settings from last session - AHG'ed track will get "_AHG" added to original filename - Displaying length of original track - Displaying average friction coefficient, based on length and speedinputs - Updated list of recommended heartline-values for all styles in NL1.6 - Repeated "AHGing" allways using initially loaded track - Slight GUI overhaul - General functions (engine, colorcodes, etc.) as known from AHGv1.3 Note: AHGv1.6 provides the option to automatically set the segment count based on demanded segmentlength. If you want to use this option, open the AHG.ini (which is being created on first run inside the directory AHG resides in) and change "WantSL = 0" to "WantSL = 1". "SL = x.xxx" holds the desired length of one segment (This will change after AHG'ing one track and then hold the actual average segmentlength of that track).
Thanx to: - Redunzelizer for constantly nagging me about needed and "needed" features (bubbles and stuff...) and of course testing - Hansixx for nagging me and demanding even more features - and all the rest for testing and reporting bugs
Noo!! The day I decide to post my coaster, a better AHG comes out! And it was my first real attempt at a AHG too! Ugh! Im sure it would have turned out better if I used the new one lol
Accually I just tested it, it doesn't turn out diffrent if no settings are changed. Jus Kidding!
X2 ??? Intimidator 305 ??? Millennium Force ??? Iron Rattler ??? El Toro ??? Fury 325 ??? Maverick ??? Skyrush ??? Twisted Timbers ??? Voyage 250