Hello all. I am taking a trip to Busch Gardens Africa on March 22nd through the 26th. I'll be bringing a camera so I'm wonderin' if WWS would host some pics that I'll be takin' down there. Also, I'll be leaving a Park Trip Report. I'm very excited to hit the new Floorless SheiKra because my Unlce (who I am traveling with) says it's off the hook! Also, I'll get to hit two of my favorite rides, Kumba and Montu! Gwazi, I did not get to go on last year due to ridiculously long waits, so if anyone has been on it, tell me if it's a good ride so that I'll be smart about waiting or not.
Last edited by GerstlCrazy on March 3rd, 2007, 9:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
^Yeah I know, was just reading about it [:(] Well that ruins half the trip. I really wanted to go on it! Maybe I can get some close-cap footage of station re-configuration due to the new trains. Anyway, now I can just look forward to Kumba, Montu, and Gwazi...oh yeah, and Scorpion thousands of times over and over and over. My little cousin adores that ride.
We were reserved onto a plane late tonight (originally), but unfortunately, most of them were cancelled due to "confidential purposes and procedures"...
...so we were sent home at three o'clock this morning [|)]
I am going to get all my pics saved onto the hard drive, and I'll have a trip report up by the end of the day. It was a blast!