Originally posted by ragan
i can tell you right now from the look of it your supports need more work. notice how the quote "better" people do supports...theirs are more realistic.
I do know that my supports suck! I know they need work! But I am fairly new to custom supports, and still learning the realistic look about them. I understand what you are saying, and it is the truth. I totaly agree that some people finish coaster way to fast!What I am trying to say, is that I would rather finish rather quickly, and then leave enough time afterwards to perfect things. My coasters aren't the greatest, and I know that I probably won't get past round 1, but I don't really care. If I fail, there are other contests in the future that I can give a shot at. I have some more things to perfect with Alumnea, and it still probably won't be good enough for the tournament. But, who cares. I gave it a shot.
I am sorry if I sounded mean earlier. I have had a bad week with teachers at school. I call a truce, and once again I am sorry ragan. I bow down to you [worship]. Just kidding! Even though I do respect you!